After going home, because of all kinds of things, Chu Chen hasn't had time to tell his mother about Yan Luoshui.

The mother because a few days ago asked Bai Lingling, determined that the son did not have a girlfriend, so this arrangement.

Knowing that if Chu Chen was allowed to go on a blind date, Chu Chen would certainly refuse, so my mother invited people home.

In desperation, Chu Chen had to sit down and chat with the girl.

The mother went to another room with the girl's mother and left the space for Chu Chen and the girl,

after a few words, Chu Chen knew that the girl's name was Chen Ru.

Unlike her former blind date, Chen Ru didn't ask about her house, car and work. Instead, she talked with Chu Chen about her horoscope and hobbies.

Chen Ru looks at Chu Chen, very excited, she really didn't expect the object of blind date so handsome.

Hear Chu Chen and Chen Ru chat almost, mother and Chen Ru's mother came out.

"Xiaoru has finished talking with you. Now I have some questions to ask?"

After coming out, Chen Ru's mother came straight to the point.

"Do you have a house in Linshui? After I married my daughter, I can't live with your parents."

"I didn't buy a house in Linshui."

Chu Chen told the truth, he did not buy a house in Linshui, his two villas are in Jiangzhou?

The one I bought before was for my parents, so it's not a wedding house.

"No house?"

Chen Ru's mother's face changed slightly and murmured.

"Do you have a car?" Chen Ru's mother asked again.

Chen Ru felt that it was not good for her mother to ask directly when she first met, so she pulled her mother.

"Everything is up to me."

There is no doubt about Chen Ru's mother.

Hearing this, Chen Ru did not dare to speak.

"The car?"

"There's a car."

Chu Chen nodded, because when they came, Chu Chen drove out, so they didn't see Chu Chen's rolas.

"It's OK to have a car."

Chen Ru's mother nodded.

"What do you do?"

"I've been doing it lately."

"Open a drop?"

"So there's no regular job?"

After hearing Chu Chen's answer, Chen Ru's mother is extremely dissatisfied.

I didn't expect that Chu Chen was actually open?

Since he drives Didi, his car can't be a luxury car like Mercedes Benz or BMW.

"It turned out to be a poor pen." Chen Ru make complaints about

's mother's heart.

No house, ordinary car, still want to marry her daughter, dream?!

"If my daughter is with you, you have to buy a large house with an area of more than 120 square meters. The betrothal gift is one million yuan, which can't be less at all!"

Finally, Chen Ru's mother didn't want to talk nonsense and said directly.

Originally listening to Chu Chen's answer, her mother felt that it was not right. She wanted to explain for Chu Chen that they had a good car and a house.

But at the last words, my mother's face changed slightly.

Is this marriage or selling a daughter?


Hearing her mother's excessive demands, Chen Ru spoke quickly.

They have a very high financial capacity of more than 100000 yuan. Unexpectedly, their mother asked for a million betrothal gifts!

Too many.

"Don't pull me. If you don't want more money, what will your brother do when he gets married?"

To Chen Ru, Chen Ru's mother has a tough attitude:

"without one million yuan, my daughter will never marry you."

"Well, goodbye."

To this kind of "sell a daughter" behavior, Chu Chen hates very much.

Chen Ru also has a younger brother, who knows what he will want in the future?

"Can't even take out a million?"

Chen Ru's mother's face was completely gloomy.

Isn't that a waste of her time?

"No one has a million. What wife do you want to marry? There will be no woman with you all your life!"

Scolded a, Chen Ru mother pulls daughter to throw a door and go!

"How can such a person be?"

Watching the two leave, mother is also very angry.

"It's all my mother's fault. I have to make a good inquiry about my blind date in the future."

Hear here, Chu dust full head black line, still want blind date?

This blind date girl is not bad, but her mother is so disgusting that she dare not refute her mother's words.

Suddenly, Chu Chen's mobile phone rings.


Looking at the mobile phone, Chu Chen smiles on his face.

It turned out that Yan Luoshui had come, and now he was downstairs. He had brought many gifts, so he sent a message to Chu Chen and asked Chu Chen to go down and help him.

"Mom, I didn't tell you I had a girlfriend."Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"No blind date in the future."

Hear here, mother just want to say what, Chu dust but preemptive opening.

"Now she's downstairs. Don't believe it, mom. Will you come down with me?"

Hearing this, my mother was stunned.

Is what my son said true.

Extremely curious, mother and Chu Chen went downstairs together.

The mother and daughter just now have not left.

At the moment, looking at the two luxury cars parked downstairs, Chen Ru's mother was a little stunned.

A legendary Rolls Royce and a Ferrari are all luxury cars among luxury cars.

Chen Ru's mother said with admiration:

"I didn't expect that there were such luxury cars in the old community."

"No, I want to know."

Chen Ru's mother wants to ask if the owner of the luxury car is married.

Just as she thought about it, the door of Ferrari opened and a beautiful woman came out.

After seeing the beauty, even Chen Ru and her mother were stunned.

How beautiful!

There are no shortcomings.

When they were stunned, Chu Chen and his mother came down.

"Mom, that's her."

Chu Chen looks at Yan Luoshui and says to his mother.


The mother was stunned when she saw Yan Luoshui. She didn't expect her son's girlfriend to be so beautiful.

"Hello, aunt. I'm Yan Luoshui. Just call me Luoshui."

In the surprised eyes of Chen Ru and Chen Ru's mother, Yan Luoshui comes over with a smile and says to Chu Chen's mother very politely.


Their family is so poor, there are so rich relatives?

"Hello, hello."

Looking at Yan Luoshui, mother said hello, very satisfied with Yan Luoshui.

"Chu Chen, this is the key to your villa. Here you are."

Yan Luoshui returns the key of Chu Chen's villa to Chu Chen.

Because Chu Chen came back to Linshui and was not at home, the puppet cat in the villa was not taken care of, so Yan Luoshui asked Chu Chen's key to take care of the cat when Chu Chen was not there.

Hearing this, Chen Ru's mother was dumbfounded.


Villa key?

Do they have a villa?

"Didn't you say there was no house near the water?" Chen Ru's mother asked Chu Chen subconsciously.

"Yes, I don't have a house in Linshui. My two villas are in Jiangzhou."

Chu Chen tells the truth.


Hearing this, Chen Ru's mother was shocked.

Do they really have villas?

Or two villas?

For a moment, Chen Ru's mother wanted to cry without tears.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"

Chen Ru's mother is unreasonable.

However, Chu Chen's words immediately silenced Chen Ru's mother.

"You didn't ask."

Chen Ru's mother is confused.

She really didn't ask, but why didn't you take the initiative?

Just when Chen Ru's mother thinks that Chu Chen's shock to her is only the villa, Chu Chen's unintentional words make her even more stupid.

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