Ordinary people have never experienced the life of the rich, but they are just lamenting that Chu Chen's wealth can take thousands of years.

But the hearts of these beautiful stars and Cao Pengyue are more shocked.

Because they noticed that Chu Chen just now meant that it would take thousands of years to maintain such a luxurious life.

The huge expenses needed to keep such a life for one day are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Looking at Chu Chen, several beautiful stars have straight eyes. If it wasn't for Mo Yu Wan beside Chu Chen, I'm afraid they would have "volunteered".

As for Cao Pengyue, he did not speak.

He's the king!

Why does he feel that he has been mercilessly crushed today?!

In the eyes of everyone shocked, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan leave.


In the evening, when Chu Chen spent all his money, the voice of the system rang out again.


[experience the black sheep's life for ten days (1010), task completion]

[system reward: a gold mine worth 30 billion (Note: the gold mine transfer contract will be delivered to the host tomorrow)]

hearing the sound of the system, Chu Chen smiles.

"It's finally done. 30 billion."

Chu Chen nodded his head with satisfaction. He got 30 billion yuan, and it was still a gold mine.

If ordinary people get such a large gold mine, they will spare no effort in mining and selling it.

But Chu Chen will not, although he will continue to mine, but will not sell.

Chuchen is not short of money. The value of gold is very high, especially in recent years.

In a few years, the value of chuchen, a large gold mine, will be greatly improved!

When Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan live in the hotel, Cao Pengyue's villa, Cao Pengyue receives a phone call.

"What, you say those private yachts are rented?"

Cao Pengyue suddenly stood up and said in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Cao, I checked. The private yachts that appeared today were temporarily rented at a high price."

On the phone, there was a positive voice.

Back from the seaside, Cao Pengyue can't wait to find someone to check Chu Chen's background and identity.

After all, such a mysterious super rich man has come to Erya. As the boss of Erya, how can he not know the identity of chuchen?

But to his surprise, he got such an answer.

"Ha ha ha, I see. You don't have to check it again."

After hearing this, Cao Pengyue laughed and directly ordered his subordinates not to continue the investigation.

He thought that boy was a big shot. There were so many luxurious private yachts.

It turned out to be a bloated guy.

Private yacht?

I'm afraid he's bleeding a lot to pretend.

A poor pen, do not know to continue to work hard to check.

Cao Pengyue was full of sarcasm.

"What, a poor pen who rents a yacht."

Cao Pengyue is the kind of poor man who has no money but rents villas, sports cars and pretends to be rich.

In his subconscious, Chu Chen is such a person.

Knowing the "truth", Cao Pengyue can't wait to find the program group of "Shenhao's daily life" and several beautiful stars to tell them the truth.

"What, are those yachts rented?"

"So it is. I said when there was such a young super rich man."

Several beautiful stars suddenly realized.

"It's still Mr. Cao."

"General manager Cao is the real young hero. Today, that boy is not fit to carry your shoes."

Several beautiful stars began to satirize Chu Chen crazily and flatter Cao Pengyue.

"Generally speaking, today's program is not well done. We will continue to do it tomorrow."

Cao Pengyue casually waved his hand. Today he didn't pretend to succeed. He wanted to find it tomorrow.

"All right."

"you has the final say."

Finally, the program team agreed to meet at a cafe in Erya at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Cao Pengyue had a proud smile on his face.

He's already figured out how to pretend tomorrow.

Not long ago, he completed a negotiation with a mining company and wanted to spend more than 6 billion to buy a mine of the mining group.

He is going to sign this "small contract" in front of everyone tomorrow and pay directly.

More than six billion, enough to shake people's hearts.


The next morning, Chu Chen received a mysterious phone call.

"OK, I'll see you in the coffee shop later."

After answering the phone, Chu Chen replied.

It's a large international mining group calling to sign a gold transfer contract with chuchen.This is the 30 billion gold mine that the system said.

Half an hour later, Chu Chen arrived at the cafe.

At the moment, Cao Pengyue and the program group of Shenhao's daily life are shooting in the coffee shop.


"Six billion plus contracts?"

"Mr. Cao spent more than 6 billion on a mine?"

Looking at Cao Pengyue who is signing a contract with others, several beautiful stars are amazed.

More than six billion!

How did Mr. Cao spend it?

And bought a mine?

It's really inhumane.

A few beautiful stars, beautiful eyes, keep turning Cao Pengyue body, do not know what to think.

After signing the contract, several beautiful stars began to please Cao Pengyue.

"A small contract, just 6.3 billion."

Cao Pengyue incomparably "modest" said, for a time, showing the style of forcing the king.

Just when Cao Pengyue was ready to continue to force, a pretty guy walked into the coffee shop.


Cao Pengyue found Chu Chen at a glance, and immediately raised his eyebrows, showing a happy look on his face.

Great, his chance to turn over!

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