Watching the elevator door close slowly, some onlookers, especially those who were afraid of money, went up and down the elevator.

What's the situation?

Are they right?!

This brother is so awesome.

It's not only that money doesn't deserve, but also that it uses the "special elevator" of money, and it also throws money out.

This is...


They did!

This brother is amazing!

Even if they borrow a hundred courage, they dare not do so.

It's great to do that.

But it completely offended Mr. Qian.

This brother is in danger. He has offended the shareholders of the company. His fate is unimaginable.

Qian always looks at the elevator rising slowly, and his face is as gloomy as water.

"Damn it

"Boy, yes, very well."

Qian always said angrily, this time he was really angry.

He is the chairman of a big company in Mordor. In the early stage of Shark Live Broadcasting, he invested in Shark Live Broadcasting and got 3% shares.

You know, there are many shareholders of Shark Live Broadcasting, but their shares are very small. Even the founder of Shark Live Broadcasting, Mr. Chen has only 14% shares.

Ordinary shareholders, like Mr. Zhang, the co-founder of Shark Live, only have a 3% stake.

His 3% share is not bad.

He's one of the owners of Shark Live.

But now, in Shark Live, he was ignored by others.

It makes money explode. Damn it!

Especially Chu Chen said that "you do not deserve"!

What's more, Qian is always furious. What's he not worthy of!

He's a big shareholder. He doesn't deserve to take the "special elevator"?!

"Check, check for me."

Qian always scolds the deputy director next to him.

"I must teach this boy a good lesson."

At ordinary times, no matter in his own company or in other places, he is a decision-maker and is licked and flattered by all kinds of employees.

Now, he was despised by a small staff of Shark Live broadcast. It's a shame!

No matter Zhang Zong or others, they subconsciously regard Chu Chen as an employee of Shark Live broadcast.

"Yes, Mr. Qian."

Deputy director quickly nodded, at the moment his heart is also a burst of shock.

Is that kid crazy?!

Dare to do so, always talk to money like this!

"Please calm down."

Deputy director of the mouth, want to calm the anger of General Qian.

"Please don't worry. I'll investigate the boy in a moment and give you a satisfactory reply."

"If he dares to offend you, he will suffer."

Just then, another elevator door opened.

Under the flattery of the deputy director, Qian always got on the elevator.


In the elevator, the sister who delivers milk tea stands with Chu Chen.

"Little brother, I'm the one who bothered you."

Sweet girl very remorse of the mouth.

She doesn't care. She's just a tea giver, not an employee here.

But this little brother offended the shareholders of Shark Live.


Chu Chen shook his head indifferently.

Shark Live shareholders, but also have 3% of the shareholders, ha ha.

"Soon, the rule that takeaway is not allowed to enter the elevator will be abolished. You can just sit back."

Chu Chen added.

"Thank you, little brother."

The younger sister nods, but the heart is still very worried about Chu Chen, is very remorse.

My sister's milk tea is on the seventh floor. It's on the seventh floor.

"Goodbye, little brother."

My sister said goodbye to Chu Chen.

Chu Chen took the elevator to the 11th floor where the conference room is located.

Because Chu Chen came earlier, there was no one in the meeting room.

Chu Chen looked around and directly sat in the front of the conference room, on the president's seat.

This is a very important board meeting after Shark Live headquarters moved to Mordor.

It was also the first time that Chu Chen presided over the chairman.

When Chu Chen sat there looking at his mobile phone, a burst of noise came from outside.

Qian and the deputy director also came to the eleventh floor.

Under the leadership of the deputy director, President Qian went straight to the conference room.


When the door of the conference room opened, President Qian saw Chu Chen sitting there at the first sight.

In an instant, the atmosphere became strange."It's you, boy."

Deputy director to see the total Lengshen money, so also look inside the probe.

No matter Qian Zong or deputy director, he never thought that he would see Chu Chen again so soon.

"Why are you here?"

Money is always surprised.

Boy, don't blame me. It's your bad luck that made me meet you so soon.

Qian always sneers in his heart.

When he was about to call the bodyguard behind him, he suddenly found something unusual:

"boy, who let you sit there?"

Qian always angrily rebuked Chu Chen:

"it's the position of the president. Can you sit there?"

"What are you!"

Usually, the seat in the conference room is his, but at the moment, in Shark Live, he can only sit in other ordinary positions.

This seat can only be taken by the president.

"There is really no education at all. It seems that I should teach you what rules are."

At this time, another step came.

A bald man came over, he is also a small shareholder of Shark Live, holding 2% of the shares.

"Brother Qian, what's the matter with you?"

The bald man asked warmly after seeing Qian Zong.

"Nothing. I just met a boy who didn't know the heaven and earth." Qian Zong's face was gloomy and he answered coldly.

"It's too presumptuous for a boy who hasn't grown up to be the president."


With curiosity, the bald man also came over and saw Chu Chen sitting there.

He was equally stunned.

"Boy, who let you sit there?"

The bald man also harshly questioned.

"Who is it? No one."

"I should be sitting here."

Chu Chen shrugged his shoulders and answered flatly.

Hearing this, the bald man and Qian are always angry, too presumptuous.

They didn't understand Chu Chen for a moment.

"No, No."

The bald man soon calmed down. He thought of a terrible thing.

Is... Is...

"you are... You are...?!"

Bald man voice trembles of ask a way, he some understand Chu dust of meaning.

Half a year ago, the shares of Shark Live changed dramatically. A mysterious rich man bought many shares of Shark Live and became the president of Shark Live.

They only know that the president of Shark Live is Chu Chen, but they don't know what Chu Chen looks like.

Is he?!

The guess was so terrible that the bald man couldn't say the name for a moment.

"Here you are, president."

Meeting time is coming soon, Shark Live several high-level together.

When he noticed Chu Chen sitting in the conference room, the general manager of Shark Live immediately said hello.


Bald man and money two people directly silly!

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