No, I'm afraid ten million will be enough for him. Two or three million at most.

If you donate this money, Chu Chen may become the laughing stock of the whole charity dinner.

"Well, we'll see?"

Chu Chen lightly returned a sentence, don't want to argue with Kong Yongfeng here, just can say on the mouth.

"Ha ha."

Kong Yongfeng sneered. He really didn't take a fancy to this little guy that they haven't even heard of.

He will definitely be in the limelight at this charity dinner.

"We'll see."

With a sneer, Kong Yongfeng swaggered away with red wine.


Lu Junliang snorted coldly and said:

"Mr. Chu, this Kong Yongfeng is a junior. Don't have the same opinion with him."

"This charity dinner, Kong Yongfeng sent by the Kong family, is likely to make Kong Yongfeng take advantage of the opportunity to expand his contacts."

"Give Kong Yongfeng, the future leader of the Kong family, a reputation."

"The Kong family probably prepared a large sum of money for him. Don't be irritated by his provocation."

"How much to donate depends on your own strength. Don't mess about."

LV Junliang kindly reminds Chu Chen.

Mr. Chu is also young and energetic. Lu Junliang is afraid that Chu Chen will fight with Kong Yongfeng. In order to fight with Kong Yongfeng, he gives too much money, which is beyond his ability.

"This time, our Tangchen group has prepared 30 million yuan, and their Kong family will be several times more."

"No harm."

Chu Chen waved his hand.

It has a systematic "ten times rebate card" as its backing.

No matter how much Kong Yongfeng donated, Chu Chen would not be afraid.

Soon, the highlight of the charity dinner began.

An old man with silver hair and some vicissitudes of life appeared in the audience.

He is a famous rich businessman and philanthropist in Mordor, Mr. Li.

In order to do charity, Mr. Li specially set up a charity organization to donate money.

"Thank you for coming."

Mr. Li came to the stage and explained.

The main purposes of this donation are as follows: first, to build hope primary school for children in mountainous areas; second, to build orphanages and nursing homes for the homeless children and the elderly....

Mr. Li has also donated a lot of money for charity these years, so everyone believes in him.

After Mr. Li said that, the rich and the big men of the magic capital also spoke one after another.

"Mr. Li has worked hard. This time, our Bai family is willing to donate 20 million."

"We Haolin group are willing to donate 40 million to those children."


Whatever the purpose, these rich people have indeed donated a lot of money.

Among them, magic capital's Wonderland group, the largest donation, donated 100 million!

"Our Kong family is willing to donate 300 million."

Just when people marvel at the heroic spirit of Wonderland group, a sudden voice comes.

Under the public's attention, Kong Yongfeng stood up slowly and pretended to force: "our Kong family is willing to offer their love for charity."

Although it is said with high sounding, in fact, Kong Yongfeng is just trying to pretend to force him and expand his contacts.

It's absolutely worth the three hundred million yuan in exchange for the favor of Mr. Li, the tycoons and the rich.

"What, three hundred million?"

"This time, the Kong family has to donate 300 million!"

"It turned out that we looked at people in the crack of the door and looked down on the Kong family."

"Admiration, admiration."

After listening to Kong Yongfeng's words, the scene suddenly fell into a clamor.

Countless rich people look at Kong Yongfeng and admire him very much.

So they underestimated the Kong family.

They decided to meet Kong Yongfeng after the fundraising.

"Three hundred million?"

Even Mr. Li was very excited and said with a smile:

"thank you very much, nephew Kong Xian."

"Where, there, just a little money."

Kong Yongfeng's triumphant reply.

"Everyone seems to have donated, but one of them didn't donate a cent."

Kong Yongfeng was suddenly in trouble.

He has been following Chu Chen for a long time.

Before, he thought Chu Chen could donate millions, but he didn't expect that he looked up at Chu Chen.

He didn't even donate a cent. He was really poor.

"If you don't donate a cent, it's good to come here for a charity dinner. It's more shameful than the city wall."

Kong Yongfeng looked at Chu Chen and said sarcastically.

Looking at Chu Chen, the other guests are also disgusted.

Although there is no mandatory donation request for this charity dinner, after all, it is not an ordinary person.It's hard to say that you don't even donate a cent.

Stingy, is it like this?!

"It's OK. It's OK."

Mr. Li stepped forward to ease the atmosphere.

"As long as you have that heart, it depends on your ability."

"Never force."

Li thought Chu Chen might have special reasons, so he helped Chu Chen out.

"Who said I would not donate?"

The voice of questioning came.

"Charity does not depend on the amount of donation, but on one's conscience and situation."

Chu Chen spoke faintly:

"I didn't donate much, so I only donated one billion."

While saying this, Chu Chen wrote a check and gave it to Mr. Li.

Looking at the billion checks in his hand, even Mr. Li was confused.

For so many years, even Mr. Li has donated so much for the first time.

After all, it's just a small donation. It's not a disaster donation.

I don't donate much. I'll give you a billion, right?!

Donate one billion, not much?!

How much do you donate!

Looking at the check in Mr. Li's hand, the guests were shocked.

"Kong Shao is so powerful. I donated one billion yuan. What about Kong Shao?"

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