For a moment, people doubted life.

"Three million

Just came out of the kitchen with fruit, the teacher's mother was in the same place and kept muttering.

She was scared.

It's just an orchid. It costs 3 million?

Teacher Gao's daughter, the gentle beauty Gao Shiyun with a face value of more than 95, is also staring at Tang Fengyu.

It's not because of the price, but because of the legendary best of orchids.

Impressed by his father, Gao Shiyun also has deep feelings for orchids.

Today, I'm very happy to see Fengyu of the Tang Dynasty.

"The Tang Dynasty in the past, the phoenix feather today."

Teacher Gao looks at Tang Fengyu excitedly, his hands trembling.

"Luxury and domineering, occupy all the favor, like Huakui, both" Southern beauty, light green waist dance "charming, more" colorful clothes "dancing palace charm, show the king's noble demeanor."

"It's really Fengyu of the Tang Dynasty, the best in the orchid!"

After seeing Tang Fengyu for a long time, Mr. Gao reluctantly looked away.

"Xiaochen, your teacher has learned. I'm satisfied to see Fengyu in this life. I can't accept it."

Although he was extremely reluctant to give up, Fengyu of the Tang Dynasty was too precious for him to accept.

"The value of orchids depends entirely on who is in charge of them. Teacher, you are a person who understands orchids and loves orchids. Only when you give this Datang Fengyu to you can it show its value. Teacher, don't refuse."

Hearing this, Mr. Gao was even more excited.

"Bosom friend, bosom friend."

Teacher Gao holds Chu Chen's hand and says with emotion.

Chu Chen this sentence, let high teacher very useful, finally accepted.

Chu Chen sits down and chats with Mr. Gao, while sun Hongshuo and others are standing there awkwardly.

Three million things, just give them away?

"Brother Chu is a bull!"

"Orchids are valuable, but the teacher's cultivation is priceless. Brother Chen's heart to the teacher is priceless."

The next second, just now some students who disliked Chu Chen began to praise Chu Chen's spirit.

There are two female students, but also sat next to Chu Chen, trying to please Chu Chen.

Handsome and rich, this is definitely the best choice for a boyfriend.

"Xiao Chen, let's get some fruit."

The teacher's mother also came over with fruit. She was very warm and kind.

"Don't leave at noon today. Stay for dinner."

The teacher's mother who was cold to Chu Chen just now didn't appear.

"Thank you, ma'am."

"By the way, Xiaochen, you must have spent a lot of time and energy to get Datang Fengyu. Tell me about it quickly."

The teacher is very curious about the origin of Tang Fengyu.

"Yes, brother Chen, how much did you spend to buy Datang Fengyu?"

Several other students are more curious about the real price of this Datang Fengyu.

For a time, all eyes are gathered on Chu Chen's body.

They all want to hear Chu Chen's strange experience.

Chu Chen replied faintly:

"I'm really sorry, this Datang Fengyu was dug randomly from the backyard, and it didn't cost much money and experience."

Chu Chen told them the truth.


"From the backyard?"

A cry of surprise came, and everyone was stunned!

This is more shocking than hearing Chu Chen's strange experience!

This is not an orchid with dozens or hundreds of pieces.

But a 3 million orchid, enough to change a house in the city!

It's such a high price orchid, not bought, but dug from the backyard?

And it's a random dig?!

After hearing Chu Chen's words, everyone seemed to be struck by thunder.

If it is them, such a high price orchid, locked in the safe is not too much, but Chu Chen is randomly placed in the backyard?

Is this a human thing?


They recalled Chu Chen's words, the point seems not to be here.

Chu Chen can put a sky high price orchid in his backyard, so there must be countless rare flowers and plants higher than Tang Fengyu in his backyard.

Willing to decorate the backyard with so many expensive flowers and plants, how luxurious Chu Chen's home is and how rich Chu Chen is!

Thinking of this, people can't help taking a breath.

Is this the real local tyrant?

"Xiaochen, are there any rare plants like Fengyu in your backyard?"

Teacher Gao asked excitedly.

"I have a lot of plants in my backyard, but I didn't pay much attention to the value." Chu Chen tells the truth.Hearing this, people feel more deeply that it's "inhumane".

"Is it convenient for Fang to show the teacher?"

As soon as I hear that there are more rare flowers and plants, if I don't take a look, I'm afraid Mr. Gao won't be able to sleep for several days.

"No problem."

Chu fan agreed, this is a small problem of course.

"Brother Chen, we also want to have a long experience and have a look at the plants."

"Yes, can you take us with you?"

A few students also open their mouth to see whether the flowers and plants are fake. In fact, they want to see what Chu Chen's mansion looks like!


Chu Chen nodded.

In the end, everyone went downstairs.

"Bugatti, this is Bugatti?"

As soon as they went downstairs, they saw a very aggressive Bugatti parked there.

This car is more than ten million at least!

The crowd looked at Bugatti in a daze.

"Teacher, get in the car."

In everyone's shocked eyes, Chu Chen opens the door and invites the teacher in.

Is this Bugatti Chu Chen's?

It's a local tyrant!

Finally, Mr. Gao and his mother got into Chu Chen's car, and Chu Chen led the way.

Several female students, including Miss Gao's daughter, Gao Shiyun sat in the second car, while the remaining male students sat in the third car and followed Chu Chen's car.

"I didn't expect that Chu Chen was so rich. I thought the rumor was false before?"

Girl's car, a chubby sister incomparably envious said.

"Being so handsome and rich is definitely the first choice for a boyfriend."

Someone took the lead. For a moment, all the girls in the car began to discuss Chu Chen.

"None of us is worthy of Chu Chen, and senior sister Gao is the best match for Chu Chen."

At last, people put their eyes on Gao Shiyun, the daughter of teacher Gao.

As soon as they came in, they were surprised to see Gao's poetic charm. They were ashamed and had to admit that Gao's poetic charm was too beautiful.

It's just the real version of Jiangnan women depicted in the painting in the book, gentle and full of "immortal spirit".

"Elder martial sister Gao, Chu Chen is so handsome. Don't you think about it?"

"Yes, elder martial sister Gao?"

Gao Shiyun was a little shy and didn't speak.

At present, Chu Chen is still very good in her impression, not the upstart with gold watch and gold necklace that she dislikes.

Of course, this is just for the moment, Chu Chen's character, is not the kind of upstart, a look at home to know.

As for boyfriends or something, it's too far away. Gao Shiyun didn't think about it. After all, it's just the first time he met.

In the third car, sun Hongshuo still refuses to believe that Chu Chen has such a top luxury house.

Such a luxury house costs at least several hundred million, too much.

"Chu Chen must be bragging."

Sun Hongshuo has a tough mouth.

"Brother Shuo, don't worry. Whether chuchen is bragging or not, I'll see in a moment."

In the car, other people are also extremely curious and looking forward to it.

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