The acquaintance Chu Chen met was Liu Ruobing, President of Tianyun jewelry.

Far away, Chu Chen found that Liu Ruobing came with several people.

"Chu is good."

"Chu is good."

See Chu Chen, Liu Ruobing behind a few people say hello, they are a few high-level Tianyun jewelry.


Liu Ruobing was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet Chu Chen here.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Chen asked.

"Well, we have reached a cooperation intention with manager Bai of Qianda group before. Tianyun jewelry has entered all Qianda Plaza in mordu."

Liu Ruobing explains to Chu Chen.

After the last jewelry exhibition, Tianyun jewelry is famous and has an unprecedented influence in Mordor.

In order to turn influence into "profit", Liu Ruobing decided to open more Tianyun jewelry stores in major shopping centers of mordu.

And Qianda square is Liu Ruobing's first stop.

A few days ago, Tianyun jewelry and modu Qianda group branch, manager Bai in charge of Qianda Plaza negotiated and signed the contract.

Magic is several thousand square, Tianyun jewelry store has even begun to prepare for decoration.

Today, manager Bai suddenly called Liu Ruobing to discuss something.

"It's like this."

Chu Chen nods. Out of curiosity, Chu Chen and Liu Ruobing go to see manager Bai.

"Here comes president Liu."

After seeing Liu Ruobing, manager Bai said with a smile:

"welcome, welcome."

"There's one thing I'm looking for president Liu today. I hope President Liu can agree."

"What's the matter?"

Liu Ruobing asked.

I don't know why, now Liu Ruobing looks at the smiling manager Bai and thinks of a word - smiling tiger!

"Well, there are no shops in Qianda Plaza in Mordor. If Tianyun jewelry wants to enter, it may take several years."

Manager Bai's words are amazing.

No shop, how many years to wait?!

In an instant, the voice of discussion came from the conference room.

Liu Ruobing's face also changed and asked: "manager Bai, what do you mean?"

"What about the shop that we prepared for Tianyun jewelry before?"

"That... It's our internal business. It's not convenient to disclose." Manager Bai prevaricated.

This answer has aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

"Manager Bai, our contract says clearly that you will prepare all the shops for us in half a month?"

Liu Ruobing asked again.

"If it's just waiting for a few months, it's just too much for you to ask us to wait for a few years!"

If you wait for a few months, you can forget it, but for a few years, that's bullshit.

Now the market is changing. Let alone a few years, I'm afraid that in a few months, all kinds of changes will take place.

Tianyun jewelry finally broke into a world in mordu and won its reputation. If you have to wait a few years, the day lily will be cold.

And in order to open more stores, Tianyun jewelry also prepared a lot, spent a huge amount of money.

Just because of manager Bai's words, their efforts will be wasted and their money will be wasted?!

"President Liu, don't be so excited."

Manager xiaomianhubai said again:

"we don't have to wait a few years. In case we build a new Qianda Plaza in mordu in these years, there must be a shop for Tianyun jewelry."

Dialogue manager's words, Tianyun jewelry side, everyone sneers.

You're lying to kids?

Who knows how long it will take to build a new Qianda square.

"Manager Bai, are you going to break the contract?"

Liu Ruobing doesn't want to hear manager Bai continue to be perfunctory and directly questions.

They have signed the contract. If Qianda group defaults, they can take Qianda Plaza to court and let them pay liquidated damages!

Manager Bai still wants to deal with it. At this time, a harsh voice suddenly comes.

"Manager Bai, what are you doing with them?"

"We're going to default. What's the matter?"

The door of the conference room was kicked open, and an arrogant rich woman with a weight of more than 200 Jin came in domineering.

As soon as she came up, she had a tit for tat with Liu Ruobing.

"To tell you the truth, those shops before you were occupied by my friends. If you want to continue to open exclusive stores in Qianda Plaza, just wait for me."

Arrogant rich woman mouth, a pair of did not put Liu Ruobing, did not put Tianyun jewelry in the eyes of the meaning.


Liu Ruobing is very angry. It's the first time that she meets such an unreasonable person.

"Manager Bai, why can she occupy our shop? Please give us an explanation?"A senior manager of Tianyun jewelry asked.

"Explain, you want to explain?"

Without waiting for manager Bai to speak, the arrogant rich woman will speak first.

"I'm a shareholder of Qianda group. Can I occupy the shop in Qianda Plaza?"

"How about this explanation?"

Shareholders of Qianda group?

She is a shareholder of Qianda group?!

Everyone looked at the arrogant rich woman in surprise and stopped talking.

This reason makes them speechless.

Arrogant rich woman's identity is a little terrible, can't stir up!

"Give you a day to get out of all the Qianda square in Mordor!"

"Of course, you can also sue us for breach of contract?"

The arrogant rich woman screamed again.

"But you have to weigh your own strength. What will you pay after you finish?"

Arrogant rich woman if have to point of looking at Liu Ruobing.

"Tianyun jewelry in our Qianda group's eyes, is a small ant, a pinch, you can kill."

The arrogant rich woman made no secret threat to Liu Ruobing.


Liu Ruobing was so angry that he trembled all over. He was really deceiving.

Indeed, compared with Qianda group, Tianyun jewelry is nothing at all.

"Oh, is Qianda group so powerful?"

A faint voice came suddenly.

Chu Chen, who was sitting there, opened his mouth.

Want to crush Tianyun jewelry, have you asked him?

He is the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry. Once Tianyun jewelry goes bankrupt, he will suffer a lot.

In an instant, everyone's eyes are all on Chu Chen's body.

Yes, and President Chu!

Mr. Chu is a big man!

Seeing Chu dust, Tianyun jewelry is full of hope in people's eyes.

With them, they are not rivals of Qianda group at all, but President Chu is not sure.

At the moment, Chu Chen has become the only one who can save Tianyun jewelry.

"Is Qianda group powerful?"

"Are you kidding?"

The arrogant rich woman sneered.

"I don't know if Qianda group is fierce."

"But now, all Qianda Plaza in Mordor has nothing to do with Qianda group."

Chu Chen shrugged his shoulders.

"It's you who should get out!"

Chu Chen's words shocked the whole audience.

"Hahaha, boy, are you from a mental hospital?"

Arrogant rich woman almost bent over with a smile:

"Qianda Plaza has nothing to do with Qianda group?"

"This is the biggest joke I've heard this year. It's killing me. Ha ha ha!"

Chu Chen didn't speak, just threw out a few just got the contract.

Vaguely can see, the contract "acquisition" two words!

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