Entering Chu Chen's backyard, the first thing you see is a small rockery.

"Is this the best Taihu stone?"

Mr. Gao, who is knowledgeable, is surprised.

Taihu stone is one of the four wonders of China.

"Such a big top-grade Taihu stone is put here as a rockery?"

Mr. Gao is very emotional.

A better Taihu stone, the size of a watermelon, is worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, most of which are placed at home as decorations.

But now such a big piece of Taihu stone is actually regarded as a rockery standing here.

"What, is this Taihu stone?"

Hearing Mr. Gao's words, the public reacted.

Although they have never seen Taihu stone, they have also heard its name.

Luxury goods in other people's homes, I want to sacrifice them.

In chuchen's place, it's like a rockery?!

The best Taihu Lake stone is worth at least six or seven million!

Mr. Gao is walking forward. He can't help stopping in front of every flower or ancient tree.

"This is the pole of bamboo, dragon scale bamboo?"

"Such a large area?"

"There are also Aesculus, silver fir, Abies, wisteria..."

looking at the countless rare ancient trees and flowers in the backyard, Mr. Gao was intoxicated.

Here any tree, a flower, are extremely expensive, the price is more than six figures.

The total income of many ordinary families in a year can't compare with any flower or grass here.

After listening to teacher Gao's introduction, everyone looked shocked.

Even sun Hongshuo was extremely shocked. After being hit by Chu dust just now, sun Hongshuo became extremely honest and did not dare to say a word.

Finally, Mr. Gao stopped in front of an orchid that was not in full bloom.

Miss Gao stares at the orchid, looks at it again and again, and seems to be thinking about something.

"Isn't it?"

Seeing his father's appearance and carefully looking at this orchid, Gao Shiyun gets excited.

"Yes, this is a rare one in a hundred years - the plain crown lotus tripod!"

Finally, Mr. Gao came to the conclusion!

Su Guan he Ding?

People are stunned to hear that. They haven't heard of it.

Even chuchen is no exception, because this orchid is not in full bloom, so chuchen chose the blooming Datang Fengyu to give it to Mr. Gao.

"Mr. Gao, what is SuGuan heding?"

Some people don't understand.

"Orchid, to lotus petals, heart, leaf grass for respect, all the orchids in the world, only the lotus tripod set three as one, for the most orchid!"

"At an auction in Southwest China, a top-quality lotus tripod sold for 15 million yuan!"

Mr. Gao explained carefully.

15 million?

Hearing this, people were confused.

An orchid costs more than 10 million.

"This one is still small, the specific price is hard to say, but at least it is about 10 million."

Gao estimates.

10 million!

They didn't know what to say for a moment.

Shock has been unable to describe their mood, only shock is more appropriate.

10 million. It's terrible.

"It seems that the former owner of this villa is also an orchid lover."

After listening to teacher Gao's explanation, Chu Chen also has a new understanding of this Yuetan garden villa.

He had previously underestimated the value of the villa.

Without these exotic plants in the backyard, this villa is no different from other villas in Yuetan garden.

But with these expensive precious plants, its overall value soared.

It is a waste of energy and money to gather so many rare flowers and plants.

Chu Chen has been to Yan Luoshui's home. Although her home has a backyard, there are not so many flowers and plants.

Chu Chen speculated that these strange flowers and plants were left by the former owner of the villa.

With these precious flowers and plants, his villa No. 6 is probably the most expensive villa in Yuetan garden.

At this point, Chu Chen also understood why the system would give him no. 6 villa. It turned out that it was the most expensive one.

The system is so good for you.

The system is awesome!

Chu Chen can't help licking, bah, is "praising" a wave of system.

Looking at the lotus tripod, Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao Shiyun and his daughter are deeply attracted, while his mother is attracted by Chu Chen's villa.

"Chu Chen, my father and I have a small request. I don't know if you can agree?"

At this time, Gao Shiyun suddenly asked nervously.

"Why are you so polite," he said

"Can you come and see this lotus tripod often?"Gao Shiyun asked nervously for fear that Chu Chen would refuse.

"Small things, of course, no problem."

Chu Chen nodded.

"Thank you."

Exhaled Chu Chen expected, heard Chu Chen did not refuse, Gao Shiyun extremely excited hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The next second, realizing that he was too excited and impolite, Gao Shiyun quickly let go of Chu Chen and apologized.

Because of his father's influence, Gao Shiyun also likes orchids very much.

Among all the orchids, she has a special preference for the legendary lotus tripod.

But because it was too precious, I never saw it.

I didn't expect to see it in chuchen today.

This is definitely the most exciting moment of Gao Shiyun in recent years.

Unfortunately, it is not in full bloom.

Therefore, Gao Shiyun boldly asked Chu Chen. After all, it was the first time they met, so it was not good to ask.

Unexpectedly, Chu Chen didn't refuse.

At the moment, Chu Chen's image in Gao's heart is more and more tall.

There is not only connotation, but also love and easygoing....

"if Mr. Gao likes it....

as soon as Chu Chen spoke, he was quickly rejected by Mr. Gao.

After accepting the 3 million Tang Fengyu from Chu Chen, Mr. Gao was very sorry.

Now this 10 million SuGuan lotus tripod will never be harvested by him.

At last, they had dinner together and left one after another.

Time flies. A few days later, the fat man's father leaves hospital.

Fat man calls Chu Chen.

He said that his father must thank Chu Chen face to face and wanted to say thanks at the door.

Chuchen refused, fat man is his brother, fat man's father is also his elder, how can let the elder come to thank him?

So Chu Chen said that on the day uncle Han left hospital, he would go.

That is today, in order to exercise, Chu Chen is going to ride the night.

"Still too poor."

Looking at the garage, Chu Chen said with emotion.

Those rich people's garages are full of luxury cars, while their garages are only two.

"The road to the richest man is very hard. No matter how many difficulties there are, I will stick to it."

"Getting rich has not yet been successful, comrades still have to work hard"

there is a system in place, and there is no panic at all.

Chu Chen left Yuetan garden and rode to the hospital.

When Chu Chen came to the hospital, in addition to the Han family father and son, there was a young man and woman.

The young beauty couldn't move her eyes when she saw Chu Chen.

How handsome!

Is this the beauty of immortals?

For a moment, she regretted that she should not have found a boyfriend so early.

Next to him, the young man noticed his girlfriend's look at Chu Chen. His face turned green and he was hostile to Chu Chen.

No, we must beat the boy to let the girl friend know who is the best.

Soon, a big plan of "pretending to be forced" appeared in the minds of young people.

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