When Chu Chen and fat man were less than 10 meters away from Ding Jiaguang, Ding Jiaguang stood up and asked a staff member:

"Hello, how much is the annual fee for your golden members?"

Gold member?

Hearing this word, many people around looked at it.

Like other golf courses, it is also a membership system. Different members enjoy different treatment.

Although gold members are the lowest here, they are not affordable.

The price is very high.

"Sir, the annual fee of our golden members is 350000 yuan."

The staff replied politely.

"It's only 350000, so cheap?"

Ding Jiaguang looked surprised and said: "OK, give me a gold membership card."

After that, Ding Jiaguang handed a bank card to the staff.

"OK, I'll do it for you right away."

The staff's attitude was more polite. She never thought that Ding Jiaguang was so generous.

Just asked, immediately do gold membership card.

The onlookers around sighed.

"Local tyrants, they even have a gold membership card. It's awesome."

"I only play golf a few times a month, and I have a gold membership card!"

"It's really rich."

Everyone was surprised by Ding Jiaguang's wealth.

The more she saw Ding Jiaguang, the more pleasant she was.

More than 300000 yuan was spent without blinking.

Besides, I have a gold membership card of Guanlan international golf course, which is nothing else.

It's just entertainment. That's all it costs.

Ding Jiaguang will definitely spend more on other things.

Spend more, it means that the family has money.

There was a big smile on mother Zhong's face.

"Xiao Ding, it's expensive."

The bell mother spoke.

"If not, it's just over three hundred thousand."

Ding Jiaguang said indifferently:

"Auntie, in a moment we can go to the gold member area to play, where the environment is better and quieter."

Gold members naturally have special areas.

Ding Jiaguang spoke louder and more proud.

Ding Jiaguang looks at Chu Chen provocatively, and seems to be satirizing Chu Chen - you two just take this garbage common area honestly, we will go to the special gold member area soon.

The more I think about it, the more proud Ding Jiaguang is.

It's cool to be forced, especially when you crush the other person in front of the opposite person.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

See Chu Chen and fat man came over, a staff member came forward.

"We want to play in a quieter place. We don't want to hear other people's voice."

Chu Chen dislikes of say.

The staff understood Chu Chen's meaning and asked again, "do you have our membership card here?"

"Membership card?"

"I have a lot of cards. Let me see."

With that, Chu Chen took out his wallet and began to search.

After he came to Mordor, he got to know a lot of big men in Mordor, such as various membership cards, VIP cards and so on. He got a lot of them, and Chu Chen didn't know.

Chu Chen rummaged in his wallet, and the staff took a look by the way.

Just a glance, she was scared.


how many membership cards is this?

Working in Guanlan international golf course, she met many big men and knew their identities, such as where they were and where they were members.

Chuchen has more membership cards than those big guys!

At the second glance, the staff were even more shocked.

What did she see?

Black card?

So many, so many black cards?!


The staff swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She was lucky to have seen black card before.

But I have never seen so many black cards.

The staff were stunned.

"You don't have to change it, sir. You are qualified to go to our VIP area."

The staff spoke.

Members here, in addition to spending money to buy.

They take the initiative to give them to the guests with high status.

"Can we go to the gold member area?"

Chu Chen asks, he has not found the membership card yet?

"You're joking. The gold membership area is not worthy of your identity."

"Please follow me to the exclusive member area."

The staff said respectfully.

Her words immediately attracted more people's attention.Gold membership area, not worthy of the identity of this young man?!

This sentence shocked everyone.

Oh, my God.

What is the identity of this young man, let the staff say so?

And went directly to the supreme member area?

That's more than one or two levels higher than the gold membership area.

Clock mother looked at Chu Chen and fat man, for a long time speechless.

Originally, she thought that Ding Jiaguang was a great gold member here.

As a result, now Han Yuan and his wife can go to the supreme member area?

Did she make a wrong judgment and should not have said those words to Han Yuan before?

The clock mother wavered.

As for Ding Jiaguang, he was confused.

Ding Jiaguang widened his eyes and looked at Chu Chen foolishly.


He rolled over again?!

He spent more than 300000 yuan to become a gold member.

As a result, when the boy comes, he can go to the supreme member area?


in Ding Jiaguang's heart, it seems that there are ten thousand grass mud horses galloping by.

Under the leadership of the staff, Chu Chen and fat man leave the ordinary member area in front of Ding Jiaguang and Zhong mu, take a special tour bus, and go straight to the supreme member area.

Being crushed again, Ding Jiaguang was very unwilling.

He can't just give up!

He still has the last stubbornness!!!

While playing, Ding Jiaguang thought, where can we go without seeing these two people?

Thinking, Ding Jiaguang's eyes brightened, he had a way.

Go to the sea!

He doesn't believe it. These two people are chasing the sea?!

They can follow wherever they go. Can they come to the sea?

Ding Jiaguang sneered in his heart.

He knew a lot of people in Mordor, and he was a brother with a young man of Mordor.

That boy has a private yacht worth 20 million.

As long as he opens his mouth, he can borrow it.

At that time, he does private yacht to install Force, shock the clock family mother and daughter.

He doesn't believe it. He drives his yacht to the sea, and these two people can catch up!

After fighting for half an hour, Ding Jiaguang couldn't help saying, "Auntie, it's a nice day today. How about going out to sea?"

Ding Jiaguang suggested:

"I have a private yacht."

In order to be forced, Ding Jiaguang said that the yacht he borrowed was his.

"Private yacht?"

Mother Zhong was frightened. She had only heard of this kind of thing.

"Is that ok?"

"Of course."

Ding Jiaguang calmly smiles and immediately takes mother Zhong to leave quickly. He wants to leave this place quickly.

Let the two men play here by themselves. They are going to the sea.

Can these two go to the sea to chase and crush themselves?

Ha ha, he doesn't believe it!

When Ding Jiaguang doesn't notice, Zhong Shuyao has sent a message to the fat man that they are going to sea.

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