"Luoshui, I'll drive Rolls Royce to the side a little bit, and you park the car."

Now the parking position of Yan Luoshui may affect the passing vehicles, so Chu Chen opens his mouth.

This is the old community, there is no parking space, garage, we are looking for a suitable location to park downstairs.

They have been neighbors for ten or twenty years, and they are very humble.

Originally Chu Chen's words were meant to be heard by Yan Luoshui, but next to her, Chen Ru's mother was shocked to hear them!

At the moment, her mind a blank, looking at Chu dust.


What did he say?

Turn Rolls Royce aside?

So Rolls Royce is his?

For a long time, Chen Ru's mother still didn't accept it. She couldn't help asking.

"Rolls Royce is really yours?"


Chu Chen nods. Rolls Royce is his. What's the matter?

"Why didn't you say you drove a Rolls Royce earlier?" Chen Ru's mother collapsed and asked aloud.

Chu Chen light answer.

"You still didn't ask?"

"You didn't ask, why did I say it?"

After hearing Chu Chen's words, Chen Ru's mother wants to give herself a hammer, yes!

Why didn't she ask?

Most people will subconsciously think that there won't be any good cars when they hear about driving Didi.

With a good car, who will drive didi?

Because of this subconscious, everything is late.

There are two villas, open les, this is absolutely the legend of the rich!

She dreams of marrying her daughter to such a family!

But now, just because of the "subconscious", miss it for nothing?


Unwilling, Chen Ru's mother hurried to Chu Chen and pleaded: "I'm wrong, it's all my fault!"

"I don't want any betrothal gifts. Xiaoru can marry you. I don't want anything."

As long as Xiaoru can marry into a rich family, can she still be short of money?

"I'm sorry to introduce you. This is my girlfriend, Yan Luoshui."

Chu Chen did not answer Chen Ru's mother directly, but introduced Yan Luoshui to her.



Or a girlfriend driving a Ferrari?

Chen Ru's mother was completely stupid and lost her soul.

How can a woman look up to her daughter when her girlfriend is so beautiful and she has money?

It's over. It's all over.

"I hate you."

In the distance, Chen Ru angrily scolds her mother.

To tell the truth, she has a good impression of Chu Chen. Her mother is too snobbish, which makes her completely lose the possibility of becoming Chu Chen's girlfriend.

Especially just now, her mother begged Chu Chen for money, regardless of her feelings, which made Chen Ru despair.

In my mother's eyes, is she a tool to use?

"I want to break the mother daughter relationship with you!"

Finally, he said angrily, and Chen Ru left crying.

"No, you wait."

Chen Ru's mother rushed after her daughter.

Seeing this, Chu Chen sighed.

This may be the best result for Chen Ru.

He doesn't resent Chen Ru. Everything is OK for the little girl. The only drawback is that she listens to her mother.

If Chen Ru still listens to her mother, her future life will be a nightmare.

Now, Chen Ru understands that she needs to get rid of her mother. Only in this way can her life have a new beginning.

"Unconsciously, he rescued another girl from the abyss."

Chu Chen sighed.

He's handsome and likes to do good. He's perfect.

Yan Luoshui moved the car and went upstairs with a gift for Chu Chen's parents.

In the evening, sitting together for dinner, parents are very satisfied with Yan Luoshui.

The room in the home is not enough, Chu Chen takes Yan Luoshui to live in the duplex that just bought for his parents.


Recently I went home, bought a house and a car, and Chu Chen didn't have time to watch the live broadcast.

In recent days, a big event happened in Shark Live broadcast.

The well-known super Shenhao: money is a pile of numbers in my eyes, "Shuye" has come to live the shark.

In the live broadcast of tiger cat, Shuye is the top three super God hero, brushing tens of millions of gifts.

In the live broadcast of tiger cat, Shuye has more fans than many big anchors.

Shuye came to live with shark, and many fans followed him to live with shark.

For a moment, countless audiences began to see the excitement.

But everyone didn't expect that the live broadcast of shark was to declare war!"I - money in my eyes is a pile of numbers, to fight fish!"

"In the live broadcast of tiger cat, I am the top three Shenhao, but today when I come to live broadcast of shark, I want to be the first."

"Today, I send a post here to declare war on the first Shenhao live broadcast of Shark:" I'm free to send gifts! "

"Dare to compare, who brushes more gifts, who has more money?"

Post a, Shark Live like a big earthquake!

So the audience is boiling up, they know, a peerless war is coming!

This time, I'm afraid it will set a new record!

Who is the first Shenhao in Shark Live broadcast?

For several days in a row, several ye every night in Zhou Qian's live room, declare war, waiting for Chu Chen.

In a few days, millions of gifts have been given.

People are looking forward to this war.

Unfortunately, for several days in a row, they only saw the number of ye came, and did not see nothing brother.

At the beginning, the fans of Shuye and brother Wuwu began to spray each other.

They all argue that their idols are the first heroes of Shark Live Broadcasting.

But because he didn't show up for several days, his fans didn't have enough confidence and didn't dare to argue any more.

"No problem, brother is a coward!"

"Yes, coward, should we fight or not? As soon as we hear that the count master is coming, this boy has become a shrinking turtle?"

"Hahaha, the first shark is a turtle

"I'm too scared to come out."

"He doesn't deserve to lick our shoes!"

"Ha ha ha."

The fans of Shuye swipe the screen crazily in all the live rooms.

For a moment, shark live is full of this rhythm.

That night, Chu Chen was bored and turned on the live broadcast.

As soon as I logged in, countless private letters and information poured in.

After a look, Chu Chen knew what had happened.

"Declare war on me on Shark Live?"

Chu Chen showed a funny smile on his face.

It's a bit interesting.

Declaration of war means more gifts and more money than who brushes them?

You know, the president of Shark Live is him. He gives gifts from one hand to the other. In the end, the money is still his.

No matter how many gifts you brush, it doesn't matter.

But this number is different.

Finally, the money that count Ye brushes, but want to enter Chu Chen's pocket.

He declared war on himself, but he took the initiative to give money to himself?

What a good man!

Good man!

Yes, of course.

Some people give themselves money for nothing. Why not?

Chu Chen enters Zhou Qian's studio and launches a barrage.

The barrage has only two words "response", which immediately caused a huge sensation!

It's OK, brother. It's finally here!

Countless audience crazy, extremely nervous and looking forward to!

The world war is about to begin!

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