"Old Chu, here you are."

After seeing Chu Chen, the fat man came up.

"Are you Chu Chen?"

Fat man's father is an honest farmer. When he saw Chu Chen, he stood up immediately.

After waking up from a coma, he knows that Chu Chen helped him pay for the operation, which saved his life. He is very grateful to Chu Chen.

"Thank you."

With that, uncle Han is ready to bow to Chu Chen. Chu Chen quickly stops him.

"Uncle, fat man and I are brothers. You are my elder. If the elder is sick, the younger should do his part."

Chu Chen quickly helped uncle Han sit down and explained.

It's only a few hundred thousand. It's not a lot of money. Chu Chen doesn't care at all.

"Thank you very much. It's a blessing for him to have such a brother as you."

Uncle Han spoke.

"By the way, take this."

With that, uncle Han handed an envelope to Chu Chen.

Then, Chu Chen opened the envelope and saw that it was an IOU.

This is from Uncle han to Chu Chen.

For uncle Han, half a million is already a lot, so we have to pay it back.


Chu Chen didn't want to take it, but Uncle Han insisted again and again, so Chu Chen had to take it.

Later, find a chance to give the IOU directly to fat man or Han Shishi.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you."

As soon as the fat man patted his head, he said:

"this is my cousin Xu Jie, and this is her boyfriend yuan Fengyu."

The young men and women next to him turned out to be fat man's cousins and boyfriends.

Xu Jie also works in Jiangzhou. Today, her fat father was discharged from hospital. She and her boyfriend came here specially.


Yuan Fengyu took the initiative to come forward and extended his hand to shake hands with Chu Chen.

His plan of "pretending to force" is about to begin.

If he doesn't start, he's really afraid that the next second will turn green on his head.

The fat man helped his father pack up and was ready to leave.

Chu Chen, Xu Jie and Yuan Fengyu are standing there.

"Xiao Chu, what are you doing now?"

Yuan Fengyu spoke.

"No work yet."

"So." Yuan Fengyu nodded.

"There is no job. I can ask Fengyu to help you. He is now a human resource director in a listed company."

Xu Jie suggests to Chu Chen.

"This... Is a bit difficult. Our company wants a master's degree or above from 985211 school. Xiao Chu may have some trouble."

Yuan Fengyu spoke in embarrassment.

"But I can work from it and find a chance to get Xiao Chu in. It's a piece of cake."

Yuan Fengyu looks like an elder.

"Not interested."

Chu Chen light answer.

"Not interested?"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Xu Jie and Yuan Fengyu were embarrassed.

"Young man, don't always think about gnawing at the old, but work hard on your own."

"Just like me, although my annual salary is only 800000, I still work hard. It's not a problem if I want to go up to 1 million next year."

Yuan Fengyu looks "modest".

Although his actual annual salary is only 400000, he certainly needs to say a little more in order to be forced.

800000 a year?

A million next year?

Hearing this, all the people present were surprised to see yuan Fengyu, including Xu Jie.

Although she knows that the boyfriend she just found is the director of a listed company, she does not know the specific annual salary of Yuan Fengyu.

I didn't expect so many. 800000?

Fat man and uncle Han were shocked to hear this.

"How powerful!"

"We can't make so much money in ten years?"

Uncle Han said with emotion, very envious.

Looking at the shocked eyes of several people, Yuan Fengyu was very proud. What he wanted was this effect.

He is still professional in terms of pretending to be a force!

Only Chu Chen was still standing there, which made yuan Fengyu feel uncomfortable.

He opened his mouth again, like teaching Chu Chen.

"Xiao Chu, think about it and find a stable job with a fixed income...

Dong Dong!

Yuan Fengyu had not finished his words when a knock came at the door.

"Come in, please."

The fat man opened the door and saw a middle-aged man in a suit come in.

"Mr. Chu, I finally found you. I went to your villa just now, but no one was there. After inquiring about your neighbors, I found out that you were in the hospital."

The middle-aged man said.

"Who are you?"Chu Chen didn't know him.

"Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm the manager of Xingyuan mining. According to our general manager Huang, I've sent you the share transfer certificate."

"From today on, 5% of Xingyuan mining is yours."

Then the middle-aged man handed the share transfer certificate to Chu Chen.

Hearing this, Chu Chen remembered.

Once there was a coal boss who wanted to buy his own East Hanhai No.1 villa. Chu Chen refused, so he threatened Chu Chen.

As a result, a phone call, the coal boss counseled.

In order to apologize, coal boss's immediate superior, a coal mine 5% of the shares to Chu Chen.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu. The transfer of mining shares needs a series of procedures. It's very troublesome. I hope you'll forgive me."

The middle-aged man said sorry.

"It doesn't matter."

Seeing that Chu Chen had accepted the share transfer certificate, the middle-aged man left.

Room, looking at Chu Chen, everyone stay.


5% of coal mines?

Chu Chen has a mine and lives in a villa?

He is worth at least tens of millions, even hundreds of millions!

For a moment, Yuan Fengyu felt hot on his face.

He's a man with an annual salary of only a few hundred thousand, and he even wants a person with a value of at least tens of millions to follow him?


Looking at Chu Chen, Xu Jie's eyes glowed.

Not only handsome, but also rich, my God, is this the top rich handsome?

For a moment, Xu Jie had the idea of breaking up and chasing Chu Chen regardless of everything.

"It's almost noon. Let's have a meal. I've arranged it."

Yuan Fengyu suggested.

"After eating, send uncle Han away."

After getting into yuan Fengyu's car, everyone went to the restaurant.

Finally, they stop in front of the snow shadow Pavilion.

"Forget to say, I'm the human resources director of Xueying catering group, and xueyingxuan is a member of our group."

On the bus, Yuan Fengyu spoke.

"I've reserved a private room here. You're welcome."

Employees of Xueying catering group?

Chu Chen eyebrows a pick, so coincidental?

"Xiao Yuan took the trouble."

Uncle Han said.

"It doesn't matter. It's my own place."

Yuan Fengyu's own territory, I am the master's appearance, answer at will.

After stopping the car, Yuan Fengyu went in with the crowd.

Came to the front desk, handed a membership card up.

"I reserved a one star private room."

Snow shadow Xuan's private room level is divided into three levels, one to three stars, the lowest level.

Just when the front desk staff was ready to verify, a voice came suddenly.

"Open a 3-star private room directly."

A chubby man came out, impressively is the deputy general manager of snow shadow Xuan Zhao.

"Mr. Zhao?"

After seeing general manager Zhao, Yuan Fengyu was stunned.

Zhao always so to his face, directly from a star to Samsung.

For a moment, Yuan Fengyu felt that he was floating.

He did it again!

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