Before waiting for yuan Fengyu to speak, president Zhao took the lead in saying:

"welcome to President Chu to guide the work, xueyingxuan is magnificent!"

President Chu?

Yuan Fengyu was stunned.

What President Chu?

Why hasn't he heard of it?

Suddenly, a terrible idea appeared in his mind.

Following Zhao's eyes, Yuan Fengyu's body froze in the next second.


Is Chu Chen the president of Chu?

No way?!

"Mr. Zhao, where is Mr. Chu?"

Yuan Fengyu asked nervously, for fear of hearing the answer he didn't want to hear.

"Mr. Chu is Mr. Chu Chen, of course."

Mr. Zhao replied.

In a flash, Yuan Fengyu was silly.

It's true. It's true.

Chu Chen is the president of Chu!

How is that possible?


Beside Chu Chen, Xu Jie is even more surprised to call out.

Covering her mouth, Xu Jie couldn't believe it.

Chu Chen is actually the boss of Xueying catering group, which is a multi billion listed company!

Oh, my God!

So young, about twenty years old.

The key is still so handsome, for a time, she was completely occupied.

No, she wants to break up with Yuan Fengyu. She must break up!

Unfortunately, Yuan Fengyu didn't know what Xu Jie thought, otherwise, he would cry.

Originally, he wanted to make Xu Jie know who was the best.

Xu Jie did see clearly.

Yuan Fengyu is a rubbish!

Uncle Han and fat man also look at Chu Chen in shock.

Originally they thought chuchen was a rich second generation, but now it seems that chuchen is more like a rich one.

It's even more terrifying!

"I'm worthy of being my brother. I'm a bull!"

There is a sense of pride in the fat man's heart.

"Also, Xiao Yuan, if the president of Chu is here, don't call me president Zhao. Just call me president Zhao Hongliang, or you will show no respect to President Chu."

Zhao Hongliang said to Yuan Fengyu seriously.


Hearing this, Yuan Fengyu collapsed even more.

Zhao Hongliang said that Chu Chen was at least the top three shareholders of the company, either the second or the third.


"Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Chu Chen thanks.

"That's very kind of you."

Finally, president Zhao personally sent Chu Chen to a three-star box.

After leaving, Mr. Zhao returned to the office and called Jiang Shunan, President of Xueying catering group.

"What, the mysterious Chu dust appeared?"

Jiang Shunan heard Zhao Hongliang's words and said in surprise.

Since this mysterious Chu Chen became the second largest shareholder of their group, Jiang Shunan began to investigate Chu Chen.

After all, Chu Chen's 15% stake has slightly threatened her position as president.

But after investigating for a long time, she found nothing but a photo.

Did not expect today, this mysterious Mr. Chu, unexpectedly appeared in the snow shadow Xuan.

"Well, you go and talk to Mr. Chu, and invite him to the group at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Let's have a talk."

Since Chu Chen appeared, she must see her.

Now Chu Chen is eating. He used to be informal and inappropriate.

"I see."

Zhao Hongliang nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Shunan fell into deep thinking.

"You ask manager Lin, vice president Li... They'll come."

A minute later, Jiang Shunan said to his secretary.

These people are Jiang Shunan's confidants, but also the company's high-level.

She decided to discuss the details of meeting Chu Chen tomorrow.

How to deal with Chu Chen, the mysterious second largest shareholder.


"Two o'clock tomorrow afternoon?"

In the box, hearing Zhao Hongliang's words, Chu Chen thought for a moment.


To become the second largest shareholder of Xueying catering group, he really needs to take a look at the company.

"Please, Mr. Chu."

After that, Zhao Hongliang left.

At the dinner table, Yuan Fengyu was very careful and did not dare to say another word.

Terrified and chuchen after dinner, Yuan Fengyu took them back to the hospital.

Because Uncle Han had too many things, he still put them in the hospital. He didn't bring them with him just now.

Take your things and Yuan Fengyu is going to take them to the railway station.

"Uncle Han, I'll go first. Goodbye."

Chuchen doesn't plan to go. After saying goodbye to Uncle Han, chuchen rides away quickly.Fat man's cousin is so enthusiastic that she's almost stuck to him.

No, No.

"Boys must protect themselves outside, especially those who are handsome... Handsome enough to explode."

"I'm so hard."

Chu Chen rode to Yuetan garden.

The next day, Chu Chen had lunch and came to the living room.

"What's that?"

Suddenly, Chu Chen noticed a small lady's bag in the corner of the sofa.


Chu Chen curiously opens it. There are ID cards, several bank cards and some cosmetics in it.

"High poetic charm?"

Pick up the ID card, Chu Chen a look, unexpectedly is teacher Gao's daughter, the gentle beauty of high poetry.

Chu Chen remembered.

Yesterday evening, Gao Shiyun came to his house and looked at the lotus tripod again.

Maybe I forgot to take it yesterday.

Chu Chen calls Gao Shiyun.

"Well, I forgot yesterday. I wanted to pick it up at your house after work today."

Gao Shiyun explained.


just then, the system sounds.

[system task release]

[acquisition of any company in Yunfan building, task time: 12 hours]

[task completion, reward ownership of Yunfan building]


See here, Chu Chen a Leng.

Yunfan building?

Is the system so rewarding this time?

Yunfan building is a high-grade office building in Jiangzhou financial center. It is one of the most expensive places in Jiangzhou, with 80000 or 90000 yuan per square meter, and even 110000 or 120000 yuan in some places.

Yunfan building has 18 floors, which are rented by many small and medium-sized companies.

The first floor of Yunfan building is about 1000 square meters. If calculated by 100000 yuan per square meter, each floor is worth more than 100 million.

The total value of the 18 storey Yunfan building is at least 2 billion yuan!

The reward of this system is 2 billion!!!

It's so horrible.

"By the way, where do you work?"

After listening to the system task, Chu Chen asks Gao Shiyun.

"Zilin design company on the 8th floor of Yunfan building."

Gao Shiyun replied.

"You don't have to come. I'll send you a bag. By the way, I'll go to Yunfan building to deal with some small things."

"Thank you."

When Gao Shiyun heard this, he didn't refuse.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Chen whispered.

"Buy any company in Yunfan building?"

Since it is any one, of course, we need to find the cheapest small company in Yunfan building.

Chu Chen a survey, Yunfan building all the companies.

Zilin design company, where Gao Shiyun is located, is the cheapest, with a total value of about 30 million.

"Buy me Zilin design."

Chu Chen calls the Secretary Mo Yuwan and asks her to buy Zilin design company for herself with the contacts of Junlin group.

"All right, President Chu."

Although very curious, Mo Yu Wan did not ask more.

After receiving Chu Chen's order, Mo Yu Wan didn't care about the lunch break, so he went to do it immediately.

Chu Chen picked up Gao's bag and rode to Yunfan mansion.

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