Patek Philippe will never cooperate with us?

I heard you right.

How dare Chu Chen talk to himself like this?!

Feng Zhiran looks confused. If he is in other places or cities, this may be normal.

But this is Yuecheng, the territory of the Feng family.

How dare a boss of a company with a market value of tens of billions talk to him like this?

As an old and powerful family in Yuecheng, the Feng family has been operating in Yuecheng for many years, with complicated relations and terrible network of contacts.

It's kind of like a local snake.

Now, how dare Chu Chen talk to him like this?

"Chu, you advise you to think clearly, otherwise, you will regret it."

Feng Zhiran's face threatened Chu Chen coldly, as if he were a snake hiding in the dark and would attack at any time.

"Ha ha."

A cynical smile appeared on Chu Chen's face.

Let oneself regret?

It seems that no one has ever regretted it.

Although Chu Chen didn't know Feng Zhiran's background or who he was.

But with the strength and contacts of Chu Chen, he has no fear.

"I regret that you are not qualified."

Chu Chen replied flatly.

In a flash, Feng Zhiran was angry. Chu Chen was provoking him.

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable.

"Chu, dare you say that again?"

Feng Zhiran asked coldly.

"Presumptuous, you are nothing, dare to talk with President Chu like this."

At this time, the next Liu jia'an could not help but stand out and yelled at Feng Zhiran.

This is a great opportunity to please president Chu, and Liu jia'an will not miss it.

"What am I?"

Feng Zhiran sneered and replied:

"I may not be anything, but it's easy to crush you in Yuecheng."

Because Liu jia'an lives in Hong Kong City all the year round and does not appear in Guangdong city, few people in Guangdong city know Liu jia'an.

Those who know Liu jia'an are all the top tycoons and rich businessmen in Guangdong.

Feng Yuanzhong, the old master of the Feng family, made friends with Liu Jiaan only a few months ago.

Naturally, Feng Zhiran did not know Liu Jiaan.

"Crush me?"

After listening to Feng Zhiran's speech, Liu Jiaan was angry and laughed back.

It's been a long time since he made his fortune.

"What are you laughing at, you bald man?"

Feng Zhiran stood there with high spirit and satirized Liu Jiaan.

Because she is old and busy all the year round, Liu Jiaan has no hair on her head.

Liu Jiaan once thought of many ways to save his hair, but none of them worked.

This is the pain in Liu jia'an's heart and the last thing he wants to mention. Unexpectedly, Feng Zhiran mentioned it today.

"Let's go."

Sarcastic saw Chu Chen and Liu Jia an a face, Feng Zhiran arrogant leave.

Seeing this, Liu Jiaan's face was extremely gloomy.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Jiaan forced down her anger.

The most important thing is to accompany president Chu to a banquet and make a good summary of Chu.

Let this boy be arrogant for a few days, wait for president Chu to leave Yuecheng, ha ha.

At that time, it was the time when the boy regretted his whole life!

No matter who this kid is.

"Mr. Chu, let's go."

Made a please action, Liu Jiaan said to Chu Chen.

Chu Chen got into Liu jia'an's car and drove away.

More than 20 minutes later, Liu Jiaan's car stopped in front of a huge private manor.

The manor is built close to the mountain, with beautiful scenery and huge area, just like a palace.

This manor is called "Liu's Manor", which was built by Liu jia'an at a huge expense in Guangdong city in his early years.

Only Liu jia'an, a real estate tycoon, has enough financial resources and contacts to build such a huge private manor.

"Mr. Chu, please."

Liu jia'an invited Chu Chen in.

Liu jia'an accompanied Chu Chen to visit the manor, and the top leaders of Guangdong city, the masters of the rich family, also came one after another.


More than ten minutes ago, the old master of the Feng family, Feng Yuanzhong, had already set out.

But on the way, Feng Yuanzhong suddenly asked the driver to stop. He had another idea.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Feng Zhiran, who was his favorite of the Feng family.

"Zhiran, where are you? I'll give you ten minutes. Come to me quickly. There's something important. I'm here..."

now that I'm meeting a big man, Feng Yuanzhong is going to take his grandson, Feng Zhiran, and give that big man and Liu Jiaan a toast to make a good impression.It's good to be familiar.

After all, no matter who is the "big shot" or Liu jia'an, the strength and status are all above the Feng family.

"All right, Grandpa."

Feng Zhiran, who is preparing to return to the company, does not dare to disobey his grandfather's orders and immediately turns around.

Finally, Feng Zhiran and his grandfather Feng Yuanzhong meet, and Feng Zhiran gets on the bus to Feng Yuanzhong.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Liu's manor.

On the way, Feng Yuanzhong asked Feng Zhiran to keep a low profile and offer a toast to Liu Jiaan and the mysterious big man.

"Don't worry, grandfather, I do things, you don't worry."

Feng Zhiran is patting the chest to guarantee that there will be no accident.

After taking a look at several luxury cars parked outside Liu's manor, Feng Yuanzhong said to his grandson and walked in quickly.

Feng Zhiran followed closely and entered Liujiazhuang garden.

Under the guidance of the servant, ye and sun came to the reception hall of the manor.

At the moment, a few big men in Guangdong are surrounded by two people, with a flattering smile on their face.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Feng is late. I'm sorry."

Feng Yuanzhong spoke in an apologetic tone.

In the face of Liu jia'an and the "mysterious bigwigs" that even Liu jia'an is extremely awed by, even as the helmsman of the old famous family in Yuecheng, Liu jia'an does not dare to trust him.

Hearing the sound, people turned to look over.

"It's old Feng."

"Lao Feng, you're late. You'll have to pay more for it."

Seeing that it was Feng Yuanzhong, the leaders of Guangdong city began to speak one after another.

Liu jia'an and Chu Chen also turned to see.

"It's all right. Mr. Feng is very polite."

Liu Jiaan spoke.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu."

Feng Yuanzhong said with a smile.

"This is the gentleman Mr. Feng said?"

Looking around, Feng Yuanzhong finds that Chu Chen is the only one in the room he doesn't know.

What can be here, and what he doesn't know, is only the "mysterious big man" that Liu Jiaan said.

But it's too young.

Originally, he thought that this mysterious figure was a middle-aged man, or a bad old man like him.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jiaan's most awed figure turned out to be a young man in his twenties.

"Yes, this is what I call Mr. Chu."

Liu jia'an answered in the affirmative.

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

Feng Yuanzhong said hello just as he was about to introduce him.

He didn't notice that Feng Zhiran's face was white!

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