"Are you the representative of Ferrari group?"

Roderick does not know the specific identity of Chu Chen, but sitting here with Zhao Yuanliang, he must be a senior member of Ferrari group.

"Vice president of Ferrari, Chu Chen."

Vice president, too?

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Roderick was surprised that this young Chinese was the same as him.

"Mr. Zhao, I think it's much better for you to cooperate with McLaren than with Ferrari?"

As soon as he came up, Roderick explained his intention directly.


"Because we, McLaren, can give up some of our interests."

Roderick explains.

"If you sign a contract with Ferrari group, the profit will be average, but if you cooperate with McLaren, I guarantee that your profit will be at least one third more."

"Moreover, I am also the fifth largest shareholder of McLaren group. I have an important voice in McLaren group, and I can promise you more requirements."

Roderick pretends.

You know, there are many vice presidents in an ordinary group.

However, not every vice president will have shares in the group. Individual companies, even the president, may not have shares in the group.

For example, McLaren group, the largest shareholder and the second largest shareholder will not interfere in the work of the group unless there is a major event.

Every year they just give money.

The president of McLaren is only the third largest shareholder of McLaren group.

For another example, take Ali as an example. As a super group with a market value of several trillion, "Ma Da" is only the third largest shareholder.

As the vice president of McLaren group, he is also the fifth largest shareholder of McLaren, and he is already very powerful.

Absolutely crush the vice presidents of other companies, with more power.

"What, the fifth largest shareholder?"

Zhao Yuanliang is also very surprised, he did not expect, Roderick actually has such a heavy identity.

This identity is not comparable to that of a vice president.

After that, Roderick looks at Zhao Yuanliang and Chu Chen with a proud face, and he is very angry.

He is ready to accept Chu Chen's exclamation.

Knowing Roderick's important identity, Zhao Yuanliang is more polite to him.

"Well, vice president Chu, do you still feel competitive?"

Roderick asked Chu Chen with a smile, and the word "vice president" was specially pointed out by Roderick.


Chu Chen gave a dry cough.

"In fact, apart from the vice president, I am also a shareholder of Ferrari group."

Chu Chen originally wanted to keep a low profile, but now he can't tell the truth.


Roderick and Zhao Yuanliang look at Chu Chen and are curious about Chu Chen's next sentence.

"I am the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group."

Chu Chen said flatly.

Second largest shareholder?

Zhao Yuanliang's eyes were full of shock.


is Mr. Chu the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group?

As for Roderick, he almost slipped off his chair.

Second largest shareholder?

Oh, my God!

Even their president is only McLaren's third largest shareholder. Is chuchen actually the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group?

Roderick stopped talking for a second.

Somehow, he suddenly felt some discomfort on his face.

Can he, the fifth largest shareholder, compare with other people's second largest shareholder?!

It's a shame.

"I'm too good."

Zhao Yuanliang sighed.

Although Qiankun group's market value is not lower than Ferrari group, its international status and influence are far less than Ferrari group.

Looking at the happy communication between Zhao Yuanliang and Chu Chen, Roderick couldn't sit still.

Before he came, he assured the president that he would win the contract from Ferrari group.

But now...

"by the way, do you have time tomorrow?"

Roderick deliberately changed the subject.

"I'd like to invite you two to tea in Tangong tomorrow."

Roderick has been in China for some time. He loves Tangong and has made great efforts to use countless contacts.

Roderick finally talked to the owner of villa 16 in Tangong.

Now, as long as he makes the money, Tangong villa No. 16 will be his.

"What, Tangong?"

Zhao Yuanliang asked.

To tell you the truth, if Zhao Yuanliang wants to build a villa in Tan palace, he can.But that's what he has been able to do for decades on the basis of the accumulated contacts of Mordor.

But how long has Roderick been in Mordor? How can he get a villa in Tangong?!

It's not easy.

"How many villas did Mr. Roderick buy? I know some managers who live in Tangong."

Zhao Yuanliang asked.

"Villa 16."

Roderick shows off.

Villa 16?

Beside, Chu Chen brows a pick.

"Unfortunately, you're a little late."

Chu Chen said to Roderick.

"What do you mean, why am I so late?" Roderick asked, puzzled.

"I've bought the 16th villa in Tangong."

This morning to sign in task, Chu Chen got another two Tan palace villa.

One of the villas is villa 16.

Bought it?

Roderick heard Chu Chen's explanation, a face of disbelief, how can it be?

"Absolutely not."

He has already discussed with the owner of the 16th villa. Has he offered a sky high price?

The owner of villa 16 has no reason to sell it to others?

However, seeing Chu Chen sitting there indifferently, Roderick began to doubt and beat a drum in his heart.

"Sorry, I'll make a call."

Said to Zhao Yuanliang, Roderick took out the mobile phone, dialed the number 16 villa owner's telephone.


"You sold it this morning?"

Roderick was stunned to hear this.

"Who did you sell it to?"

"Chu Chen?"

Hang up. Roderick's sitting there. He's a fool.

Really, Chu Chen bought that villa one step ahead of him?

"President Chu lives in Tan palace now?"

Zhao Yuanliang asked, if Chu Chen lives in Tan palace, he can visit Chu Chen when he goes to tan palace to find old friends.

"Yes, I live in villa 11 in Tangong now."

Chu Chen answers.

"Villa 11? Isn't Mr. Chu the 16th villa he bought? "

Zhao Yuanliang thought he had heard wrong.

"It's villa 11. I have three villas in Tangong."

Chu Chen explained.

There are three villas in Tan palace?!

Chu Chen said this, even the air in the office seemed to solidify.

Three villas, three villas!

That's the villa of Tan palace, the first luxury house in Shanghai?!

Mr. Chu has three buildings!

I'm afraid the whole magic capital can't find the second person who has three villas in Tan palace.

After hearing Chu Chen's words, Roderick completely convinced.

He admits defeat, this contract he does not interfere, he does not deserve!!!

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