How much is a private plane? I'm afraid any one will cost hundreds of millions.

How can you afford a private plane if you don't have tens of billions of dollars?!

In reality, think about what you all know about the people who own private airplanes. Which one is not a big shot.

I'm afraid this chushao private plane is very rubbish, ordinary or even second-hand.

It can't be very powerful at all.

The leading actor sneers in his heart, but he still wants to be forced. It's time to watch a good play.

He really didn't believe that Chu Chen could have any powerful private plane.

After all, Chu Chen is too young.

On the way to the airport, the director suddenly thought of something and fell into thinking.

Half an hour later, the crowd arrived at the airport.

Under the arrangement of the staff, they came to the special parking place for private aircraft.

Because I didn't receive any notice of private aircraft taking off or landing today.

So private jets are quiet here.

Chu Chen, they have plenty of time to shoot.

"That's my private jet. Director, you can arrange the shooting."

Chu Chen points to Bombardier global 7000 not far away.

The crowd followed the direction that Chu Chen pointed out to see, immediately issued a surprised voice.

"This private plane looks so advanced."

"It's my first time to see a private jet!"

"Chuchen little brother is very powerful."

Everyone was amazed. Most of the people on the scene saw a private plane for the first time.

The leading actor turned his head and his face changed.

"Hum, it's just that the appearance is more advanced. Who knows if it's expensive?"

The male leading role has a hard tongue and is still unwilling to accept the reality.

"Chushao, is this Bombardier global 7000?"

The director asked with trembling body, very surprised.


Chu Chen nodded.


The director swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked even more excited.

"Director, do you know this private jet?"

A nearby actress asked curiously.

"Of course, this is Bombardier global 7000, one of the most expensive private airplanes in the world. The annual production of this private airplane is very small, very small."

"In the world, the price of Bombardier global 7000 seems to be $4.5 billion."

The director sighed.

Because he wants to rent a private plane, the director has done a survey of private planes before and has read a lot of information.

Before, their crew rented a very ordinary private plane, but it also cost a lot of money.

And this is the most expensive private plane in the world. I can't believe it!

What's more, they can't rent a private plane of this level.

But I never thought that Chu always had a private plane of this level.

It's his boss.

One of the most expensive private airplanes in the world?!

The price of each private plane is four or five billion?!

After listening to the director's introduction, all the members of the crew were in a daze.

How can Chu Shao have such a powerful private plane?!

How rich!

Originally, like the director, they thought Chu Chen's private plane might be more ordinary.

But unexpectedly, it is one of the most expensive private airplanes in the world.

As for the leading actor, he was stunned. A private plane like this would cost hundreds of millions?!

The leading actor began to doubt life.

It's too far from what he thought.

He wanted to go to the theatre?

"Everyone pay attention to Chu Shao's private plane. It's the middle one. Let's gather under the middle one."

The director called out to the actors and crew who would like to see the private jet.

"Don't go wrong, everyone."

there are as like as two peas in three private aircraft. If anyone is wrong, he will be a little bit unmindful.

That's the end.

They can't afford to pay for such a private plane.

"No harm."

After listening to the director, Chu Chen added:

"these three private airplanes are all mine, so you can visit them at will."

Chu Chen finished, shocked the audience.

Three private planes, all Chu Shao's?!

All the people on the scene stopped, turned their heads in shock, looked at Chu Chen, and looked unbelievable.

They think that with such an advanced private plane, it is already very powerful and awesome.

But now they are told that the three Bombardier 7000 private planes are Chu Shao's.They all began to doubt life.

Sure enough, people are more angry than others.

Chu Shao, it's too inhuman.

You see, which rich people buy private airplanes, not one by one.

As a result, Chu Shao bought three at once.

How rich it is.

Local tyrant, no, God tyrant, super God tyrant!

As for the male leading role, it was even more shocking.


Three... Three private planes are all his?!

There's nothing wrong with your ears, right!

Now that Chu Chen's permission was obtained, everyone sped toward the private plane with deep curiosity.

We carefully visit, can not help but take photos, even the director is no exception.

After visiting for a while, under the director's arrangement, everyone started filming.

Just as before, the male leading role is still like a passer-by, standing beside the Lengleng watching.

The cold wind kept blowing on the actor's face.

Time flies, more than an hour, the shooting is complete.

Chu Chen is the real character to act, and his acting skills are naturally perfect.

One pass.

"We'll shoot the part of the mansion tomorrow."

It's late now. After filming the part of the airport, the director called to stop.

"Chu Shao, tomorrow's play of the mansion will be shot in your mansion?"

Asked the director.


Chu Chen nodded.

After chatting with the director for a while, I made an appointment to see you tomorrow, and Chu Chen left.

Looking at Chu Chen's distant figure, many beautiful actors have "love" in their eyes.

So handsome, so temperamental, and so rich?

It's hard to keep them away.

If there were not too many people here, I'm afraid there would have been female stars pestering Chu Chen.

"The mansion for shooting tomorrow is also provided by Chu Shao. I don't know where it is?"

While preparing to leave, people were curious to discuss.

"I think Chu Shao's mansion is definitely in the top villa area of Mordor, one of the top ten villas in Mordor."

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