Looking at the distant Chu dust, several beautiful stars standing in place, the heart can not be calm for a long time.

Regret, unwilling to wait for emotion to emerge in the face of these beautiful stars.

They never thought that they left Chu Chen behind and tried to please Cao Pengyue, but it became their most regretful thing.

They took a look at Cao Pengyue's private yacht fleet.

Cao Pengyue's fleet, which they were shocked by just now, is now very ordinary, even very poor.

There's no comparison.

It turns out that this little brother is a rich man who is richer than Cao Pengyue.

They're wrong. They're really wrong.

Like the little brother just now, he is handsome and rich. Where can I find him.

As for Cao Pengyue, he was still in the same place, just like a stone carving.

After a long time, Cao Pengyue touched his face. He didn't know why. He suddenly felt hot on his face, as if he had been slapped.

"Who is he?"

Cao Peng was more and more gloomy.

At first, Cao Pengyue thought that today's "Shenhao's Daily" program was a big place for him to force.

But in the end, he was easily killed by a passer-by.


as for the onlookers, they were also extremely curious about Chu Chen's identity.

This strange little brother is even more inhumane than Cao Pengyue.

Cao Pengyue has his own listed company and is the chairman of the board of directors. But what is the younger brother just now and what is his background?

In the end, several beautiful stars are not reconciled.

They want to wait here for the arrogant little brother to come back and see if they can get on with something.

It's really hard to see such a top-level high rich handsome.

Before they saw, the handsome little brother was very poor, even not as rich as they were, and the rich one was very ordinary, even ugly.

Now, they have found Chu dust, where beauty and wealth coexist. Naturally, they don't want to let it go.

Many viewers also want to know Chu Chen's identity, so they stay.

Cao Pengyue is also hesitant to leave.

After thinking for a long time, Cao Pengyue decided to wait for a while. He also wanted to know the identity of Chu Chen.


A few hours later, a huge fleet of private yachts appeared from the horizon.

Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan come back.

As soon as Chu Chen came to the shore, the cameraman of Shenhao's daily program group and several beautiful hosts rushed over.

"Little brother, would you mind revealing your background?"

A tall beauty star asked with a smile.


Chu Chen thought for a while and replied:

"I have no background, just an ordinary person."

Both Chu Chen's parents and his relatives are ordinary people. Naturally, Chu Chen has no strong background.

Ordinary people?

Are you a normal person?

Why don't I believe it?

It's no joke that ordinary people can have such a large fleet.

I'm afraid the value of this little brother is more terrible than that of Cao Pengyue.

Tall beauty star thought Chu Chen inconvenient to disclose, so did not continue to ask.

"Little brother, how do you get your money every month when you are so rich?"

Asked another beautiful star.

"Well, I have shares in some listed companies."

Chu Chen thought about it for a moment and replied:

"take the bonus every month."

Chu Chen is telling the truth, when there is no system task, Chu Chen's value growth depends on these shares.


Hearing this, people understand.

"Don't you work?"

"No work."

Chu Chen shakes his head. He really has no fixed job.

"There is no job. How long can I have a bonus?"

"What do you do when you're finished?"

Beautiful stars are very curious.

"Well, that's really a problem. Let me think about it."

Chu Chen returned a sentence, this kind of problem he still hears for the first time.

"According to the current life, these shares and dividends can last for hundreds of years."

Chu Chen's conservative estimate.

"If I finish eating, I can only eat the interest on my assets."

I also have a lot of villas, dozens of apartment buildings, and money in the bank.

If the shares are eaten up, they can only eat the interest.

"How long can interest last?"

The beauty star continued.

"Hundreds of years, too."

"But what if the interest is gone?""There's no choice but to eat the principal."

Chu Chen sighed and said:

"it seems that I will start to work in the future, otherwise, in one or two thousand years, my descendants will eat the earth."

One or two thousand years later?!

Your children are going to eat earth?

Now, we don't even dare to think about it in a year or two.

And this mysterious little brother even began to think about the problem of his descendants after one or two thousand years.

The gap is too big.

Is this the top rich?

Eh, no, no?

All of a sudden, the crowd was relieved.

They extracted an extremely important information from Chu Chen's words.

That's the little brother's wealth, which can take one or two thousand years?

What's more, it's still keeping such an inhumane life for one or two thousand years?!

My God.

This is...

what is so terrible? This is so terrible!!!

They can spend one or two thousand years doing nothing now.

But if you work all your life, all the money may not be enough for others.

Local tyrant, please take my knee!!!

Don't say those onlookers were shocked by Chu Chen, those beautiful stars, and Cao Pengyue, who had seen countless scenes, had the same look of horror.

They were deeply shocked by Chu Chen's words.


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