Especially now I hear Ding Jiaguang, the man on a blind date, say that his two million Porsche is an ordinary car.

After that, there are still better ones, which makes Zhong Shuyao more worried.

At the moment, Zhong Shuyao can do nothing but pray in her heart.

I hope that a yuan and his friends can beat Ding Jiaguang.

After Zhong Shuyao and his mother got to the car, Ding Jiaguang drove straight to Wangjiang Pavilion.

"When I went to Wangjiang Pavilion for the first time, I didn't know what it was like inside?"

On the bus, mother Zhong said expectantly.

"Auntie, Wangjiang Pavilion is the top of magic city in terms of environment and food."

"It will satisfy my aunt."

Driving a Porsche, Ding Jiaguang said confidently.

Half an hour later, they came to Wangjiang Pavilion.

Stop, Ding Jiaguang the first time down, opened the door, a gentleman's appearance.

Seeing this, mother Zhong is more satisfied with Ding Jiaguang. She is a considerate young man.

Zhong Mu and Zhong Shuyao get off the bus.

At this time, a dazzling Ferrari came slowly.

Han Yuan directly stops Ferrari next to Zhong Shuyao and chuchen.

Looking down from Ferrari, Han Yuan, Zhong Mu and Zhong Shuyao are confused.

What's the situation?

Because Chu Chen let fat man keep secret, so Zhong Shuyao didn't know the specific reason.


Looking at Ferrari's logo, the clock mother looks unbelievable.

This kid drives a Ferrari?

Mother Zhong rubbed her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw.

Although I don't know how much this Ferrari is, it must be more expensive than Ding Jiaguang's Porsche in terms of appearance!

"Xiao Yao, how are you, aunt? I didn't expect to meet you here?"

Han Yuan takes the initiative to say hello,.


Zhong Shuyao nodded to Han Yuan, her eyes full of admiration, and she was also very excited.

I didn't expect that a yuan really put pressure on Ding Jiaguang. A yuan's friend is so powerful.


Mother Zhong answered subconsciously.

Looking at the unusual expressions and movements of Zhong's mother and Zhong Shuyao, Ding Jiaguang roughly guesses Han Yuan's identity.

"Auntie, let's go in."

"This time, I specially reserved a window seat to enjoy the view of the Bund."

Ding Jiaguang opens his mouth and pretends to be forced.

The location of Wangjiang Pavilion is also divided into several levels.

Private rooms are the most expensive, and they are not accessible to ordinary people.

Other places, the best by the window, are also very expensive, which can't be afforded by ordinary people.

Ding Jiaguang deliberately said the pre position, is to pretend to force the rich!


"By the window?"

Zhong Mu is attracted by Ding Jiaguang again.

Under the pull of mother Zhong, Zhong Shuyao has no choice but to go in.

"Reservation. Yes, this kind of high-end restaurant should be reserved."

After hearing what Ding Jiaguang said, the fat man suddenly realized that when he came to this kind of high-end restaurant for dinner, he needed to make a reservation.

It's so urgent that he forgot it for a while?

What to do? What to do?

"It's OK. Come with me."

Chu Chen patted fat man's shoulder and walked forward.

With doubts, the fat man followed closely.

Not far away, found chuchen and fat man came in, Zhong Shuyao several people also looked over.

Zhong's mother looks like she's watching a play. She wants to have a look at where the person she denied before will eat at the moment.

Ding Jiaguang is incomparable PA se, toe Gao Qi ang looking at Chu Chen and Han Yuan.

For this meal, he asked someone to get this excellent position half a month ago.

He doesn't believe it, Chu Chen. They can get a better position than him.

See Chu dust appear, a staff member of the restaurant quickly came over.


the staff just wanted to call "President Chu", but they were stopped by Chu Chen's eyes.

He didn't want to let Zhong Mu and Ding Jiaguang know their identities.

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

The staff understood Chu Chen's meaning, so they quickly changed their words and asked respectfully:

"don't know if I can help Mr. Chu?"

"Let's go to room three."

Chu Chen opens his mouth, and the third private room is the closest to Zhong Mu and Ding Jiaguang.

Private room three?

When I heard this, mother Zhong was dumbfounded.

Is there a private room here?

When she came to Wangjiang Pavilion for the first time, she naturally didn't know that there was a private room.

As for Ding Jiaguang, his eyes widened."Private room, do you still have private room?"

Ding Jiaguang sneers in his heart. Are you two likely to enter the private room?

Ding Jiaguang doesn't believe that Chu Chen and Han Yuan can enter the private room.

The next moment, to his surprise, after hearing Chu Chen's words, the staff directly did a please action.

"Yes, please follow me."

Soon, under the leadership of the staff.

Chu Chen and Han Yuan pass by Ding Jiaguang and Zhong Mu and enter the third private room.


Did they really go into the private room?

Ding Jiaguang looks like a ghost.

Is it so easy to eat in Wangjiang pavilion?

In a word?!

Ding Jiaguang's chest fluctuated up and down, and he was very angry.

He managed to get a window seat, but the two of them entered the private room.

Isn't that obvious pressure?

No, no!

Ding Jiaguang was very unconvinced, but he had to admit that now, he lost, and he lost miserably.

Next to him, looking at Ding Jiaguang's manner, mother Zhong judged it.

Private rooms are definitely better than their seats.

How can a poor boy without background and money go to a private room?

The clock mother didn't understand for a moment.

Is that kid lying to himself?

The clock mother had doubts.

Forget it. It's just a meal. It's nothing.

Although Han Yuan won this time, he must not be Ding Jiaguang's opponent in other aspects.

Mother Zhong guessed in her heart.

Zhong Shuyao is very happy to eat, ah yuan won!

Zhong Shuyao is very grateful to Chu Chen.

In the private room, looking at all kinds of delicious food coming up one after another, the fat man gaped.

For the first time, he came to such a high-grade restaurant and saw this level of food.

"By the way, we didn't make an appointment. How did we get to the private room?"

Thinking of what happened just now, Han Yuan couldn't help asking.

"Come to your own restaurant and make an appointment for what?"

Chu Chen while eating, side casually answer.

Come to your own restaurant?

Is this famous high-grade restaurant of mordu Chu Chen's?

"The moat is inhuman, the moat is inhuman."

The fat man said with a sigh.

How long have you been in Mordor? Chu Chen bought a high-grade restaurant in Mordor.

How much is it?

Fat man can't believe it, can only say Chu Chen is too "inhumane".

Outside, while eating, Ding Jiaguang thought about the future.

This time, he turned over.

Where to go after that?

"Does aunt like to play golf?"

"In the afternoon, let's go to Guanlan international golf course. How about playing?"

Ding Jiaguang spoke.

He's very familiar with it. There's absolutely no problem in pretending to be there.

"Guanlan international golf course?"


Mission Hills International Golf Course in Mordor is one of the top golf courses in Mordor. She has only heard of it, but she has never been to it.

It's said that it's the place where the upper class people often go. The high consumption is terrible!

"Is it extravagant?"

Mother Zhong asked.

"Luxury, not luxury. It's very cheap there. I often go there to play."

Ding Jiaguang said casually, showing off.

Zhong Shuyao still wants to persuade her mother, but she still wants to go. In desperation, Zhong Shuyao can only send a message to the fat man.

In the private room, Chu Chen listens to the fat man.

"It's OK to go to Guanlan international golf course."

"I haven't played golf for a long time. I'm just going to play it."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Half an hour later, Ding Jiaguang finished his meal.

Under the leadership of Ding Jiaguang, the three went straight to Guanlan international golf course.

Then Chu Chen and fat man also went.

Come to Guanlan golf course, Ding Jiaguang did not start to force, but waiting.

Ding Jiaguang waited for a while. Sure enough, he saw Chu Chen and Han Yuan coming, and a smug sneer appeared on his face.

They are finally here. It's time for them to pretend to be!!!

This time, he will be in front of Chu Chen and Han Yuan to crush Chu Chen and fat man!

As Chu Chen and fat man walk in, Ding Jiaguang takes a few steps forward and is ready to perform.

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