"Mr. Chu is so young."

Feng Yuanzhong said with great emotion.

Now looking at Chu Chen, Feng Yuanzhong is full of awe.

If Chu Chen was a middle-aged man or an old man like him, as he imagined, Feng Yuanzhong might not be so awed as he is now.

Chu Chen is so young that Liu jia'an calls him a "big man". His identity background is absolutely terrible.

It is even very likely that they are from Yanjing.

Behind Chu Chen, there should be a huge force, which is terrifying.

Otherwise, Liu jia'an, who is in charge of 300 billion yuan real estate group and has been in business for 20 to 30 years, why is he so respectful to Chu Chen?

Associate here, Feng Yuanzhong see Chu dust look more respectful.

"By the way, Mr. Chu, Mr. Liu, this is my grandson Feng Zhiran."

Thinking of the next grandson, Feng Yuanzhong quickly introduced him.

At the moment, Chu Chen and Liu jia'an also noticed Feng Zhiran, and both of them were surprised.

"Zhiran, I haven't met Mr. Chu and Mr. Liu soon."

Feng Yuanzhong turned his head and said to his grandson.


However, as soon as he finished, he was surprised to find that something was wrong with his grandson.

At the moment, Feng Zhiran's face turned pale, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

Looking at Chu Chen and Liu jia'an, Feng Zhiran's body can't help trembling and looks stunned.

"Zhiran, what's the matter with you?"

Feng Yuanzhong thought that his grandson was ill, so he quickly asked.

"Yee... Yee... I... I..."

Feng Zhiran's voice trembled, but he could not say a complete word.

Looking at Sun Tzu's unusual performance, Mr. Feng was extremely puzzled.

Feng Zhiran's communicative ability and eloquence were very strong, so he decided to bring Feng Zhiran, not other descendants.

But at the critical moment, how did Zhiran become like this?

It's not a tool.

Master Feng turns his head and wants to apologize to Chu Chen and Liu jia'an.

However, when Mr. Feng looked at Chu Chen and Liu jia'an, he was even more puzzled.

Because the faces of Chu Chen and Liu jia'an are also full of strange expressions.

This is...

not right, not right.

Old master Feng noticed something, so he asked his grandson Feng Zhiran:

"have you met Mr. Chu and Mr. Liu before?"

Hearing this question, Feng Zhiran was stunned and didn't know how to answer it.

Feng Zhiran's state of mind completely burst!

He never thought that less than an hour later, he saw them again, and it was still in this situation.

Chu Chen, who had let him not care at all, changed his mind and became a big man to be revered by his grandfather.

And that bald middle-aged man, also became a top big man.

This is...

in Feng Zhiran's heart, it seems that there are 10000 grass mud horses galloping by, full of despair and helplessness.

How could that be?!

"What do I ask you?"

Seeing the despairing expression on Sun Tzu's face, Mr. Feng felt a thump in his heart and realized that it was not good.

Absolutely something's wrong!

"Grandfather, i... I..."

hearing his grandfather's scolding, Feng Zhiran still stammered and couldn't say a complete word.

"Let me do it."

A sudden voice came.

Liu jia'an stood up with a sarcastic smile.

"Mr. Feng, Mr. Chu and I just met with lingsun."

Liu jia'an explained in a cold voice:

"it makes sun Benshi very big!"

Liu jia'an did not expect that he would meet Feng Zhiran here, who made him very unhappy.

This boy is the grandson of Feng Yuanzhong.

What a coincidence.


Feeling the "chill" from Liu jia'an, old master Feng suddenly became nervous.

"Mr. Liu, what did Feng Zhiran do?"

Mr. Feng was extremely puzzled.

Next to him, several other big men in Guangdong also felt that something was wrong, so they kept away from the Feng family and their grandson one after another, just like watching a play.

"Ha ha, it's easy for sun to say that he wants to crush me in Yuecheng."

Liu Jiaan replied.

This remark shocked four people.

I'll go!!!

Taite is crazy, dare to talk to Liu jia'an like this?!

Crush Liu Jiaan?!

It's easy.Those big guys in Guangdong were deeply shocked.

With their courage, they dare not talk to Liu jia'an like this.

The younger generation of the Feng family is really powerful.

As for Mr. Feng, he was also shocked.

Are you crazy?!

Is Feng Zhiran crazy? Dare to talk to Liu Jiaan like this!

As for Feng Zhiran, his body trembled even more.

"It's OK to say I am, but he dares to threaten Mr. Chu."

Liu jia'an spoke again and shocked everyone.

"It's really amazing to make sun

Threatening Mr. Chu?!

Feng Zhiran not only offended Liu jia'an, but also threatened this "Mr. Chu" with mysterious origin and terrible identity background.

Crazy, crazy!

The world is crazy!!!

A few big guys in Guangdong look at Feng Zhiran with a sigh on their face.

Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. He will die by himself.

After offending two big men in a row, the Feng family is absolutely finished this time.

Thinking about it, people began to gloat.

After this event, the Feng family must be weak, they can take the opportunity to swallow the interests originally belonging to the Feng family.

This is absolutely a great thing for them.

Of course, before doing so, we must please the mysterious Mr. Chu first.

Several big men in Guangdong city began to think about how to please Chu Chen.

On the other hand, when Liu Jiaan finished speaking, even master Feng's body could not help shaking.


It took a long time for Mr. Feng to slow down. He suddenly turned around, scolded and slapped Feng Zhiran.

"Get down on your knees."

Old master Feng scolded without any doubt.


The next second, Feng Zhiran's body softened and he knelt on the ground.

"Asshole, what are you doing in a daze? I'd like to apologize to Mr. Chu and Mr. Liu."

Mr. Feng denounced his grandson.

At the moment, Mr. Feng was also in despair.

Feng Zhiran, a bad descendant, is really angry with him.

It's not enough to offend one big man. He offended two big men at once.

There is even a Mr. Chu with a terrible background.

Feng Zhiran is not only looking for his own death, but also bringing the Feng family into the abyss.

If it's just offending Liu jia'an, it's better. Now it's offending Mr. Chu as well.

Their Feng family is in great trouble!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Feng Zhiran repeatedly apologized to Chu Chen and Liu Jiaan.

Looking at Feng Zhiran kneeling on the ground, Liu Jiaan's eyes suddenly brightened. Other ways of revenge were too common. He thought of an excellent way.

Didn't the boy call him bald?

Well, let this boy be as smart as he is!

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