In such a short time, I really can't find a suitable actor.

For this movie, they have been preparing for a long time. It's impossible to be like other movies or TV series. Just find a handsome star.

Every actor has to be very selective.

"How many performances do you need?"

Chu Chen asked casually.

Now I have nothing to do. If the shooting time is short, Chu Chen doesn't mind playing "friendship" and making a guest appearance.

After all, this is the film of our own company. If the film makes a lot of money, he will get the most profits.

But if it's a man or something, it takes a few months or even longer to shoot, it won't work.

"How long, not much, just a day or two at most."

The director thought for a while and answered Chu Chen seriously.

"A day or two?"

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows and said:

"if not, I'll do it."

"Well, Chu is coming?"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, the director said in surprise.

As a matter of fact, as soon as Chu Chen appeared, the director felt that no matter in appearance or temperament, Chu always was very suitable.

Even more suitable than the previous actor to play the role of a hundred billion rich.

This role is just made for you.

After all, Chu is always a real super rich man.

But the director knows Chu Chen's identity. How can the chairman of Tangtang Qianda film act?

And the director did not dare to invite Chu Chen directly.

But now, Chu Chen took the initiative to put forward, the director is naturally very excited.

"If Chu can always be a friend, our film will definitely sell well."

The director said happily to Chu Chen.

"By the way, I can be a guest, but my identity, don't expose."

Chu Chen specially told the director.

If his identity is exposed, too many people know him, and the system will give him experience tasks in the future, it will be troublesome.

After all, now Chu Chen's favorite is the experience task.

Although it takes a long time, the reward is too generous.

No, it's terrible.

What is the Ferrari group shares, Patek Philippe 100% ownership of what?

"No problem, President Chu."

The director nodded again and again, for fear that Chu Chen would go back on his act.

"By the way, after a while, can I call you Chu Shao directly?"

The director's head turns quickly and asks Chu Chen.


Chu Chen nodded.

Soon, under the director's arrangement, Chu Chen and the director arrived at the shooting scene.

Today's play is very important. It's a part of the opening, so the man and the woman have been waiting there.

As soon as Chu Chen appeared, he was immediately on the shooting scene, causing quite a stir and attracting the attention of countless beautiful actresses.

"What a handsome little brother?"

"Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Maybe a new comer."

There was a lot of talk.

Find Chu Chen, many actresses eyes have been unable to move away from Chu Chen.

"Go ahead, go ahead."

Afraid of delaying Chu Chen's time, the director just rushed back and announced the start.

"Director, I haven't been in a play. I don't know how to do it?"

Before the beginning, Chu Chen suddenly said to the director.

Hearing Chu Chen's question, the director showed a smile: "Chu Shao, you just need to be a little bit restrained, no other things."

The director's words shocked people even more.

The director explained some things and plot to Chu Chen politely.

Not far away, the man's face showed a trace of displeasure.

The male owner is not a complete little fresh meat star, but a traffic star with acting skills and beauty.

Originally, he was the man in charge. Now, how can he make this "Chu Shao" as if he were the man in charge and receive much attention?

The man was jealous of Chu Chen.

When Chu Chen appeared, people, especially the actresses, turned their eyes from him to Chu Chen.

Listening to the director's address to Chu Chen, the man subconsciously regards Chu Chen as a relative, rich second generation.

A kid who just pushed in by relationship.


Especially when the man saw that the woman's eyes appeared from Chu Chen and did not move away from Chu Chen, he became more jealous.

No mistake. I'm the man.

Soon, the film began to shoot.

It's just that something more unexpected happened to the man.He's been waiting here for a long time, but now he's shooting without him.

The man stood on one side, watching Chu Chen and the woman shooting, and the woman was affectionate to Chu Chen.

At this moment, it seems that Chu Chen is the master of men, and the master of men is a passer-by.

The man is more envious.

In an hour or two, it's done.

"Let's have a rest. We'll start tomorrow."

Cried the director.

Hearing the director's words, the whole man is not good.

What do you mean?

He's a man. He's standing here, and now he tells him that he's not shooting?

Is there any mistake?!

At this moment, the man wants to cry.

"Chu Shao, tomorrow there will be a private plane, as well as the mansion drama, you need to shoot."

"Because we rent tomorrow, we need to wait for tomorrow to shoot."

The director explained to Chu Chen in a low voice.

"A private plane, a mansion?"

Chu Chen brows a pick.

"What to rent? Just use mine. It's convenient and free of charge."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Hearing Chu Chen's words, all the people present were confused.

With his?

This handsome little brother has a mansion and a legendary private plane?!

Is that awesome?!

"That's great."

The director nodded excitedly.

"Wait a minute, everyone. Today we'll do another private jet scene."

The director said to the people who had not left.

The director is afraid of delaying Chu Chen's time, so he is ready to shoot Chu Chen's part first, and then shoot others.

Now Chu Chen says that, the director thinks there is still time.

Chu Chen made a call to Jiangnan airport.

As the top VIP of Jiangnan airlines, the airport prepared the venue for chuchen with a phone call.

Under the director's arrangement, the crowd rushed to the airport.

"Well, I don't believe it. What kind of private plane can you have?"

The man sneered and muttered.

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