Twenty minutes later, everyone came to Yuetan garden.

Chu Chen said to the security, and the two cars behind entered smoothly.

In the car, the teacher's mother looked out excitedly. She was very curious about what the villa looked like?

"This... Is this Yuetan garden, the top villa in Jiangzhou?"

"You see, linyue lake, once a famous scenic spot in Jiangzhou, is now a private landscape of Yuetan garden."

In the back of the car, people also look at the outside curiously. Is it their first time to enter the villa?

"Come in, please."

After parking, Chu Chen opens the door of the villa and asks Mr. Gao and his mother to go in.

Slowly, the two cars behind also stopped.

"I'll go, super run!"

"Oh, my God, the ghost sports car, corneseg?"

"That's too handsome, isn't it?"

After getting off the bus, people saw the black koniseg parked there at the first sight. These young people went crazy instantly.

Chuchen's Bugatti is also very expensive, but this Bugatti 16cgalibier is closer to a business car, which is not so shocking to young people.

But super run is different. Seeing Chu Chen stop at koniseg beside the villa, everyone is excited to the extreme.

"25 million, this koniseg is 25 million!"

Someone found the information from the mobile phone and immediately took a breath.

25 million. Is it that expensive?

"Ten million luxury cars!"

For a moment, except for Gao Shiyun, everyone picked up their mobile phones and took photos of themselves.

More than 20 million sports cars. It's the first time they've seen each other in their life. I'm afraid it's also the last time. We must commemorate it!

Even sun Hongshuo is no exception, he is also the first time to see the legendary ghost sports car koniseg!

After taking the photo, sun Hongshuo reluctantly turned back and muttered: "I don't think so."

Even so, his eyes were full of envy, yearning and jealousy.

I almost said it.

"If only I had such a super car?"

A few boys fantasized.

Those girls are also very envious, individual have a boyfriend more complain about his boyfriend's incompetence.

"Bugatti, koniseg, chuchen, there are already two ten million class sports cars, not in chuchen's garage."

"Yes, how many luxury cars should there be in Chu Chen's garage?"

"It's not a garage, is it?"

The people started their own imagination, more shocked.

"It's already like this outside. What's it like in the villa?"

A girl couldn't help feeling.

People are more excited and curious.

One after another, they quickly walked forward and walked into Chu Chen's villa. They were shocked again.

"Fendi's sofa, poliform's bookshelf..."

looking at all kinds of furniture in the villa, people feel as if they have entered the palace of luxury, no, the palace of money.

"Sit down, everyone."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Hearing Chu Chen's words, they looked at at at least several million Fundy sofas. They hesitated.

Don't dare to sit. Once it's broken, they can't afford to sell iron.

"It's OK."

Chu Chen spoke again.

They sat down carefully.

Chu Chen serves tea to everyone. When he comes back from the kitchen, Chu Chen finds another person standing there, staring at a shelf.

Gao Shiyun, Miss Gao's daughter.

"What's the matter? Why don't you sit down?"

Go over, Chu Chen asks a way.

"Are these models, or are they real?"

Looking at the shelf, most of the chemical elements she has not seen, Gao Shiyun asked nervously.

"Of course it's true. What's the point of putting the model here?"

Chu Chen shrugged his shoulders.

Hearing this, Gao Shiyun was stunned and looked at Chu Chen with an incredible face.

For a moment, she didn't know how to describe her mood.

It seems that only shock.

"What's the matter, Shiyun?"

Looking at some abnormal daughter, teacher Gao is curious.

"Dad, here's a complete, real periodic table of chemical elements!" Gao Shiyun replied.

This scene, too shocking!


Mr. Gao suddenly stood up. Although he didn't teach chemistry, he knew how terrible it would be if it was true.

See teacher Gao get up, other people have also surrounded up.

"Isn't it the real periodic table of chemical elements?" Sun Hongshuo spoke with disdain.What kind of collection is this?

"I'm afraid that some of the elements have been sold to hundreds of millions per gram, and they can't be bought with money."

Gao Shiyun corrects sun Hongshuo's words.

"Even in the richest man's family, it doesn't have to be."

For a time, Chu Chen's image in Gao's poetry became tall and attractive.

Chu Chen is not a rich man who can only show off his wealth, but a man with connotation.

Other rich people either collect luxury goods or all kinds of antique jewelry, but Chu Chen is different. He collects a complete set of periodic tables of chemical elements.

Of course, Chu Chen didn't know his great change in Gao Shiyun's heart, and he didn't know that he was regarded as a connotative person by Gao Shiyun at the moment.

If you know, Chu Chen will low-key nod.

He is indeed a low-key and connotative youth of the new era!


"Hundreds of millions?"

After listening to Gao Shiyun's explanation, everyone seems to be struck by thunder!

That's hundreds of millions?

Originally, they thought that chuchen's villa was worth hundreds of millions, but they never thought that even a collection in chuchen's villa was worth hundreds of millions.

This is just one!

The moat is inhuman!

"This is your villa?"

Sun Hongshuo asked with trembling hands.

"It's too luxurious, isn't it?"


Chu Chen does not understand the answer.

"It's not luxury, isn't it true for ordinary villas?"

If this is a luxury, the villa No.1 of dongfanghanhai is not a luxury, but a palace.

At the moment, people feel that Chu Chen is really "dehumanized".

Others don't know, maybe it's the first time to enter the villa, but sun Hongshuo is different.

Not a luxury?

Isn't that true of villas?

Hearing these two words, sun Hongshuo was almost stimulated to vomit blood.

He also has villas in his family, but there is no koniseg, let alone the collection worth more than 100 million.

Chu Chen's collection alone can already buy three villas of his family!

Brother, villa is different from villa!

Sun Hongshuo is shut down by Chu Chen's words.

If Chu Chen's family is an ordinary villa, what is their family, a thatched cottage?!

The crowd glared at the shelf from beginning to end.

The first time they see a collection of over 100 million items, they must have a close look.

Missed, I'm afraid there's no chance in this life.

"Xiaochen, can you take us to the backyard?"

At the moment, Miss Gao can't wait to see other rare plants.

Chu Chen digs a flower at random, which is three million Tang Fengyu.

What would his backyard look like?

People are more looking forward to it!

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