President of Shark Live?

He's the president of Shark Live?!

Zhou Gongying was a fool. He ran into a passer-by. He was the president of Shark Live?!

Before, Zhou Gongying was just a medium-sized anchor, but relying on his "licking dog" skill, he fawned on his boss.

So it soared to the sky and expanded.

At the beginning, he even called the audience "Dad" and "grandfather" directly.

If his studio is not sealed forever, this guy says he is the president of Shark Live, he will never believe it.

But now the facts are here, and he absolutely believes it.

The president is too young.

Zhou Gongying was surprised.

At first, Zhou Gongying was a little flustered, but thinking about it, Zhou Gongying was suddenly relieved.

What's the president? He's nothing!

My boss is the top of Mordor. Even many rich people in Mordor should be polite when they see him.

And a shark president with a market value of more than 20 billion is nothing.

"Hello, President, I'm the anchor of jianhuo mutual entertainment."

Zhou Gongying calms down, straightens up and says to Chu Chen.

He specially pointed out where he came from, hoping that Chu Chen could understand.

"Bitches amuse each other?"

"Never heard of it?"

Chu Chen murmured in surprise.

Zhou Gongying's face turned black in an instant.

"Mr. Chu, listen to me clearly, it's to learn from fire and entertain each other!"

Zhou Gongying said sternly.

"The boss of learning from fire and entertaining each other is Jiang feishen, Jiang Shao

Don't want to talk with Chu Chen, Zhou Gongying directly to his backer, the devil is the top of the big young - Jiang feishen, Jiang Shao moved rough.

"Who is Jiang feishen, I haven't heard of him?"

Chu Chen shakes his head, what he knows is Du Wende, Gao Zhengqi, the big men of the magic capital, but he doesn't know Jiang feishen.


Zhou Gongying pointed to Chu Chen and sternly scolded:

"what's your attitude, believe it or not, I'll call Jiang Shao, you'll be scared!"

"Jiang Shao's identity is terrible, but you are not the president of Shark Live Broadcasting."

"Even the tycoons in Mordor, when they see Jiang Shao, they have to be respectful."

Chu Chen shrugged his shoulders and answered Zhou Gongying:

"at will."

"Good, good."

While talking, Zhou Gongying dials Jiang feishen's phone.

"Boss, someone insulted us and said we were bitches."

Zhou Gongying pretended to be aggrieved.


Hearing this, Jiang feishen's face changed immediately.

Although jianhuo mutual entertainment is just one of his many industries, it's just for fun.

But dare to say that his company, this is not his Jiang Fei Shen in mind.

"It's the president of Shark Live. Because of my words, he sealed my live room forever."

Zhou Gongying turned the tables.

"President of Shark Live?"

Jiang feishen was a little surprised.

Jiang feishen would not believe Zhou Gongying's words of "licking the dog"?

He's not a fool. As a top-level kid in Mordor, Zhou Gongying licks dogs a lot.

It may be of use.

Jiang feishen suddenly has a new idea.

It seems that this can become a fuse.

"I'll be right there. You wait."

Without waiting for Zhou Gongying to open his mouth, Jiang feishen said on his own initiative.

He is going to beat the president of Shark Live Broadcasting, and let him give a lot of resources to his "fire learning mutual entertainment",

now the live broadcasting industry is still developing, and the market value of Shark Live Broadcasting will certainly rise. If fire learning mutual entertainment can become bigger, he will get huge benefits.

"Don't worry, I will give you support, isn't it a Shark Live president?"

"What is he?"

Jiang feishen believed that as long as he passed, the president of Shark Live Broadcasting would immediately shiver and directly kneel and lick himself.

Hang up the phone, Zhou Gongying face excited.

"Boy, Jiang Shao will come right away."

Chu Chen shook his head and didn't care at all.

Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan continue to stroll in the carnival, he won't wait for that ginger little in situ.

Zhou Gongying followed closely.

More than 20 minutes later, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan come out from the exit of the carnival and are ready to eat.

"Why hasn't Jiang Shao come yet?"Looking at Chu Chen who is about to leave, Zhou Gongying is very anxious.

Zhou Gongying was just about to stop Chu Chen from eating. Suddenly, a huge super racing team galloped in the distance.

The first one is a koniseg with a price of more than 40 million, followed by a super car. Even the cheapest one has a price of 89 million.

With the emergence of this super racing team, it attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

In Mordor, super racing teams are quite common. After all, there are many rich people.

But like today's top super team, no one has seen it.

My God.

How much do these top super runs cost?

A few seconds later, the super racing team stopped in front of chuchen and moyuwan.

The car door opened and a thin young man came out.

Other super running, also come out of a group of younger brother like people, have surrounded by the youth.

The thin young man was smoking with a cold and arrogant look.

"Here you are, Mr. Jiang."

Zhou Gongying quickly ran over and flattered him.

"That's him."

Looking in the direction pointed by Zhou Gongying, Jiang feishen nodded slightly.

"You're the president."

A few steps forward, Jiang Fei said.


Chu Chen nodded, quite calm.

Looking at the calm Chu dust, Jiang feishen is not calm.

Why is the boy so calm when he sees himself?

It's unreasonable.

"I'm Jiang feishen."

Jiang feishen opens his mouth.

Jiang feishen's words surprised all the passers-by around him and talked about it one after another.

"I'll go. Is he the famous Jiang Shao?"

"You're the top kids in Mordor."


Chu Chen still shook his head to Jiang feishen.

"I don't know."


Chu Chen's words almost make Jiang Fei vomit blood, and there are people who don't know themselves?

"Well, I'll give you a detailed introduction. I'm the boss of jianhuo mutual entertainment, and I'm also the prince of mordu Jiangshi investment group!"

Jiang's investment group is well-known in Mordor, with a high market value, which is comparable to the real estate tycoon of Mordor and Du's group.

As the prince of Jiang's investment group, Jiang feishen's natural status is prominent.

"Well, now you know me?"

After that, Jiang Fei asked Chu Chen.

Jiang Feichen is waiting for Chu Chen to kneel and lick himself.

"Jiang's investment group?"

After hearing this, Chu Chen murmured, as if he had some impression. He had heard it there.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Chen suddenly realized and said to Jiang Feichen seriously:

"I don't know you, but I know your father."

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