After seeing Chu Chen, my sister ran to her.

"Little brother, little brother, do you have a lighter?"

Running out beside Chu Chen, Sister Zhang Yingying inquires.


Chu Chen shook his head.

"Then why can you light my heart?"

Zhang Yingying said to Chu Chen with a shy face.


Chu Chen responded.

Without waiting for Chu Chen to speak, Zhang Yingying grabs Chu Chen and walks into a milk tea shop not far away.

Entering the store, Zhang Yingying takes Chu Chen's girlfriend as her self portrait and sits on the opposite side of Chu Chen.

"Little brother, will you be my boyfriend?"

Next second, Zhang Yingying said very directly.

"I don't have a job, you don't care?" Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"I don't care. I can support you."

Chu Chen spoke again:

"I have no money, and my parents have no savings."

"I like your people, not your money. I don't care."

Zhang Yingying looks serious.

"I don't have a house."

"It's OK. I have a house. You can live in my house."

In the face of a series of questions of Chu Chen, the beauty seems to have considered in advance, and the answer is extremely fast.

"Is that so?"

Chu Chen murmured in a low voice and began to think.

Over the years, he has known countless girls. He has met many beauties with different personalities, including money worshippers and schemers.

Through the subtle expression changes of this sister, Chu Chen has divided her into the ranks of "scheming women".

Of course, it is also possible that Chu Chen was wrong.

But the answer to what it turns out to be is soon to come.

Chu Chen spoke again.

"And my car is rubbish. I can only take two people."

"It doesn't matter. It's better to have two people. It's enough to have you. Nothing else matters!"

Zhang Yingying answers Chu Chen very affectionately.

Of course, a sports car has two seats. A four seat ordinary car and a garbage truck are certainly not as good as a sports car, let alone the tens of millions of koniseg!

Zhang Yingying also met Chu Chen a few days ago.

She heard from her roommate. A few days ago, she went to xueyingxuan with Gao Yuda and Fang.

As a result, I met a super low-key tycoon.

He not only has immortal appearance, handsome enough to explode, but also has a car worth tens of millions of koniseg, which lives in Yuetan garden.

It's definitely the top rich and handsome.

Finally, the roommate also took out Chu Chen's picture and let them have a look.

Rich and handsome, Zhang Yingying remembers Chu Chen's appearance after seeing the photo.

I didn't expect that I was so lucky to meet this low-key mysterious rich man here.

Zhang Yingying understood that Chu Chen was testing herself just now.

It's not the first time for her to meet Chu Chen. She once colluded with several rich second generation, but those rich second generation are not worth mentioning compared with Chu Chen.

As long as he becomes Chu Chen's girlfriend, he will marry into a rich family, such as villas, luxury cars, bags and shoes.

Thinking, Zhang Yingying tries to pretend to be naive and looks at Chu Chen.

At the sight of Zhang Yingying's expression, Chu Chen completely affirmed it.

She is really a hidden schemer.

"You may have misunderstood that my car is not a sports car, but an ordinary bicycle. It's very cheap."

Chu Chen says helplessly.


Chu Chen's words make Zhang Yingying a little unprepared. How can it be?

"It doesn't matter."

With a turn of her mind, Zhang Yingying decided to play it.

"Mr. Chu, we have arrived."

Just a dozen minutes later, the insurance company had already delivered the car.

"I see."

Chu Chen put down his cell phone.

"Don't believe it. I'll show you."

After that, Chu Chen got up and went out.

With a puzzled expression, Zhang Yingying is very curious to follow Chu Chen and leave.

Is this boy really a poor pen?

Is roommate cheating himself?

For a moment, Zhang Yingying doubted that Chu Chen had koniseg and high-grade villas, which were all said by her roommates. There was no real evidence or even photos.

returned to Wutong street, Chu Chu saw at a glance, the manager of the insurance company not far away.

At the moment, next to manager Yang, the brand-new night bike is parked there.

"You see."

Chu Chen pointed to the night and told Zhang Yingying."This..."

looking at the night, Zhang Yingying was stunned.

Is it really a broken bike?

It's not koniseg. It's not a sports car.

"There are only two seats."

Chu Chen takes back the night from manager Yang.

Looking at Chu Chen's bike, Zhang Yingying's face was green and yellow, and she was so angry that she trembled.

At the moment, she was sure.

Chu Chen is a poor man!

It's the slut who cheated himself and wasted so much time and smile to accompany a poor girl to drink milk tea.

No matter how handsome he is, what's the use of it? Can he give her another house, give her a luxury car, and buy her more than 100000 bags?

"Bitch, go back and I will deal with you."

Zhang Yingying thought of it in her heart.

"You are really a poor man. Do you want to be my mother's boyfriend like this?"


In the face of Chu dust, Zhang Yingying does not disguise, directly tears his face, just like a shrew, yelling.

"Ha ha."

Chu Chen sneers, his eyesight is OK, there is no mistake.

This Zhang Yingying thinks that her scheming is very good, but unfortunately, she is far from the senior scheming girl and senior green tea watch.

Why not?


Chu Chen doesn't want to tease Zhang Yingying any more. After saying thank you to manager Yang, he rides away at night.

Looking at Chu Chen's departure, manager Yang could not help but sigh:

"the rich now, I really don't understand."

"There are four or five million, buy a Lamborghini, Rolls Royce is not good, but buy a bicycle."

Manager Yang shook his head with great emotion.

Rich people don't understand what they think.


Not far away, Zhang Yingying, who is ready to leave, immediately stops with a dull expression.

What did she hear just now?

This uncle said that Chu Chen's bike is four or five million, just like a Rolls Royce?

How is that possible?

Zhang Yingying thinks she heard wrong, so she suddenly turns back and asks manager Yang anxiously.

"You say his bike is four or five million?"

"Yes, don't you know, it's a night bike. It's designed by the world's top designers. There are only three bikes in the world, and the price is comparable to a Lamborghini."

Manager Yang said enviously.


Hearing this, Zhang Yingying was silly.

This is a Lamborghini bike?!

How is that possible?

"Does he really live in Yuetan garden? Is there a villa in Yuetan garden?"

Zhang Yingying asks again, the whole body trembles, nervous to the extreme!

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