"Hello, everyone. My name is Yu Xiangfeng. I'm a freshman this year."

This boy is tall and handsome, walking in the campus, is also a more prominent kind of people.

Not long after he came, three or four girls have taken the initiative to ask for his wechat.

Although it's because of Han Shishi, Yu Xiangfeng doesn't show his intention, but talks with several people.

With his excellent speech and humor, Yu Xiangfeng makes several female classmates whom Han Shishi has just met laugh.

On the contrary, Han Shishi is chatting with Chu Chen, and doesn't notice Yu Xiangfeng at all.

This makes Yu Xiang Feng's face slightly changed, and a trace of resentment and resentment flashed through his eyes, but he soon covered up the past.

"Classmate Yu, did you come here by yourself?"

A girl looks at Yu Xiangfeng and asks curiously.


Yu nodded to Feng and told the truth.

"Ah, didn't your parents come to see you off? Your family is from the grassland. It's so far away from here."

Hearing Yu Xiangfeng's affirmative answer, the girl was even more surprised.


"Classmate Yu, where are your parents?"

Several other girls are equally curious.

"My parents are still working. Our family is quite special."

To maple mouth, a pair of difficult to speak of appearance.

Seeing this scene, several girls immediately sympathize with Xiang Feng. It must be because Xiang Feng's family is relatively poor, so their parents have to work hard and have no time to send him away.

"It's not easy."

"College tuition is very expensive. In order to make up the tuition, Yu's parents must have worked very hard. It's normal that they didn't come."

Several girls said with emotion.

At this time, Han Shishi and Chu Chen also finished chatting and were preparing to leave.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiangfeng realized that the opportunity was coming, so he raised his voice and replied: "by the way, in order to provide for me to go to school, my family sold three cows."

Said Yu Xiangfeng with a sigh.

Sold three cows?!

It's really difficult for Yu's family. In order to go to school, they even sold their cattle.

Several girls are more sympathetic to Xiang Feng.

"Classmate Yu, tell me something in the future."

"Yu, in your spare time at the weekend, you can take a part-time job and earn some living expenses. I can contact you."


Several girls have opened their mouths and expressed their willingness to help Xiang Feng.

Because Yu Xiangfeng's voice is very loud, many people around pay attention to it and look at it sympathetically.

Even Han Shishi came to see it.

Attracted all the attention, Yu Xiangfeng's performance continued to go online.

"In order to provide for my schooling, we sold three cows, leaving only 4997. What a pity."

Yu Xiangfeng shook his head and sighed.

Yu Xiangfeng's words shocked the audience!

49997 heads?!

There were 50000 cows in Yu Xiangfeng's family?!

My God!

Now, the price of a cow is between 10000 and 20000.

Even if calculated according to the lowest 10000, 50000 cattle, that's the whole 500 million!!!

Thinking of this, everyone took a breath and was shocked.

Five hundred million?!

It's horrible.

And that's the lowest estimate.

Normally, 50000 cattle are worth no less than 700 million!

Is Yu Xiangfeng's family so rich?!

Originally sympathized with a few girls to maple also opened his mouth, a pair of incredible expression.

It's horrible.

Originally, they thought that Yu Xiangfeng's family was very poor, maybe only a few cows.

But they didn't expect that Yu Xiangfeng was a rich second generation with 50000 cows at home!!!

"Classmate Yu, is there anything else in your family besides 50000 cows?"

Next to him, someone could not help asking.

"Well... There are 100000 sheep and 30000 horses..."

Yu Xiangfeng thought for a while and said softly.

"It's too little. Next year my parents are going to build a new ranch to double the size of cattle and sheep."

A hundred thousand sheep?!

Thirty thousand?!

And it will double next year?!

Oh, my God!

It turns out that Yu Xiangfeng is the second generation of ten billion people!

Everyone looks at Yu Xiangfeng with admiration and shock, and can't say it for a long time.

Local tyrant, real local tyrant!

Others raise thousands of sheep and hundreds of cattle, which is already very powerful.The number of cattle and sheep in your family is calculated by ten thousand.

Don't be so overbearing.

All the people admire Xiang Feng.

And some girls, is very worship and admiration of looking at the maple.

Enjoying everyone's amazing eyes, a smug smile appeared on Xiang Feng's face.

It seems that he has made a great success in this act.

As a "senior forced king", Yu Xiang Feng is different from those who just promoted to "forced king".

Pretending to be forced has its own way.

It's too low-level to be forced directly.

In order to attract the attention of Han Shishi and everyone, let the effect of forced loading better and better.

At the beginning, Yu Xiangfeng began to pave the way, giving people the impression that they were very poor at home, and finally pretended to be forced.

This brings better effect!

His father runs a company and manages several super large ranches. He is a real 10 billion rich man!

Accepting the adoration of the public, Yu Xiangfeng slowly looks at Han Shishi.

But the next second, Yu Xiangfeng's face changed.

Because after listening to Han's poems, although his expression was somewhat surprised, there was not much shock and worship.

I can't pretend this time.

"It's almost noon. Let's go to lunch together."

Yu Xiangfeng's mind turns around and thinks of a new way to force, so he says to Han Shishi and the girls.


"I've been hungry for a long time."

Several girls nodded in agreement.

"Han, what about you?"

Yu Xiangfeng asked Xiang Han Shi and Chu Chen with a smile.


Chu Chen nodded, he happened to be hungry.

"Great, the school restaurant must be very crowded at noon today. Let's eat out."

"I came to Mordor a few days ago, and I bought a new car, which is just right for me to take you."

Yu Xiangfeng suggests again.

"It's a pity that there are many people. I can't take a car myself. Chu Chen, do you have a car?"

Yu Xiangfeng suddenly turns to ask Chu Chen.

"Can you bring some people?"

Hearing this, Chu Chen shrugged his shoulders regretfully and replied:

"I have a car, but it's a two seater one. You can take other people with you. I'll go with Shishi."

Two seats?

Hearing this, people's first impression, first thought of the two seat electric car, as well as motorcycle.

"All right."

Yu Xiangfeng pretends to be sorry, but he is happy to have flowers in his heart.

It turns out that Chu Chen is a poor man. He can't even afford a car.

After a while, the Audi R8 that I just bought is more than two million, which can be compared with Chu Chen's car.

In this way, we can see at a glance who is better.

In to maple heart rose a sense of pride, began to look forward to the scene for a while.

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