Looking at Chu Chen's action, everyone doesn't understand what Chu Chen means.

Especially manager Bai.

This incident was originally caused by him. A few days ago, he signed a contract with Tianyun jewelry on behalf of Qianda group.

As a result, yesterday, the arrogant rich woman found him and said that one of her friends wanted to open a shop in Qianda square. She asked if Mr. Sun had a shop.

In order to please the arrogant rich woman, the shareholder, manager Bai thought of several stores for Tianyun jewelry.

So that's what happened after that.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you want to make amends with money or something else?"

Manager Bai sneered. Now that he had torn his face, he didn't need to disguise.

"Today is really eye opening. I met a madman!"

Looking at Chu Chen, arrogant rich woman sneer.

"I'd like to have a look, what can you take out..."

while talking, the arrogant rich woman casually took several documents thrown by Chu Chen.

At a glance, the smile on the arrogant rich woman's face suddenly stiffened.

Acquisition contract?

Arrogant rich woman some ignorant, this is actually the acquisition contract?

What is the acquisition?

With a strong curiosity, arrogant rich woman opened one of the contracts.

"Modu Baoshan Qianda Plaza acquisition contract? ! "

from a fixed point of view, arrogant rich women are even more ignorant.

This contract is actually the acquisition contract of magic capital Baoshan Qianda Plaza!

She was right.

The arrogant rich woman rubbed her eyes and looked at it again, but what she saw was still the purchase contract of Qianda Plaza in mordu Baoshan.

Qianda group actually sold Baoshan Qianda Plaza to this boy?

Arrogant rich woman's face is muddled, how is it possible?!

No, no?

This is an acquisition contract. What about the others?

Suddenly, a terrible guess appeared in the arrogant rich woman's mind.

Arrogant rich woman hands shaking picked up the second contract.

"Modu Wujiaochang Qianda Group acquisition contract?"

The arrogant rich woman read it out.

Unwilling, arrogant rich woman picked up the third contract.

"Modu River Bridge Qianda Plaza acquisition contract?"

The fourth, the fifth...

after watching it, the arrogant rich woman was stupid.

These are all the purchase contracts of Qianda Plaza in Mordor?!

This kid bought all the Qianda square in Mordor?!

The arrogant rich woman looks like a ghost. How much does it cost?!

Next to him, manager Bai looked at the contract on the table and was also stunned.

This is...

isn't he dreaming?

Who the hell is this guy? He bought all the Qianda Plaza from Qianda group?!

What a big hand!

Arrogant rich woman and white manager look at these contracts in a daze.

Tianyun jewelry side, the same shock, but they are more proud.

They're all bullshit!

Even the Qianda Plaza owned by Mordor has been acquired?!

President Chu is powerful!

The top management of Tianyun jewelry cheers in their hearts!

I'm not afraid of anything!

Chu Chen is indifferent to sit there, quietly looking at the arrogant rich woman and manager Bai.

In addition to those on the table, Chu Chen has a stack of contracts in his hand.

When Liu Ruobing argued with manager Bai just now, Chu Chen was looking at the contract and classifying it.

Just now, Chu Chen just threw out the acquisition contract of Mordor.

Didn't throw out Hangzhou and other contracts?!

"No, it's fake. It must be fake!"

Arrogant rich woman can't accept it, so she confidently opens her mouth.

She firmly believes that Chu Chen's purchase contracts are fake.

Let's not say whether Qianda group is likely to sell so many Qianda squares.

Even if it's sold, can the boy take out so much money in one go?

If you want to win all the Qianda Plaza in Mordor, it's not something that ordinary rich people can afford.

Hearing this, Chu Chen is too lazy to explain.

Arrogant rich woman is still talking to herself, manager Bai's mobile phone suddenly rings.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

Manager Bai quickly answered the phone, which was opened by a vice president of Qianda group.

"What, I was expelled from Qianda group?"

"Qianda Plaza owned by Mordor has been acquired, so I don't have to stay?"

General manager Lin's words, like nine days thunder, fell in manager Bai's ears.

The Qianda Plaza owned by Mordor is really acquired. These contracts are real!Beside, the arrogant rich woman was also stunned.

Manager Bai is the person in charge of Qianda Plaza of modu Qianda group.

Now, all the Qianda group of Mordor have been acquired, and manager Bai has no effect.

So Qianda group took the opportunity to dismiss manager Bai.


The mobile phone fell to the ground, and manager Bai collapsed on the seat.

It's over.

It's all over.

"By the way, she is a shareholder of Qianda group. How many shares does she have?

Chu Chen asks curiously.

"Three percent."

Sitting there, manager Bai replied.


This rich woman is so arrogant, clamoring that she is a shareholder of Qianda group, only 3% of the original shares?

Everyone was a little confused.

Although Qianda group has a strong market value, 3% is really nothing?

Especially when I think of the arrogant rich woman who threatened them with Qianda group just now.

The executives of Qianda group showed their disdainful eyes to the arrogant rich women one after another.

Only 3% of the shares, but also want to mobilize Qianda group to crush their Tianyun jewelry, don't dream.

"My Qianda Plaza does not welcome you, please" leave mellow. "

Chu Chen gave the order of expulsion.

The arrogant rich woman's words, politely returned to her.

Finally, manager Bai and the arrogant rich woman left in a mess.


"President Chu is powerful!"

"Mr. Chu is a bull!"

In the conference room, the voice of high-level voice of Tianyun jewelry came.

"Soon, Tianyun jewelry will enter all Qianda square in Mordor."

Chu Chen said to Liu Ruobing.

"It's not only Mordor, but also Qianda square in several cities around Mordor."

"Tianyun jewelry can be prepared, but also to open a few stores there."

Chu Chen reminds me.

The Qianda square of several cities around the magic capital has also been acquired by the president of Chu?!

My God!!

Do you want to be so arrogant!!

How many Qianda plaza have you acquired?

At the moment, these people even speculate that if President Chu is unhappy with Qianda group in the future, will he buy Qianda group by backhand?!

That's possible!

In general manager Chu, nothing is impossible.

They are looking forward to that day.

As time goes by, the employees of Qianda Plaza also know that they have changed their boss.

After the arrangement, Chu Chen left.

That night, Chu Chen picked up Han Shishi and came to Qianda square.

Knowing that Han Shishi became the number one in the college entrance examination, Chu Chen wanted to send her a gift to express his congratulations.

But did not want to send anything, Chu Chen decided to bring Han Shi, let her choose.

Chu Chen drives Ferrari and takes Han Shishi to Qianda square.

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