"What, Vito, where is it?"

"Someone used the limited edition of Vito Ferrari. Where is it?"

"Let me see, what does the legendary Vito Ferrari limited edition mobile phone look like?"

With the discussion, more people were attracted.

People stare at the mobile phone in aerjie's hand and sigh one after another.

"I'll go, it's really Vito Ferrari limited edition!"

"Vito Ferrari limited edition is not much, people who own it are either rich or rich."

"Such a mobile phone is exorbitantly expensive."

People are envious.

Listening to these comments, a satisfied smile appeared on Alger's face.

His plan is going well, and it's on the verge of success.

He's just going to use his cell phone.

His limited edition Vito Ferrari mobile phone is not ordinary, and the serial number is "9".

You know, Vito Ferrari limited edition mobile phones, the top mobile phones, are not for sale.

Instead, it circulates inside Ferrari, or it is given to some big groups and big people.

The higher the ranking of this mobile phone, the higher the status it represents.

This "9" mobile phone was received by his father after he became a shareholder of Ferrari.

Accidentally, he was seen by Alger. In order to pretend to be forced, Alger asked for it from his father.

With this mobile phone, he has been successful countless times.

His plan today is around this limited edition mobile phone.

This mobile phone represents the identity, status, and contacts!!!

Chu Chen, the black sheep of his family, how could he have such a powerful mobile phone?

He's going to step on it!

"My friend, what's the number of your mobile phone?"

At this time, a passer-by who has a wide knowledge asked curiously.


Alger was more satisfied.

That's what he wants to hear the most. His big plan is to continue.

"It's just number nine."

Alger, with a light air, spoke at will.


"Number nine?"

"My God."

The passer-by just screamed and exclaimed.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with number nine?"

"What's the matter with you, brother?"

"What's wrong with number nine?"

Looking at the shock of passers-by, many onlookers asked one after another.

So the passer-by said what he knew.

After understanding what the serial number "9" stands for, all the onlookers were even more shocked.


"To get the number 9 cell phone, his contacts are terrible!"

"I didn't expect that he was so young and had such a ridiculous identity."

People sigh.

"Just so."

Alger's face was full of pride, and his smile was even worse.

"If it's not too late, maybe we can get the top 7 mobile phones."

Alger looked distressed.

If it wasn't for the fact that this mobile phone has been released for a long time, and my father has just become a shareholder of Ferrari.

According to my father's identity in Ferrari group, it's no problem to get the "6th" or "7th" mobile phone.

This is also a big regret for Alger.

Aerjie's words caused a commotion again, and people envied aerjie even more.

Enjoying countless adoring eyes, Alger has a triumphant glance at the place where Aldrich is.

Seems to be showing off, said to Aldrich, see, this is the real way to force.

"Unfortunately, the most powerful one is the mobile phone with the serial number of" 1 ", but I don't know which one is the big man's mobile phone?"

Finally, Alger said with emotion.

This limited edition Vito Ferrari with serial number of "1" is the mobile phone that Alger yearns for most.

Unfortunately, I don't know which big man is in the hands of.

Mobile phone with serial number "1"?

After people know what serial number stands for, they are also very curious about the mobile phone with serial number "1".

"7" is already very powerful, so "1" should be something big to have.

"Well, we won't see that kind of big man in our life."

"That kind of big man is absolutely out of reach."

People sigh in their hearts.

"Is it a mobile phone with serial number" 1 "

A voice came.

This voice is very insipid, but it falls in everyone's ears, especially al Jie's ears, but it explodes like thunder in nine days.Mobile phone, as like as two peas of Alger's cell phone, took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

Chu Chen put the cell phone upside down, on the phone, indeed marked with a serial number - "1".

All of a sudden, everyone was numb.

Just now, they also speculated about what big man owned the mobile phone with the serial number of "1".

Sigh that such a big man is unattainable, they can't see him in this life.

As a result, the next second, the phone was taken out at will?


all of them were confused, and their minds were blank, staring at Chu Chen's mobile phone.

"Can I... can I have a look?"

Alger asked in a trembling voice.

Aljeb was surprised by others. He didn't know how long he had been greedy for this mobile phone.

But because of the identity and the lack of contacts, we can't get it at all.

As a result, now, the man he thought was still the "black sheep" of his family, but he easily took it out.


Chu Chen handed over his mobile phone.

Nervous took the phone, aerjie stare big eyes to see, the above indeed marked with serial number - "1".


This is the real serial number "1" Vito Ferrari limited edition?!

Alger is a fool!


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