At the moment, Roderick's mood is very complicated. Originally, he just wanted to show off the Tangong villa he was about to buy.

In order to divert the attention of the shareholders.

But unexpectedly, he dug a hole for himself and jumped from one hole to another.

God, are you playing with me?

make complaints about Roderick's heart. If he meets one time, he will believe in Satan.

Now he is not only embarrassed to death, but also lost the villa of Tan palace?

Roderick wants to cry. He really shouldn't be here.

As for Zhao Yuanliang, after listening to Chu Chen's words, he was just as numb.

Three buildings?!!

President Chu has three villas in Tan palace!

Zhao Yuanliang swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Even he was deeply surprised.

In Mordor, he is also a top-level big man, with the heaven and earth group.

He has worked hard in mordu all his life and accumulated a lot of contacts, but even he can get a villa in Tan Palace at most.

As the most famous "Shanghai's first luxury house", Tan palace is a symbol of identity and status. I don't know how many big people are staring at it.

Not only the big men in Mordor, but also the rich people in other parts of the country pay close attention to Tangong.

To have a villa of your own in the first villa area of Mordor is a matter of great face.

Now, President Chu has three Tangong villas.

How terrible!

At the moment, Zhao Yuanliang has made up his mind that no matter what price Roderick offers, he will only sign a contract with Ferrari group.

If you can increase the total Chu such a network, even if it is to earn less, it doesn't matter.

Contacts are intangible assets. It's more difficult to increase contacts than assets!

Unfortunately, Zhao Yuanliang thought too much. After knowing Chu Chen's identity, Roderick didn't have any idea of competition.

"Sorry, this contract, we McLaren group quit."

Roderick couldn't sit still. He stood up and said politely.

If the largest shareholder or the second largest shareholder of the group is here, there may be another competition.

But he, forget it.

"Nice to meet Mr. Chu and Mr. Zhao today."

With a polite remark, Roderick left in a hurry. In Zhao Yuanliang's office, he couldn't breathe.

Zhao Yuanliang's work efficiency was also very fast. He directly ordered the staff to draw up the contract and print it out.

On the same day, Zhao Yuanliang and Chu Chen signed a contract.

Chuchen sent the contract back to Ferrari's division.

After the end, it was late, and Chu Chen drove to tan palace.


Tangong, a middle-aged couple seems to have just had dinner, walking in Tangong.

After all, it is the most luxurious house in Shanghai. The scenery of Tangong is not inferior to some famous scenic spots.


"Villa 11 is occupied?"

When the couple passed by Chu Chen's villa, the man said in surprise.

He is the owner of a villa nearby and has lived here for several years.

No. 11 villa has been uninhabited, the middle-aged man knows, did not expect that today there are people.

"A visit?"

The middle-aged man discussed with his wife.

After all, as a new neighbor, it's necessary to get to know each other.

And can live in Tan palace, absolutely not ordinary people.

The middle-aged man's name is Jiang Yongyan. He is the founder and chairman of the famous Jiang's investment group in mordu. He is the top boss of mordu.

Jiang's investment group is famous not only in mordu, but also in China.

In the magic city, Jiang Yongyan's status is no less than Du Wende of Du group, who gave Chu Chen this villa.

This kind of big man in Mordor pays more attention to the relationship and circle.

They will not miss any chance to expand their network and make friends.

Wide contacts, what matters, just say hello, a phone call thing.

To live in Tan palace, the owner of villa No. 11, is worth knowing.

Walking to the villa, Jiang Yongyan knocked on the door.

When the villa door opened, Mo Yuwan saw Jiang Yongyan and asked in surprise:

"who are you, please?"

"I'm your neighbor, the owner of the villa next to me, Jiang Yongyan."

Jiang Yongyan introduced.

"This is my wife."

"I've come to visit you."

"It's Mr. Jiang. Please come in."

They came to visit and were very polite. Mo Yuwan couldn't refuse them, so he invited Jiang Yongyan and his wife in.

Mo Yu Wan also introduced himself."Oh, does Miss Mo live here alone or with her husband?"

Mrs. Jiang asked curiously.

"We are two."

Mo Yu Wan and Jiang's husband and wife chatted.

"By the way, what does Miss Mo do?" Mrs. Jiang spoke.

Mo Yu Wan said briefly.

"Oh, I didn't expect Miss Mo to be the general manager of Prada."

After knowing the identity of Mo Yu Wan, Mrs. Jiang was very surprised.

On the contrary, Jiang Yongyan is very insipid.

"Who is your husband?" Jiang Yongyan asked.

"He's Prada's president."

"Well, that's good."

Jiang Yongyan politely replied, but he was very disdainful in his heart.

He came in the wrong way.

He thought he could make some big friends.

Even if the identity is poor, it should be similar to him.

But unexpectedly, it's just the president of Prada group.

Jiang Yongyan was disappointed.

If it is an ordinary person, the president and general manager of Prada group are absolutely superior.

But for Jiang Yongyan, prada is just the same.

After all, the current market value of Prada group is only tens of billions.

Although Prada's status and influence in the world is not low, it is just like that in China.

Moreover, his company and Prada can't compete with each other.

After knowing the identity of Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan, Jiang Yongyan sat up straight and put up the spectrum, not so polite.

Forget it, such a person is not worth it or worthy to make friends with.

"It's getting late. Let's go first."

Jiang Yongyan spoke impatiently and got up to leave.

At this time, Chu Chen drove back.

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