On the 8th floor of Yunfan building, at the front desk of Zilin design company, two beautiful girls are looking down and talking.

There was a sound of footwork.

One of the girls spoke subconsciously:

"excuse me...

but before she finished, she was stunned.

Looking at Chu Chen, the front desk girl fell, and her heart beat faster.

How handsome.

"What's the matter?"

Another sister who bowed her head found that her companion was abnormal, so she also looked forward.


This younger sister sees Chu Chen, direct shriek, cover mouth, a pair of unimaginable appearance.

Is he a star?

How can you be so handsome?

"Hello, which department is Gao Shiyun in?"

Chu Chen said to two front desk girls with a smile.

He talked to me. He talked to me!

For a moment, the two girls were about to jump up with excitement.

They must have been noticed by the goddess of luck today.

Looking at Chu Chen's immortal appearance, they forgot to answer.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the two girls didn't answer, Chu Chen shook his head helplessly and went directly into the purple forest design company.

"It's a pity that the two beautiful girls have a problem with their hearing, ah..."

Chu Chen said with emotion, and he felt very sorry for them.

Chu Chen walks in Zilin design company and sees another girl and asks again;

"Hello, where is Gao Shiyun


After seeing Chu Chen, this younger sister's whole body trembles, the data in the hand falls.

How cool!

How cool!

"Another shallow man?"

Chu Chen murmured helplessly.

It's a man who covets his beauty again. I'm so helpless.

When will there be a girl who likes his inner beauty?

Finally, when Chu Chen asked the third sister, she finally answered excitedly.

"She's... She's in... Design."

While trembling answer, sister side to Chu dust guide.

"Thank you."

Chu Chen nodded to his sister and went to the design department.

"Mom, I'm in love."

Looking at Chu Chen's back, this younger sister can't help muttering, and her heart is excited to the extreme.

Soon, a big news appeared in all the wechat groups of Zilin design company.

A super invincible explosion handsome little brother appeared in the company.

In addition, there is a picture of Chu Chen's perfect face.

"My God, how can you be so handsome?"

"He is my prince charming."

"Where he is, I'm going to say it."

"Count me in."

In a flash, all the girls of Zilin design company were excited.

Their design company was originally more girls than boys, but now there is a handsome little brother, all girls are crazy.

Countless Girls left their desks and looked around.

"I see it. He's there."

Finally, they found Chu Chen's figure.

At this time, Chu Chen also came to the design department, saw a circle, did not see the figure of Gao Shiyun.

"Shiyun, she went to the general manager's office to hand in the documents."

Just now the second younger sister finally reacted to come over, loudly to Chu Chen shout a way.

"I'll take you."

"Thank you."

After that, Chu Chen, under the leadership of his sister, goes to the general manager's office.

Behind Chu Chen, countless girls follow, taking photos with their mobile phones. The scene is even more terrifying than that of the stars.

In the face of so many girls' adoring eyes, Chu Chen is very indifferent.

No way, he is too handsome, such eyes from small to large, he does not know how much to bear, used to.

"What's the matter with you?"

"What's that writing about?"

"Go back and do it again. If the change is not good, don't leave tonight. When will the change be finished and when will you get off work?"

When I was about to arrive at the general manager's office, a harsh voice came.

The next second, Gao Shiyun came out with great grievance.

After seeing Chu Chen, Gao Shiyun was stunned.

It seems to hear the noise outside, the door of the general manager's office opens again, and a middle-aged woman with a pearl necklace and a mean face comes out.

Seeing all the people around Chu Chen, the middle-aged woman's face suddenly became gloomy.

"What are you doing?"

"It's time to go to work. Who told you to leave your jobs?""Everyone's bonus will be cancelled this month!"

The middle-aged woman scolded the crowd.

Hear here, countless girls muddled, want to cry without tears, their bonus ah.

"And you, who are you? Outsiders are not welcome in our company."

"Don't come again!"

The middle-aged woman scolded Chu Chen for her bad complexion.

"What's the matter with you?" The middle-aged woman added.

"I'll give you something and buy a company by the way."

Chu Chen light answer.

The scene was extremely quiet.

I'll give you something and buy a company by the way?

Everyone was scared by Chu Chen's words!

"Buy a company, buy which company?"

"You're not daydreaming, are you?"

The middle-aged woman is still sarcastic:

"just like you, you still buy a company, do you deserve it, ha ha?"

The middle-aged woman's voice just finished, a refined middle-aged man just came.

"Mr. Chu?"

After seeing Chu Chen, the middle-aged man was stunned and immediately spoke politely.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon."

The elegant middle-aged man is no other than the chairman of Zilin design company.

"The contract has been signed. I think your secretary will give it to you soon."

After a round of watching, the middle-aged man said:

"I think everyone is here to announce something."

"From today on, Chu Chen, Mr. Chu is the chairman of Zilin design company. Mr. Chu has bought the company from me."

When they heard this, they were stunned.


What the little brother said just now is true.

He really bought a company by the way, not other companies, but their company.

Oh, my God!

Little brother, it's terrible!

Looking at Chu Chen, all the girls didn't know how to describe their mood for a moment.

No shock, no surprise.

It seems that there is only one old word more appropriate - lying trough!

It's like a dream.

Gao's poetic charm is also extremely shocked.

For a moment, she began to think.

Why did Chu Chen buy Zilin company?

Is it for her?

Thinking of this, Gao Shiyun's heart beats faster and looks at Chu Chen secretly.

"Well, Zilin design company will be Mr. Chu's, and I'm leaving."

In a word, the refined middle-aged man left completely with his own things.

This immortal little brother has become his own boss?

In an instant, all the girls went crazy.

"Little brother, you are so powerful!"

"No, it should be called boss now. Boss, you are so handsome."

"Boss, I love you!"

All the girls are crazy. At the moment, they are very glad that God is so good to them.

I found myself such a handsome boss, as if in a dream.

At the scene, only the mean middle-aged woman just stood there quietly.

It's not that she's calm, it's that she's scared!

Pass the bag to Gao Shiyun, and Chu Chen slowly looks at the middle-aged woman.

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