This luxury yacht fleet has 18 private yachts.

Among them, the yacht is also the top private yacht, sunseek 115 sportyacht, with an international price of more than 180 million yuan for each yacht.

together, the 18 yachts are worth more than 3 billion yuan!

Looking at the whole country, I dare not say that I am the first, but I can at least rank in the top three.

Because this luxury yacht fleet is far away from the shore, just a little figure appeared in the distance, many people did not notice.

As for Cao Pengyue, he didn't notice the appearance of this huge luxury yacht.

"It's not my boast. My private yacht fleet, even if many rich people see it, is enviable."

"Not to mention the whole of Erya, including several provinces nearby, there is absolutely no more luxurious and huge yacht fleet than my private yacht fleet."

Enjoying the adoring eyes of these beautiful stars, Cao Peng is more and more floating and continues to be forced.

"President Cao deserves to be the top young hero in China."

"Mr. Cao's value has long surpassed that of many of China's old tycoons. At a young age, he has accomplished what other tycoons can accomplish in their lifetime."

Shocked by Cao Pengyue's inhumanity, several beautiful stars try their best to please Cao Pengyue with a smile.

At the scene, all the audience were shocked and looked at Cao Pengyue with admiration

"the life of the rich is really beyond my guess."

"If only I were lucky enough to experience such a day."

"Me too, me too, I also want to experience, not to mention one day, even for one hour."

"I really don't know what some people think. They even give up such a good opportunity. Are they stuck in the door?"

"Cao is right. He missed it today. He can't experience the life of the top rich in his whole life. He can't visit such a private yacht fleet."

Some people say that they can't get it, but they are rejected by Chu Chen, which makes these people more jealous.

"Ha ha."

Cao Pengyue also sneered, scornfully glanced at Chu Chen, full of irony.

Chu Chen didn't notice him at all, but continued to walk toward the shore with Mo Yu Wan.

"Well, what are those black spots in the distance?"

Suddenly someone found the black spot in the distance and said in surprise.

Others looked in the direction they were pointing, and their faces were also full of confusion.

Soon, most people at the scene were attracted, including Cao Pengyue and the beautiful stars.

Slowly, the black spots get bigger and bigger.

"This... This... How... Could..."

"That's another private yacht fleet?"

"Am I right?"

"My God."

The crowd looked at the new private yacht fleet coming from afar, gaping.

Because of the long distance, they can't count how many private yachts they have, but it seems that they are much larger than Cao Pengyue and general manager Cao's private yacht fleet.

"One, two... Sixteen... Seventeen... Eighteen?"

When someone was counting the number of private yachts,

at the beginning of counting, his voice was very flat, but slowly, his voice trembled directly, and finally he made a terrible voice.



"This luxury fleet has 18 ships?"

Just now, people were still lamenting that Cao Pengyue's fleet of five private yachts was huge and powerful.

But the next moment, there was a private fleet of 18 yachts.


Cao Pengyue stood there with a stiff expression, unable to speak for a long time.

He has just vowed that his fleet is the most powerful and largest in Erya, even in the surrounding provinces.

But now...

as for those beautiful stars who were still courting Cao Pengyue just now, they were also shocked.

Is there such a terrible private yacht fleet in the world?

In the eyes of the public, this huge private yacht fleet stopped at the shore.

"Let's go."

Say a word to Mo Yu Wan, Chu Chen takes the lead to walk toward this private yacht fleet, Mo Yu Wan follows.

This huge private yacht fleet was rented by Chu Chen.

Chu Chen yesterday's black sheep quota was spent on it.

If it is the ordinary rich, even if it is rich, it is impossible to gather so many top private yachts.

But because of yesterday's dinner, Chu Chen met the famous "boat king" of Erya, as well as several other Erya bigwigs.In a word, Chu Chen got rid of it.

Looking at Chu Chen boarded the private yacht, everyone on the shore was silly.

What's going on?

How did that passer-by get on this yacht fleet?

The crowd obviously didn't respond.

Cao Pengyue saw Chu Chen boarded the first private yacht, but also a ghost.

This... This... This huge private yacht fleet is his?


Even he couldn't have put together so many private yachts with terrible prices.

Those beautiful stars have the same incredible look.

Originally, they thought that Chu Chen was a handsome little brother, but his face was detached, and he could not be richer than Cao Pengyue.

But now, they are surprised to find that they seem to be wrong.

It seems that the younger brother, who has an explosive appearance, is richer than Cao Pengyue.

The fleet of 18 top private yachts is more than three times larger than Cao Pengyue's.

They should not please Cao Pengyue, but this little brother.

Thinking, they ran towards Chu Chen.

Unfortunately, by this time, the yacht fleet had already started and slowly drove away.

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