Today, it happens that Mo Yu Wan doesn't work overtime. Chu Chen is going to have dinner with Mo Yu Wan outside.

Time is still early, the two came to the shark carnival.

After all, this carnival was held for the first time in Mordor, and it was also the most grand one after it was listed.

Under the order of the high-level Shark Live Broadcasting, all the big anchors of Shark Live Broadcasting came, and there were more tourists.

However, there are also shortcomings, so that some never show their faces, or live in the beauty of the female anchor under the camera.

Those two dimensional goddesses, Lori, suddenly became tanks.

Of course, also let those really beautiful female anchor, in contrast, appear more beautiful, more fire.

However, when Mo Yuwan came to Shark Live carnival, she immediately killed all the female anchors, no matter in appearance or temperament.

This time, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan just casually come to have a look, Chu Chen did not go to the person in charge of the carnival.

Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan walk freely in the carnival.

On the way, a man in his thirties, wearing a gold necklace, with a mobile phone, was broadcasting live outdoors.

"Brother Zhou, on your left, there is a beautiful woman."

"How beautiful

"Brother Zhou, you must take this beauty."

"You invite her, I'll give you Shua rocket."

In the man's live broadcast, he accidentally photographed a side face of Mo Yuwan, which immediately attracted the attention of countless audiences, and the screen was swiped.

This man's name is Zhou Gongying. He is the outdoor anchor of Shark Live broadcast. Today, he is here to find beautiful women.

He wants to find three beauties and play some games with him. He has found two, but he is short of the last one.

According to the barrage, Zhou Gongying turned to look.

Next second, Zhou Gongying was stunned. It's really beautiful.

Originally, he thought that the two beauties he was looking for were already very beautiful, but compared with this beauty, they were nothing at all.

"I'll invite you right away."

To hundreds of thousands of viewers, Zhou Gongying walked quickly to Mo Yuwan.

"Hello beauty, I'm the outdoor anchor of Shark Live broadcast, Zhou Gongying. Now I have 10 million people's attention."

Zhou Gongying introduced himself. When he said "ten million" attention, he specially emphasized his tone.

It's definitely a big anchor to be able to get 10 million people's attention live in shark.

You know, even those super anchors who have been famous for a long time or are now popular have only paid attention to about 10 million or 20 million.

Zhou Gongying's number of followers is in the forefront of Shark Live Broadcasting.

"Now I'm going to do a show, and I want to invite you to be a female guest. Is that ok?"

Zhou Gongying said with a smile.

"Sorry, there's no time." Mo Yu Wan refused him directly.

Having said that, Mo Yu Wan and Chu Chen continue to move forward.


Even though she knew that she had 10 million concerns, she still refused?

Zhou Gongying was confused for a moment.

He has never met a beautiful woman who refuses to accept him after knowing that he is a big anchor.

"Brother Zhou, you can't do it."

"I can't even invite beautiful women, garbage. Bah."

"Brother Zhou will go after him again. That boy is just a little more handsome. Why does he have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

"Brother Zhou went up to pretend to be forced, crushed the boy, and invited the beauty over."

More barrage.

Zhou Gongying caught up again.

"The introduction just now is not careful. I'm the outdoor elder brother of Shark Live broadcast."

Zhou Gongying was forced to wear clothes.

Some time ago, with the strong support of the company, Zhou Gongying made the outdoor first brother before Shark Live Broadcast go on, and succeeded.

"If the beauty agrees to be a guest, the performance fee will be $100000."

Zhou Gongying looks like a rich man.

"Not interested."

Mo Yu Wan refused again.

Zhou Gongying didn't want to give up. At this time, a faint voice came.

"I'll give you a million. Go away."

Chu Chen doesn't want to be disturbed by Zhou Gongying.


Zhou Gongying was stunned. He didn't have time to smash the boy with money?

How can this kid use money to smash himself?

"Brother Zhou, this boy is challenging you."

"Can't counsellor, smash!"

From the live broadcast room, Zhou Gongying's design is "Shenhao", and his audience also think that Zhou Gongying is rich and powerful.

"Boy, do you think you are rich?"

"My audience here, each out of a piece, can kill you?"

Zhou Gongying banged again.

Chu Chen is too lazy to talk to Zhou Gongying. He takes out his cell phone and dials a phone."A anchorman named Zhou Gongying, forever!"

This call is to the general manager of Shark Live.

Beside, hearing Chu Chen's words, Zhou Gongying was stunned and then laughed.

"Boy, do you want to laugh me to death?"

"Ha ha ha."

"Who do you think you are, a phone call to me forever?"

Zhou Gongying didn't believe it at all. He had a big backing and was fearless!

Zhou Gongying comes from jianhuo mutual entertainment. His boss is a top-level kid in Mordor. He is also a high-level acquaintance with Shark Live.

Who can seal him up?!

Who has the ability to drive him crazy?

Not only Zhou Gongying, but also his audience.

"I'll go. This boy is crazy. Dare to talk to brother Zhou like this?"

"Our brother Zhou is an outdoor shark. Who dares to seal him?"

"Brother Zhou, teach this boy a lesson."

The audience kept firing bullets, but they suddenly found that Zhou Gongying's studio was dark.

Soon, a striking hint came out.

"The anchor has been sealed forever."

See here, Zhou Gongying those "keyboard man" audience, all stunned.

What happened?

Sealed, their brother Zhou is really sealed forever?!

Zhou Gongying is still beating.

"Boy, you may have some background, but it's in Mordor, hidden dragon and crouching tiger. I still advise you to keep a low profile and save later..."

before Zhou Gongying's words were finished, the assistant who just came by suddenly grabbed Zhou Gongying.

"Brother Zhou, your studio is gone?"

The assistant said in a trembling voice.

"How could it be?"

Zhou Gongying looked as if he believed in it and turned to look at it.

The next second, you have been forever sealed, five big characters into the eyes of Zhou Gongying.

It's sealed. Is your studio sealed forever?

Zhou Gongying is a fool.

How could that be?

Forever, really forever!

If he doesn't live, he will be finished. He still owes tens of millions of foreign debts?

No, call the boss.

The boss, as the most top-level junior in Mordor, can definitely help him.

To unseal yourself is a matter of a word from the boss.

Because of Zhou Gongying's "licking dog" skill, Zhou Gongying has a good relationship with his boss.

When Zhou Gongying was about to make a phone call, he suddenly thought of it.

"Who on earth are you?"

Zhou Gongying asked Chu Chen why he had so much energy.

However, Chu Chen's answer shocked Zhou Gongying even more!

"I'm the president of Shark Live."

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