Only tens of millions, so cheap?

People were scared silly by Chu Chen's words, tens of millions, is it cheap?

They struggle all their lives, and they don't eat or drink, and they don't necessarily earn 10 million.

People look at Chu Chen helpless shake their heads, more sure, Chu Chen this sentence is from the heart, not in boasting.

It's a local tyrant.

Tens of millions, with this money, to buy a top luxury villa, not fragrant?

You've got all the Poseidon Suites in the hotel?

Sure enough, the thinking of the top rich is beyond the comprehension of these "poor people".

Sure enough, it's money and willfulness.

How much money does such a black sheep have.

As for the middle-aged man who showed off his wealth to Chu Chen, he was also shocked.

He met a super rich man!

Tens of millions, for this rich man, I'm afraid it's not even a drop in the bucket.

Do not want to, the middle-aged man directly pulled on the side of the female companion, left in a hurry, afraid of Chu Chen to find him trouble.

"This is the room card for Poseidon underwater suite. Please keep it."

The front desk lady hands trembling to give several room cards to Chu Chen.

I'm afraid it's the biggest order she's ever dealt with.

If it wasn't handled by her own hands and killed her, she would not believe that someone was willing to pay tens of millions to book a room for 100 days, and it was a Poseidon underwater suite with sky high price.

Thinking, a proud expression appeared on the front desk lady's face.

Today's event can make her boast for a lifetime.

Take the room card, Chu Chen is ready to leave.

See this scene, all onlookers quickly back to one side, give Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan make way.

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan go to the legendary Poseidon underwater suite.

In the room, looking at all kinds of marine life is really a wonderful enjoyment.

When Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan are resting in their room, a Bugatti Weihang with more than 20 million yuan in front of the airport stops there, as if waiting for someone.

More than ten minutes later, from the airport, a tall foreign man in a luxury top suit came out.

He's the old Aldrich.

After seeing Bugatti, Aldrich walked over.

"Alger, long time no see."

Aldrich sat in and said hello to a very white young man in the driver's seat.

Alger, Aldrich's friend, is also from the United States. Alger's father is a tycoon in the automobile sales industry in the United States, with a terrible price.

As the second generation of the top rich, aerjie likes to travel all over the world. No matter where he is, aerjie likes to take his 25 million Bugatti Weihang with him.

Although the cost of transporting Bugatti Weihang has reached a terrible figure, it is nothing to Alger.

"Aldrich, long time no see."

Alger is also very excited to see Aldrich. They haven't seen each other for two or three years.

"Bugatti Weihang is really good. I'm thinking about going back to the United States and changing it."

Sitting in the car, Aldrich said with emotion.

"Generally, I want to change it recently."

Alger said with some disgust.

"What kind of car, koniseg or Pagani?"

"I'm going to trade for Ferrari."

Aldrich did not expect, Alger even want to change a Ferrari.


"Yes, Ferrari laferrari."

Alger nodded, Ferrari laferrari international price is also more than 20 million.

"You were not interested in Ferrari before, how do you want to change Ferrari laferrari?"

Aldrich asked, puzzled.

"It's nothing, but my dad just bought 7% of Ferrari a while ago."

"In a few years, these shares will become mine. As a shareholder of Ferrari, I will naturally support Ferrari."

Alger said with some ostentation.

"What, your dad bought a 7% stake in Ferrari?"

Aldrich uttered a voice of exclamation and shock.

I have to admit that the affluence of the Alger family is definitely higher than that of their family.

"By the way, why do you have time to come to Erya?"

Hearing the question of aljie, Aldrich tells the story of chuchen and moyuwan.


"Did a Chinese girl refuse you?"

Alger had a schadenfreude look.

Although the family is richer than Aldrich's family, but in terms of appearance, Alger can only be regarded as ordinary, not as handsome Aldrich.Therefore, in the tease sister, Alger often loses to Aldrich, which makes Alger very jealous of Aldrich.

Next to him, Aldrich's face was gloomy, and his hatred for Chu Chen was deeper.

If it wasn't for this guy, how could he be so shameful in front of his friends.

After laughing at Aldrich heartily, Alger said indifferently:

"since they have come to Erya, leave the rest to me."

Aerjie vowed, and did not put that what Chu dust in the heart.

"I've been in China for some time, during which I learned a word."

"What word?"

"Black sheep, the Chu Chen you said spent tens of millions on cinema in order to watch movies. He is definitely a black sheep who can only spend money and has no brain."

Alger said in disgust.

"Let me come tomorrow, you see how I hit that boy in the face."

After that, Alger drove to the villa he had bought.

That night, through a variety of contacts, Alger found out that Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan were staying in Atlantis Hotel.

The next day, chuchen and moyuwan are playing on the beach.

Alger and Aldrich followed.

"You stay here, I'll meet the boy."

Aerjie looks at the Chu dust in the distance, the corner of his mouth rises, evil smile.

"After a while, you'll see how I hit the boy in the face and let him know how big he is with us."

Alger said with confidence.

Having said that, Alger swaggered toward chuchen, while Aldrich found a place with a wide field of vision and looked at chuchen.

He is incomparably looking forward to, aljie really can guarantee to him of same, mercilessly beat Chu Chen's face, good revenge of the day before yesterday.

"This friend, can you take a picture for me?"

Alger went to Chu Chen and started his own performance.


Chu Chen regarded aljie as an ordinary tourist and agreed.

"Thank you."

A smile appeared on aerjie's face, and he was a little proud in his heart.

Having said that, aljie took out a phone with some unique style and handed it to Chu Chen.

"Well, what kind of cell phone is this?"

"Why haven't I seen it?"

On the beach, there are a lot of tourists. A few nearby tourists accidentally saw aerjie's mobile phone and were surprised to talk about it.

"I haven't seen it. It's the legendary Rolls Royce in the mobile phone industry - Vito mobile phone."

"And look at the Ferrari logo above, it should still be the limited edition of Vito Ferrari!!"

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