Chu Chen turns his head and looks at Kong Yongfeng. He asks flatly.

Kong Shao is so powerful. I donated one billion yuan. What about Kong Shao?

In the face of Chu Chen's problem, Kong Yongfeng was stunned and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Kong Yongfeng is confused.

How can it become the present situation?!

Kong Yongfeng really didn't understand.

A billion, he donated a billion?!

You know, even in the event of a major disaster, donations from individuals or enterprises are mostly in the tens of millions, not many in the hundreds of millions.

He thought that he said he would donate 300 million yuan, which is very powerful.

He will definitely be praised by the public, make the show and win a good reputation for himself and the Confucius family.

In the end, a chuchen jumps out?!

Donated one billion yuan and gave the money to Mr. Li on the spot?!

In an instant, Chu Chen grabbed his limelight and became the focus of the whole audience.

Kong Yongfeng doesn't know how to refute Chu Chen. He really can't take it out!

"This Mr. Chu is so loving."

"It's a model of my generation to donate a billion."

"Originally, I thought that the Kong family and nephew Kong Xian had donated 300 million yuan, which was already a lot. Unexpectedly, Mr. Chu actually donated 1 billion yuan, which is very powerful."

Waves of praise came.

All of these tycoons and rich businessmen are deeply moved.

"A billion?"

Looking at Chu Chen's check, old Li's right hand trembled and was extremely excited.

Mr. Li initially speculated that the charity dinner might receive about $5.6 billion in donations.

He's making up some for himself, trying to make up one billion yuan.

But I didn't expect that Mr. Chu had donated one billion yuan!

"Mr. Chu, on behalf of the children, the old people, thank you."

With that, Li bowed to Chu Chen.

Chu Chen quickly helped Li Lao, Li Lao is absolutely true feelings.

One billion is almost a watershed, not because Chu Chen is stingy and unwilling to donate more, but because this is Chu Chen's first time to donate money here.

Although Mr. Li has a high reputation in mordu, the water of charities is very deep, and some of them have turned black.

For the first time here, Chu Chen should be cautious.

Now looking at Li Lao's expression and action, Chu Chen feels that his money has not been donated wrong.

"After that, we will announce the specific uses of the money one by one, and welcome Mr. Chu to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the hope primary school and orphanage to be built in the future."

Li said with emotion.

Not only that, Mr. Li also plans to name the hope primary school that will be built in the future in the name of Chu Chen to show his gratitude.

"Why didn't Kong Shao talk?"

Sit down, Chu Chen asked a sentence.

Hearing this, Kong Yongfeng's face suddenly turned blue.

"It's OK. Nephew Kong has donated a lot."

At this time, Mr. Li suddenly asked:

"by the way, didn't nephew Kong Xian say that he donated 200 million to us before, why haven't we received the money yet?"

As soon as Mr. Li said this, the scene fell into a dead silence.

Just now, in order to pretend to be forced, Kong Yongfeng told everyone that his family had donated 200 million yuan to Li's charity.

As a result, I've been doing it for a long time. I'm just bragging. I haven't got the money yet?!

The ghost donated 200 million!!

The guests on the scene looked at Kong Yongfeng one by one.

The reputation of the Kong family really stinks!

"This... This..."

Kong Yongfeng was extremely embarrassed.

Indeed, just now he said that he had donated 200 million yuan, which is just bragging.

Including the present donation of 300 million, it is also exaggeration. Kong Yongfeng is not prepared to give so much.

A few months ago, Kong Yongfeng took care of a popular female star. From this female star, Kong Yongfeng learned this.

As a matter of fact, if you can postpone it until a certain period of time, only a small part will be taken out symbolically to deal with the matter.

It's impossible for anyone to look it up anyway.

How cool it is to earn a good reputation and pay less!

As a result, Kong Yongfeng overturned his car the first time he forced it.

He forgot that Mr. Li was here. It was really embarrassing.

Kong Yongfeng stammered and didn't know how to respond to Mr. Li.

"Maybe something happened to nephew Kong Xian. Forget it."

Mr. Li spoke again.

"It's simple. Today, nephew Kong xiannephew will hand in the last 200 million and this 300 million together."

It's not the first time that Mr. Li has met a person who only brags and doesn't donate money.

Mr. Li naturally has a way to deal with it.Now, in front of everyone, he doesn't believe it, and the Kong family still refuses to take it.

"Yes, Mr. Li is right."

Kong Yongfeng bit his teeth and nodded.

At the moment, his heart is bleeding, 500 million.

They're going to take 500 million at a time?!

Too much!

This is a huge sum of money for the stingy Kong family!

In fact, the Kong family only prepared 100 million yuan for this charity dinner, which is extremely rare.

Now, it's five times more.

In Kong Yongfeng's heart, there are 10000 people who are not willing to pay, but in the presence of so many big men and rich businessmen, if they can get rid of them.

Their reputation of the Confucius family is completely ruined.

In the end, Kong Yongfeng had no choice but to call his grandfather and tell him that he could not afford so much money.

"What, five hundred million?"

Master Kong was directly angry.

"You wait. I'll be right there."

"I'd like to have a look at Mr. Chu. Who is sacred?"

Master Kong said to Kong Yongfeng with a cold face.

Soon, Master Kong got in the car and went straight to the charity dinner.

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