When Chu Chen arrived at the hotel, the fat man was standing by the window in a daze, looking sad.

"Fat man, don't jump off the building."

"Although you're a little fat, a little poor in study, and a little ordinary, you're not rich."

Chu Chen's "intimate" persuasion.

"But you are a good man."

"You're the good man. You're going to jump off a building?"

make complaints about the fat.

"I just stood in front of the window and thought about things, but when you said that, I suddenly wanted to jump down."

Fat man is helpless:

"Why are you so handsome and rich? How do you let us ordinary people live?"

"Your sister, it's not fair."

Hearing this, Chu Chen coughed and said innocently:

"I don't have a sister. You have a sister."


The fat man was on the alert for a moment:

"don't give my sister any advice. I treat you as my brother, and don't treat me as my" big brother. "

Chuchen said more innocent, fat man seems to want to reverse.

"No kidding."

"What's the matter with you these days?"

Chu Chen pulls the fat man over and asks seriously.

"I... i... I'm in love."

Fat some embarrassed said.


Chuchen is very surprised, according to chuchen know, this should be the first time a fat man fall in love, first love.


"Congratulations. Something's wrong."

The fat man sighed, his tone full of confusion.

He told Chu Chen the whole story. Fat man and his girlfriend are online lovers. They know each other.

He has been single for more than 20 years and finally has a girlfriend. The fat man is very excited and kind to his girlfriend, who also loves him.

Fat girl friend is a Mordor.

Therefore, after this visit to the magic city, the fat man did not join with Han Shishi, but handed them over to Chu Chen.

I went to run with my girlfriend and spent a few days with you.

"I didn't expect that you are also a guy who forgets his righteousness."

Chu Chen sighed, he finally understood, why the first time to magic, fat don't go to visit any scenic spots, don't go out to play.

There are girlfriends, scenic spots and other interesting things.

Is it important to have a girlfriend?!


The fat man coughed awkwardly and said again:

"but unexpectedly, when we were shopping yesterday, her mother found us."

"Her mother talked to me alone, and finally told me never to go to Xiaoyao."

As for the process of talking, fat man didn't say, Chu Chen also guessed almost.

It's just the mother of the fat man's girlfriend who asked about the fat man's family.

The fat family is ordinary, even poor.

And fat people can not have the strength to buy a house in Mordor, Mordor's house has been sky high price.

"That's right."

Chu Chen nodded and began to think about countermeasures.

"It's not the most important thing. The important thing is that tomorrow, Xiao Yao's mother will force her to go on a blind date."

The fat man said anxiously.

At the moment, the fat man is like a hot pot. I don't know what to do.

"Xiaoyao and I said on wechat that the man is a returnee. He came back from studying in the United States two years ago and now works in a foreign company. His family is also from mordu and has a lot of money."

Fat man said he was worried.

Of course, he is not worried about his girlfriend, but about his future mother-in-law and father-in-law.

The man's condition is like crushing a fat man. No matter what it is, except his sincerity to Xiao Yao.

Other than that, he can't compare with the man.

If you can't get past Xiao Yao's parents, they will never be together.

"Don't worry, fat man."

Chu Chen patted fat man's shoulder, and there was a way in his mind.

This is the first love of a fat man. It's very important to a fat man.

How could Chu Chen not help?

And it's a small thing.

"By the way, what's your girlfriend's schedule for tomorrow's blind date, where and where to go?"

Chu Chen added.

"I'll take care of tomorrow."

And fat said for a while, Chu Chen left.

Chu Chen did not prepare, is not a returnee from the United States?


The next day, Chu Chen drove Ferrari to the hotel where the fat man was.

Chu Chen didn't drive his two over 100 million super cars. Few ordinary people know them.The effect of driving them is better than the familiar Ferrari.

"Their blind date has already started. The man went directly to Xiaoyao's house."

Arriving at the hotel, the fat man said.

"Besides, the man will invite Xiao Yao and her mother to Wangjiang Pavilion for dinner later."

Finally, the fat man added.

"Wangjiang Pavilion for dinner?"

Chu Chen nodded and said to the fat man:

"after a while, we'll go to Wangjiang pavilion to have dinner and let your girlfriend keep in touch with you."

Chu Chen already has a way, he won't let fat man deliberately "provocation" that blind date man.

As long as in the invisible, the man all excellent aspects, merciless rolling can be.

Let the fat girl friend's mother see who is better, it's OK.

Twenty minutes later, the fat man got the news from his girlfriend that they were ready to go to Wangjiang Pavilion.

"By the way, fat man, you can drive."

In the hotel downstairs, Chu Chen asked.


"You drive."

After that, Chu Chen throws the key to Ferrari's car to fat man and gets on the co driver's seat.


Fat man is very excited to take the car key, he is the first time to drive such a good car?

Soon, the fat man started Ferrari and went straight to Wangjiang Pavilion.


On the other side, chubby girlfriend Zhong Shuyao, Zhong Shuyao's mother, and the man on a blind date walk downstairs.

The man on a blind date is dressed in a brand-new casual suit, with a Longines watch in his hand, and dressed like a senior white-collar.

"Auntie, this is my car."

The blind man explained, pointing to a two million plus Porsche parked not far away.

"Because there were so many things before, it didn't take me long to learn to drive."

"My family first prepared an ordinary Porsche for me to drive, waiting for me to get familiar with the driving skills, and then change to a better one."

Blind date men began to show off their strength.

More than two million Porsches?

Is it a normal car?

And after that, his family will prepare a better car for him?

A better car. What's that?

Bentley, Rolls Royce?!

Zhong Shuyao's mother was filled with emotion, and her eyes were shining with amazing light.

"Now the car is average, aunt don't mind."

Blind man "sorry" said.

"No, no, Porsche is great, great."

The clock mother waved her hand.

Zhong Shuyao has a deep worry in her eyes. She is very worried about a yuan.

Although fat and she said, Chu Chen will help him, absolutely will win.

Although Zhong Shuyao was grateful to Chu Chen, she was still worried.

Can a yuan's friend crush the man on a blind date and let her mother change her attitude towards a yuan?!

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