Because there are many orders received during the day, the system gave Chu Chen a prompt very early that today's experience task was completed.

"It seems that the time when the experience task ends has something to do with the number of orders received."

Before that, he always experienced eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and it ended at about five o'clock this afternoon.

At this time, Su Chuqing suddenly called.

"Go to your third uncle's for dinner in the evening?"

Chu Chen heard Su Chuqing's invitation, thought for a moment, nodded his head and agreed.


After coming to the magic capital, Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan both live in Tangchen Yipin. Although Chu Chen can cook, his cooking skills are very ordinary, so the cooking is left to Mo Yuwan.

But recently, Chu Chen has acquired 16% of Prada group. Prada's internal personnel has been adjusted. There are many things to do. Mo Yuwan is busy.

"System, when will a mission come?"

"Reward a top cook?"

Chu Chen murmured.

"Every day is money, money, money. It's boring."

"Too much money. It's a kind of distress."

(the system secretly gives Chu Chen a middle finger and despises him. When you get those system rewards, you don't say that)

back to the place where Ferrari stops, Chu Chen drives, picks up Su Chuqing and goes straight to Su Chuqing's third uncle, Su Jingshan's villa.

When Chu Chen arrived, Su Jingshan was receiving guests.

He was a 26-7-year-old young man with a more handsome appearance.

"Oh, here comes Xiaochen and Chuqing?"

After seeing Chu Chen, Su Jingshan got up and said hello.

Knowing that Chu Chen has more than 100 million super runners and a pile of black cards, Su Jingshan's attitude toward Chu Chen has become extremely enthusiastic.

"Sit down, Xiao Chen. The meal will be ready soon."

Su Chuqing's aunt also said to Chu Chen with a smile.

"Introduce it."

"This is Ji Lingyu, the son of an old friend of mine."

"This is Chuqing's boyfriend, chuchen."

Su Jingshan introduced them.

Chuqing's boyfriend?

Originally, after seeing Su Chuqing coming in, the young man's face changed subtly. Especially after hearing Su Jingshan's introduction, Ji Lingyu's face became more delicate.

Su Jingshan also felt the atmosphere changed.

He is also very helpless, he only invited chuchen and Chuqing to dinner today, but unexpectedly, Ji Lingyu wanted to visit.

Su Jingshan and his wife once wanted to introduce her boyfriend to Su Chuqing, and Ji Lingyu was one of them.

After all, one is his own niece and the other is the son of an old friend.

More than half a year ago, when he went to Jiangzhou, he asked Su Chuqing to see Ji Lingyu's picture and wanted to make up for them.

But Su Chuqing refused directly, and the matter was over.

Coincidentally, Ji Lingyu has also seen Su Chuqing's picture.


Ji Lingyu greets Chu Chen with hostility in his heart, but he hides it.


"I don't know where Mr. Chu is?"

After sitting down, Ji Lingyu asked.

"Not to mention Gao Jiu. I've been driving in modern times recently."

"Valet, yes."

Ji Lingyu did not satirize, but nodded in agreement.

"It's hard work. It's ten or twenty thousand a month, or even more."

"But you don't have to sit in an office. It's very smart."

"Unlike me, I can only sit in the exclusive office of duling group every day."

The next second, Ji Lingyu's words changed, deliberately "low-key" said.

"Du Ling group?"

"Xiaoyu, did you go to duling group?"

Next to Ji Lingyu, Su Jingshan was very surprised.

Duling group is one of the top 500 enterprises in the world. Although it ranks lower, it's hard to enter the top 500.

"I just went in a few months ago."

Ji Lingyu explained.

"What do you do in duling group?"

Su Jingshan asked curiously.

"Nothing. I'm just the director of the design department now."

Ji Lingyu once again "low-key" said.

After that, Ji Lingyu secretly looks at Su Chuqing.

At the beginning, he was very satisfied with Su Chuqing. He was so beautiful, but he didn't expect to meet her at last.

Ji Lingyu is very sorry, and it's not good.

Today, he was surprised to learn that Su Chuqing had a boyfriend, and he was still a surrogate driver.

Suddenly he felt humiliated.

How can he say that he is also rich and handsome, and he can't compare with a kid who is a substitute driver?

He decided to humiliate Chu Chen and let out his unhappiness.Of course, direct abuse, humiliation Chu Chen, stupid will be like that.

He wants invisible, crush Chu dust, this is the most cool.

If can let Su Chuqing regret, that is better!

"In a few months, I will become the director of the Fortune 500?"

Su Jingshan was even more surprised.

Even in an ordinary company, it will take a long time to be promoted to a director, and it will be very fast for several years.

But Ji Lingyu, actually in a few months, became the director of the world's top 500 enterprises. Is his strength so strong?

"Has Mr. Chu heard of our company?"

Ji Lingyu asked Chu Chen with a smile.


Chu Chen nodded.

"I met song Zhongxian, your general manager, a few days ago. He invited me to play golf, but I was busy recently, so I refused."

Chu Chen is honest.

A few days ago, at Louis' banquet, Chu Chen met song Zhongxian of Turing group and Abner of Goldman Sachs Group, left his contact information and increased a large number of contacts.

At the banquet, song Zhongxian invited Chu Chen to play golf tomorrow, but because Chu Chen wanted to do the experience task, he won Patek Philippe earlier, so he refused and said he would play again when he had time.

Do you know song Zhongxian, general manager?

The most important thing is that the general manager invited him to play golf, but he refused?!

Chu Chen's words, like thunder, burst in Ji Lingyu's ear.

Ji Lingyu was shocked.

That's the general manager of the world's top 500 enterprises!

It's amazing to know each other.

Not to mention ordinary people, even some big men in Mordor would be very honored to be invited to play golf by President song. They agreed immediately.

But this Chu Chen, but rejected song Zong?

Dare to refuse song Zong, I'm afraid there are not many demons?!

Ji Lingyu was shocked.

Who the hell is this guy?

Beside, Su Jingshan and his wife heard Chu Chen's words, more convinced that Chu Chen's identity was extremely terrible.

Even the invitation of the world's top 500 general managers can be refused!

"The food is delicious today."

Ji Lingyu deliberately changed the topic in order to cover up his embarrassment.

He's really embarrassed. Originally, he wanted to pretend to humiliate Chu Chen.

Unexpectedly, they knew their general manager. Ji Lingyu was much more honest after that. After dinner, he didn't pretend again.

"Mr. Su, something happened."

When people were drinking tea in the living room, a subordinate of Su Jingshan suddenly arrived.

It brings a "devastating" news to sujingshan.

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