President, here you are.

In a word, stir up a thousand waves.

Qian Zong, the bald man, and the deputy director stare at Chu Chen in a daze, and they are all scared.


is he the president? !

such a young president?!

They all know that the president of Shark Live changed into a mysterious rich man, but in their subconscious.

It's absolutely middle-aged to be able to acquire a large share of Shark Live and become the president.

If you think about it, whether it's Mordor or any other company, which of the CEOs or presidents of those big companies is not in their 40s or 50s or even older.

The result now tells them that the president of Shark Live is this young and excessive boy.

They didn't accept it for a moment.


Deputy director of a soft body, can not help but fell to the ground, shivering.

"The President... I'm sorry, I..."

the deputy director said with trembling fear.

Qian and the bald man are OK. They are shareholders, but they are just a deputy director of Shark Live.

When he thought that he had ordered the president to give the elevator to Qian Zong just now, a cold sweat came out of the deputy director's back.

Isn't he looking for his own death?

As for the bald man's rigid body standing there, the whole person is not good.

He's green with regret.

He just wanted to make friends with Mr. Qian, increase their relationship and expand their contacts.

The result is to pick up sesame and throw away watermelon!

He did make good money, but offended the young president.

So young can buy shark live so many shares, he must have a terrible background.

The bald man wanted to slap himself.

As for Qian Zong, he looks at Chu Chen as if he is numb.

"You... You are... President?"

Qian's face turned pale and his voice trembled.

How dare he be so rude to the president.


remembering what happened in front of the elevator before, Mr. Qian almost fainted in the dark.

"Now, do you think I'm qualified to sit here?"

Chu Chen lightly asked a sentence.

"It's natural for president Chu to sit here."

The bald man spoke quickly and his attitude changed greatly.

"President Chu will naturally sit here."

"This is the position of President Chu. Who dares to question?"

Others spoke.

The deputy director was removed, and others entered the conference room one after another. Qian and the bald man sat at the back, feeling extremely nervous.

"First of all, I want to say one thing."

"From now on, we will abolish the rule that takeaway is not allowed to enter the elevator."

Chu Chen looked around and said undoubtedly.

"Well done."

"What President Chu said is reasonable."

Chu Chen finished, all kinds of flattering voice came, especially the bald man.

Money is always in the back.

At the moment, he made up his mind that once the board of directors was over, he would sell 3% of his shares.

Mr. Chu, he can't stir it up.


Chu Chen stayed in the chairman for half an hour, decided several important things, and left.

The rest of the small things are left to the general manager.

When Chu Chen came downstairs, ready to leave Shark Live headquarters, a cry came.

"Little brother, you are out."

Chu Chen turns to see, see the younger sister that just sent milk tea to walk toward him.

It turns out that because of what happened just now, my sister blamed herself very much, so she waited outside all the time after delivering the milk tea, and wanted to thank Chu Chen.

After knowing that Chu Chen didn't, sweet sister was relieved to invite Chu Chen to drink milk tea.

"Drink milk tea?"


Chu Chen nods, just as what he says in the meeting room is a little dry.

Together with sweet sister, Chu Chen goes to her milk tea shop.

On the way, Chu Chen knows the identity of his sister.

She turned out to be a student in a university in Mordor. Now she's taking advantage of the holiday to work and study.

As soon as I entered the store, an angry voice came:

"are you dead, so long to come back?"

A woman in her thirties, seeing her sweet sister, scolded angrily.


sweet sister lowered her head. She had been waiting for Chu Chen there. After delivering milk tea, she didn't come back."She talked about a big order, so she came back late."

Chu Chen opens his mouth to help sweet sister. After all, it's because he's waiting for himself, so she comes back late.


"Big list, what big list?"

Hearing a big list, the store manager came out from behind and asked in surprise.

"Shark Live to 1000 milk tea, as soon as possible to send over."

Chu Chen opens his mouth. It's a little bit of welfare given to the employees by his president.

A thousand milk tea?

The store manager and the women in their thirties were confused.

My God!

They have been in the milk tea business for so long, and they have never come across such a large list?

This is a thousand!

Local tyrant, please take my knee.

"Please sit down. Please sit down."

The store manager quickly shows a flattering smile and asks Chu Chen to sit down.

"Why don't you go to get the pen and paper and write down this gentleman's request?"

The store manager turned and yelled at the woman in her thirties.

Beside, sweet girl is also a little confused.

What's going on?

Is this little brother a Shark Live buyer?

After ordering milk tea and having a rest for a while, Chu Chen bid farewell to her sweet sister.

After that, Chu Chen went directly to find fat Han Yuan.

After coming to Mordor, he has been playing with Han Shishi and his two best friends.

Han Yuan never came out to play.

Chu Chen suspected that something had happened?

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