Yu Xiangfeng is very proud in his heart. You know, he bought a high-end Audi R8, which is also his favorite green. The full name is the green hell version of Audi R8.

Global Limited Edition!

Just now when he stopped, I don't know how many people's eyes he attracted.

There are even many schoolgirls who come to chat up on their own initiative.

Just not too to maple vision is very high, did not take a fancy to them just.

"Let's go."

With a smile, Yu Xiangfeng takes people to his Audi R8 green hell version.

Chu Chen takes a look at the place where Yu Xiangfeng goes, which is very close to where he stops, so he and Han Shishi follow him.

On the way, Yu Xiangfeng contacted another vehicle, which was enough for several girls.

More than ten minutes later, Yu Xiangfeng triumphantly stopped in his Audi R8 green hell version.

Take out the car key, open the door to maple, suddenly attracted a burst of exclamation.

"I'll go. This super handsome Audi R8 belongs to this young man!"

"Bull, this car is so handsome


Several people who had been taking pictures in front of the green hell version of Audi R8 for a long time saw that the owner of the car was coming, and they all made exclamatory sounds.

"It's worthy of being Yu's classmate who has tens of thousands of cattle and horses at home."

"It's amazing."

Several girls also said with emotion.

Young, golden and handsome, it's definitely the first choice to be a boyfriend.

"Ordinary car, I just took out the driver's license not long ago, so I bought an Audi to drive and try it on."

"When the driving skills are good, I will ask my family for money to buy a super car."

Yu Xiangfeng continues to push. Super running is the magic weapon of pushing. Although the Audi R8 is also expensive, it is still worse than Lamborghini and Ferrari.

Two million cars, try it?

Everyone was shocked by Yu Xiangfeng's arrogance again!

"Chu Chen, where is your" car "

After loading, Yu asks Chu Chen about Feng Ruo. When he says "car", he accentuates his tone.

Because in the eyes of Xiang Feng, Chu Chen's "little electric donkey" or motorcycle is not worthy of calling for a taxi at all!

"Not far."

Chu Chen answers.

"Well, we'll wait here. You can drive the car over."

Yu suggested to Feng.

Chu Chen and Han Shishi leave. Three or four minutes later, Chu Chen finds his Ferrari and drives into the car. Chu Chen and Han Shishi head for Xiangfeng's Audi R8 green hell version.

A few people are waiting there bored, suddenly heard the noise.

"I'll go, Ferrari!"

"What a cool super run."

Outside, there was an exclamation.

Hearing this, Yu Xiangfeng, who was waiting in the car, and the girls turned to look at him one after another.

"It's so cool, this super car."

"This is the real sports car."

A few girls have not seen a few super runs, now see this red dazzling Ferrari, very surprised.


Audi R8, in the maple to swallow a mouthful of saliva, eyes full of envy.


Yu Xiangfeng is very hot in his heart. This is his favorite and favorite device.

After a period of time, I must buy a super car to install Force.

"Why hasn't Chu Chen come yet?"

Yu Xiang Feng looks at the time, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkle up. Chu Chen should come even if he is riding "bike sharing".

Why haven't you come yet?!

When complaining to Feng, Chu Chen's voice suddenly comes.

"Let's go."

Suddenly looking out, Yu Xiangfeng didn't see any motorcycles or electric donkeys.

Yu Xiangfeng looks for it carefully, and finally finds chuchen in an unexpected place.

"How can it be!"

Yu made a shocked voice to Feng, the whole person is not good!

In to maple stare big eyes, a pair of unbelievable appearance, don't dare, more don't want to believe in front of a scene.

As for the other girls, heard Chu Chen's voice, the same look.

In the end, their expressions were as surprised as Yu Xiangfeng!


"How come?"

Several girls covered their mouths and couldn't believe their eyes.

Chu Chen was watching them in their envious Ferrari super run.

Chu Chen said, can only take two people's car, turned out to be Ferrari!!!

Oh, my God!Because the living environment is more ordinary, there is no such kind of super driver around.

So when they knew that Chu Chen had only two seats, they subconsciously thought it was a small electric donkey, a bicycle and so on.

But I never thought that the car with only two seats was the legendary Ferrari!

"How come?"

Yu whispered to Feng, and his face became gloomy immediately. His pride just disappeared.

Yu Xiangfeng almost blew up!

He thought that his Audi R8 could help him install it easily.

As a result, he was easily crushed by chuchen's Ferrari and became a supporting role.

Because he paid more attention to sports cars, Yu Xiangfeng recognized Chu Chen's model at the first sight, as well as the price of nearly five million yuan.

Chuchen's Ferrari is twice the price of its own car!

For a moment, Yu Xiangfeng has a sense of frustration.

"It turns out that Chu Chen, the elder brother of poetry, is a rich and handsome man."

"He drives a sports car and is so low-key and modest."

Several little girls look at Chu Chen and say that they are attracted by Chu Chen one after another.

Gao Fu Shuai, who doesn't like it?!

"Let's go."

Leng for a while, in to maple mouth said.

After that, I drove the Audi R8 to lead the way.

Twenty minutes later, several people stopped in front of a new upscale restaurant.

Although this restaurant is just opened, it is a high-grade restaurant which is very popular recently. The per capita consumption is more than 2000!

After coming to Mordor, Yu Xiangfeng has been eating here all the time. He even applied for a membership card here and became a gold member here.

In to maple directly opened a big private room, invited everyone in.

However, because of what happened just now, the attention of these girls has been attracted by Chu Chen, and Xiang Feng seems to have become a supporting role.

Even if you order a lot of expensive food to maple, the effect is still not good.

Because it was the first day of the report, there was no collective activity in the afternoon, and people were not in a hurry to go back.

Face gloomy sit there, in to maple began to think about how to turn the plate, the attention of the people from Chu dust body, move to his body.

For a long time, in front of the maple, he has a way, so he secretly sent a message.

A few minutes later, Yu Xiangfeng's mobile phone rang.

"The house has been bought?"

"I'll see it in a moment?"

"All right."

Yu replied loudly to Feng and immediately attracted the attention of several girls.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Xiangfeng said to several people:

"I don't live in dormitory in University. My family bought me a 500 square house in mordu."

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