He never thought that Chu Chen knew who the boss of the shop was.

Even he doesn't know.

"What I said just now is not rigorous. It will be mine in a few days."

Qi Xingrui explains to Chu Chen.

"Now I'm talking to the owner of that shop."

"That's right."

Chu Chen nodded.

The box door opened and a waiter came in.

"Tea, please."

After putting the tea away, the waiter leaves.

Seeing this, Qi Xingrui nodded with satisfaction. Xiao Li is still OK. He doesn't need to take the initiative to serve tea.

I've given myself enough face. Yes, I can help you in the future.

"Tea, it's my treat today."

Qi Xingrui atmosphere said, for Chu dust pour tea.


Pick up the cup, Chu Chen slowly taste.

"Tea is good."

On the other hand, Qi Xingrui also picked up a cup of tea, tasted it, and subconsciously responded:

"of course, this is Taiping Monkey Chief..."

after a sip, Qi Xingrui immediately guessed what kind of tea it was.

Taiping Houkui is Rolls Royce in tea.


But the next moment, Qi Xingrui directly stay.

Taiping Houkui.

Xiao Li's tea is Taiping Monkey King?!

Who let him go!

Qi Xingrui roared in his heart. Can they afford this kind of tea?!

100 grams of Taiping Houkui will cost more than 100000, 200000!

This pot of tea, at least 10 grams, is more than 10000.

More than 10000 pots of tea?

Does he deserve it?!

"100 grams to more than 100000 Taiping Monkey Chief?"

Hearing Qi Xingrui's words, Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Because my father likes to drink tea, Chu Chen knows the price of tea.

"This pot of tea costs more than ten thousand."

Looking at the tea in front of him, Qi Xingrui wants to cry. Is it tea that he drinks? Is it money that he drinks.

"More than ten thousand pots of tea, is it very expensive?"

Chu Chen doesn't understand of ask a way.

Before shopping with Bai Lingling, Chu Chen bought tea for his father, 100 grams, 350 thousand yuan.

A pot of tea is only ten thousand. It's really not expensive.

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Qi Xingrui doesn't know how to answer for a moment.

Ten thousand for a pot of tea, isn't it expensive?

For the sake of face, although the heart is bleeding, Qi Xingrui doesn't care at all.

"Not expensive, not expensive."

Although this is my girlfriend's uncle's shop, even if you drink a pot of hundreds of thousands of tea, you must pay for a pot of more than 10000 Taiping Houkui.

More than ten thousand!

It's killing him.

I'll finish the pen with tears.

"Soon that shop will be mine. If you don't have a job, you can come to work. It's all your own. I won't deduct your salary."

Qi Xingrui said to Chu Chen very generously.

This time, in order to force Chu Chen, he spent more than 10000 yuan. He must be happy and belittle Chu Chen.

"How about 2500 in the first month?"

"For a part-time college student, two thousand five is a lot."

Qi added.

"Xiao Li, check out."

A few minutes later, Qi Xingrui yelled, more than 10000, too distressed.

Hearing the voice coming, Xiao Li was very surprised and said:

"what's the bill

"Tea money?"

"This pot of tea is free, the boss said." Xiao Li explained.


Hearing this, Qi Xingrui suddenly felt that the whole world was bright.


It's uncle sun who gives face. He doesn't have to pay for more than 10000 teas.

See, this is his face.

When Qi Xingrui was ready to show off, a bright voice came.

"Mr. Chu came here to drink tea, which is to give us face and honor. What money do you want?"

A smiling middle-aged man came in.

"What do you say, Xiao Qi?"

"Well?" Hearing uncle sun's words, Qi Xingrui was stunned.

Uncle sun's words sound wrong.

It's to give Chu Chen face, not him, and listen to Uncle sun's words, it seems that Chu Chen can come here to drink tea, is to praise them?

"Mr. Chu, I will continue to rent this shop. This is the money for next month. I'll call you right away."

Soon, 50000 yuan was transferred to Chu Chen's account."By the way, Mr. Chu, I heard that shop No. 12 is free. I want to rent it for someone. What does Mr. Chu mean?"

The middle-aged asked politely.


Qi Xingrui is completely stupid.

"Uncle sun, do you think chuchen is the owner of shop 12?"

Qi Xingrui couldn't believe his ears, so he asked.

"Mr. Chu's name is what you can call. Of course, shop 12 belongs to Mr. Chu."

The middle-aged man's face slightly changed and harshly scolded Qi Xingrui.

"How... How... Possible?"

Qi Xingrui muttered foolishly.

For a moment, he wanted to find a hole to get in.

This time, he not only pretended to be a failure, but also lost a lot of shame!

Showing off their house in front of their owners?

Didn't he stretch out his face to find a cigarette?

"No, chuchen, is this shop yours?" Recalling uncle sun's words, Qi Xingrui asks in shock.


Chu Chen nodded.

"not only these two, but the entire shop of Wutong street is my small industry."

Chu Chen responded. The Wutong street is indeed a small industry compared with its own

group and Shui Tian villa.

After listening to Chu Chen's answer, Qi Xingrui stood there, feeling as if several knives had been inserted into his heart.

He's been hit a hundred million times!

Is the whole street his?

Wutong street is worth at least several hundred million. Is it still a small industry?

looks at Chu's appearance, which is not like a pack of wood. It's not really Wutong street.

How terrible is Chu Chen's worth!

Just now I was still silly to recruit Chu Chen to work for me. Does he deserve it?

He doesn't deserve it!

"Mr. Chu, what's the matter? Did Xiao Qi make you angry?"

Suddenly aware of what, the middle-aged man quickly asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Just now Xiao Qi said that he wanted to buy shop 12."

"Buy store 12?"

The middle-aged people are very surprised that it needs at least three or four million, or even more.

"Xiao Qi, do you have so much money?"

The middle-aged man asked Qi Xingrui.

"No, no, no, I was wrong. It's rent. It's rent."

Qi Xingrui quickly shakes his head. His face is red and he shakes his head abruptly.

Finally, with the help of the middle-aged people, shop 12 rented out.

Until watching Chu Chen leave, Qi Xingrui doesn't say a word.

He remembers that from today on, he will not pretend to be forced any more. He should keep a low profile.

If Chu Chen knew, he would be very pleased to pat Qi Xingrui on the shoulder.

Young man, it's very promising. You should be as low-key as he is!

Just out of the teahouse, Chu Chen received a call from the insurance company. They told Chu Chen that their night bike had been repaired and was ready to send it to him.

After the night broke down, the insurance company took the initiative to help Chu Chen repair the car, and Chu Chen didn't need to repair it himself.

"OK, you send it to Wutong street."

Insurance companies are very efficient.

But Chu Chen didn't know how much thought the insurance company spent to please his "special customer".

Not far away, a pretty girl saw Chu Chen and was stunned:

"is it him?"

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