"Of course, originally we wanted to send the car to Yuetan garden, but Mr. Chu was nearby, which saved us trouble."

Yang manager said a, the vision eccentric looked at Zhang Ying Ying, turned and left.

Only Zhang Yingying seemed to be struck by thunder and stood in the same place.

The original Chu dust is really a low-key high rich handsome!

It turns out that what roommates say is true!

It turned out that Chu Chen had just tested himself!


Zhang Yingying is extremely unwilling to shout.

So he lost a great chance to marry into a rich family and become a lady?


Zhang Yingying's intestines are blue!

"Chu Chen, wait for me. I'm wrong. Don't go."

Zhang Yingying responds and goes to chase Chu Chen.

After running five or six meters, Zhang Yingying in high-heeled shoes twisted her feet and fell directly to the ground. A dog gnawed at the mud, and she was in a mess to the extreme!

For a moment, Zhang Yingying felt as if she had missed one. No, it was a billion yuan!


Because there are many things recently, Chu Chen has not watched the live broadcast.

Shark Live also because of Chu Chen incarnation of super God Hao "nothing brother", heat continues to increase, ranking first among major live platform.

Nothing brother has also surpassed the major anchor, become the hottest topic of Shark Live.

But because since then, nothing brother never appeared, strange voice appeared.

Super Shenhao "nothing brother" is a "trust", a fake Shenhao made by a brokerage company, just for hype.

Shen Changxun, an anchor of shark platform, is the first to raise this suspicion.

Today, Shen Changxun opened the live broadcast as usual, and the title of the live broadcast is still "online real hammer, fake Shenhao, nothing".

Looking at the popularity and popularity breakthrough to a million, Shen Changxun is very proud.

He's right about the heat!

"Hello everyone, I'm Shen Changxun, a professional anti-counterfeiter. Today, I'll lead you to fight in xiaoqianqian's live studio to denounce the fake local tyrant. It's OK!"

In the live broadcast, Shen Changxun said impassioned.

Xiao Qianqian is the nickname of Zhou Qian's live broadcast.

Shen Changxun only thought of this heat a few days ago, just for the sake of hype.

In any case, 99% of the super heroes in the live broadcast industry are fake. They are created by the agents behind the anchors to promote marketing and attract audiences.

He said that this is nothing, brother is also a fake God, there is no problem.

Chu Chen is the new president of Shark Live News, only a few super anchor, and Shark Live high-level know.

"It's OK, brother. He should be a hacker. At the beginning, you think, he used only a few thousand yuan to draw more than one million gifts, and every time he got one, there was absolutely a problem."

"Everyone rushed to Xiao Qianqian's studio to scold her."

"Until she admits that brother Wu Wu is a fake God!"

Shen Changxun said more and more vigorously, and finally stood up directly, as if he and "false god Hao" have nothing to do with brother's revenge for his wife!

With countless Shen Changxun's audience pouring into Zhou Qian's studio.

All kinds of invective barrage appeared, and in an instant it was brushed.

Looking at the barrage of innumerable abuse in the live broadcast room, Zhou Qian was confused, very aggrieved, and his eyes were dancing with tears.

She just wants to sing quietly. Why are these people like this.

In recent days, some people have been abusing her in the live broadcast room. Today, it's extremely excessive.

Looking at Zhou Qian with red eyes, Shen Changxun, the black hand behind all this, is very proud.

"Well done, everyone."

"Just spray her like this. It's OK to spray fake Shenhao!"

Shen Changxun once again shouts, this time, he wants to step on xiaoqianqian and xiaowuge to become the anchor of shark platform!


After returning to Yuetan garden, Chu Chen has nothing to do, so he turns on Shark Live.

A look at Zhou Qian is live, Chu Chen point in, did not expect to happen to see this scene.

"False gods?"

Chu Chen light smile.

The next second, Zhou Qian's 2000 dollar super rocket began to swipe the screen.

"I'm free to give a gift to anchor 100 super rocket"

"I'm free to give a gift to anchor 200 super rocket"

"I'm free to give a gift to anchor 300 super rocket"


Other people send super rockets one by one. When they get to chuchen, they directly send them one hundred and one hundred.

In a flash, Chu Chen's gift has exceeded 10 million.

Anyway, now Shark Live is his, this money, or back to his account, spend how much also doesn't matter.

With Chu Chen's gift brushing the screen, all the curses just now disappeared.Shen Changxun and many of his audience were stunned.

They did not expect that nothing brother actually came out, and in the blink of an eye, they sent out 10 million gifts.

They were suspicious.

"Don't be afraid. Continue to swipe the screen. It's nothing. I'm absolutely a fake God. It's just a trust!"

Although he was extremely guilty, Shen Changxun still had a tough mouth.

The news of super Shenhao's reappearance instantly swept the whole Shark Live broadcast.

A few minutes later, several major anchors of Shark Live appeared in Zhou Qian's studio.

"Don't worry, miss. I'll prove that brother Wuwu is really a super hero. Brother Wuwu is a bull."

Shark Live Game brother appeared, in an instant sent out three million gifts.

"Little sister, I also prove that it's nothing to worry about."

Then, several very popular female anchor also appeared, have sent millions of gifts.

In less than five minutes, Zhou Qian received nearly 20 million gifts from the super anchors of Shark Live.

Of course, these super anchors do this to please Chu Chen.

These super anchors have something to do with the high-level of Shark Live Broadcasting. They are few people who know that Chu Chen is the new boss of Shark Live Broadcasting.

See Shark Live all super anchor have come forward, just questioned Chu Chen is false god Hao audience have shut up.

"The user" 189372223 "has been permanently banned"

"the user" you er Da Ye "has been permanently banned"


The next second, all the users who abuse Zhou Qian and Wu Wu Ge just now will be banned permanently at the same time.

Shark Live technicians see Chu dust appear, the first time intervention.

"Hello, anti fake expert. What else can I say?"

Chu Chen also appeared in Shen Changxun's studio.

"Liar, Shen Changxun, you are a big liar."

"I salute your eighteen ancestors, you villain!"

"Go to hell, dead liar!"

Numerous audiences poured into Shen Changxun's studio to "warmly greet" him.

Looking at these "friendly barracks", Shen Changxun, who was already thicker than the city wall, didn't care at all.

"I've become very popular these days. My salary is at least several hundred thousand this month."

"I'm a liar. What can you do with me?"

In the face of Chu Chen's problem, Shen Changxun's extremely arrogant retort, arrogant to the extreme.

Even if it's OK, brother is really Shenhao, but in front of the computer and mobile phone, what can he do about himself.

"It's OK, brother. You're a waste."

Shen Changxun laughed wildly and ran away. He didn't care.

"Are you angry, are you angry?"

"What can you do with me, garbage?"

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