Chu Chen sent a message to the high level of Shark Live.

After seeing the news, the executive immediately contacted one of his supervisors according to the meaning of Chu Chen.

A few minutes later, the boss of stars entertainment, several ye received the news from the director.

Because the foundation is live in tiger cat, and it doesn't matter if you live in shark. At most, you can contact a middle-level person.

When he saw the news from the supervisor, he was stunned:

"what, Mr. Chu, the president of Shark Live, knows me?"

Seeing the news from the supervisor, I was shocked.

"And he praised me very much. Keep an eye on me?"

I'm very excited. No, I'm very excited!

This is the president of Shark Live, a real big man. I didn't expect to know him.

Even in the live broadcast of tiger cat, what he knows is just an ordinary high-level person. Let alone the president, even the vice president doesn't know him.

But now, just came shark, Shark Live boss knew him, and also praise, take care of yourself?

I feel very honored and excited.

He's right. You see how much people value themselves.

"This time, we must develop well in shark."

The master has made up his mind. Since even the president knows him, he has a bright future.

After thinking for a while, I guess.

It must be because I was competing for the first place with boring brother just now, which shocked the president.

The president said that when he saw that he had brushed more than 40 million gifts at one go.

"That's great. Nothing's wrong. I'm sure I haven't received any praise from the president. Rubbish."

Several ye a face proud of mutter a.

"Prepare 60 million, not 100 million. I will fight with you in a few days."

I'll call the Finance Department of the company.

Now that I have made the president know myself by brushing 4000 omnipotent, if I do it again and brush 100 million yuan, maybe I can be lucky to add the wechat of President shark.

"No, 150 million."

In the end, I'm ready to pay for it!

"It's OK, brother. I've been waiting for you for a few days. I didn't expect you to come here suddenly today."

"I'm not ready. I'll brush the limit of my bank card today. Let's make an appointment in a few days and have a try again to see who is the first Shenhao of Shark Live broadcast?"

I'll send a barrage.


Chu Chen replied that the number master would also take the initiative to give him money, Chu Chen naturally very happy.

Soon, several masters got the news that the president of Shark Live Broadcast appreciated, and they were known by several other big Shenhao of tiger cat live broadcast.

They have their own brokerage companies, just like Shuye.

Knowing that Shuye was appreciated by the president of Shark Live Broadcasting because he was fighting with brother Wuwei, they all got excited and wanted to learn from Shuye and come to Shark Live Broadcasting to fight with brother Wuwei.

By the way, live.

Behind all this, Chu Chen lies on the sofa.

Of course, he welcomes more "Shenhao" to challenge themselves. They not only give money away, but also let their employees make money for themselves.

They are really a group of good people.


Time flies. After a few days in Linshui, Chu Chen is going back to Jiangzhou.

In fact, Chu Chen wanted his parents to go to Jiangzhou with him and let them live in Jiangzhou.

I have two villas. My parents can choose them. If they don't like them, they can buy them again.

But their parents said they had lived in Linshui for decades and didn't want to leave.

Chu Chen did not force, Jiangzhou and Linshui are very close, parents think he can come to see him at any time.

After saying goodbye to his parents, Chu Chen drives back to Jiangzhou with Yan Luoshui.

"Thank you for your help. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Chu Chen invites Yan Luoshui.

"No, I'm supposed to treat you to dinner."

"You helped me get rid of the entanglement of he Bowen. I should be grateful."

Yan Luoshui said from the heart.

"All right."

Let's have dinner together. It doesn't matter who invites us.

In the evening, Yan Luoshui drives Chu Chen to a high-end western restaurant for dinner.

While Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui are eating, a young man in a suit and shoes walks into the restaurant.

"Yan Luoshui?"

After coming in, the young man saw Yan Luoshui at the first sight.

At a commercial cocktail party, the youth met Yan Luoshui and fell in love with him ever since.


When he saw Chu Chen beside Yan Luoshui, the young man's face turned green instantly.


Yan Luoshui has a boyfriend?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Before he could tell, Yan Luoshui was taken down?His name is Kong Wenhan. After his master's degree, he joined Ouyi financial company and soon won the recognition of the leaders. Today, he was promoted to CFO with double annual salary and high spirits.

You know, Ouyi financial company, among all the companies in Yunfan building, ranks in the top!

Recently, Eureka financial company has been thriving and has become a relatively strong medium-sized company.

Just after his promotion and salary increase, Kong Wenhan was very proud.

He's only 26 years old. He's already the financial controller with an annual salary of one million. He's definitely a successful person.

But now, the woman he likes is taken down by a little white face, which makes Kong Wenhan extremely unhappy!

We must find a way to separate Yan Luoshui from this little white face.

Kong Wenhan found a deputy manager of the restaurant. They had known each other for a long time. They were friends.

"Find out for me, what kind of car did he drive?"

In the distance, pointing quietly at Chu Chen, Kong Wenhan said to his friend.

Having studied in Mordor, Kong Wenhan met some low-key rich people.

In order to be just in case, he first determines whether Chu Chen is a hidden rich man, and then takes action.

Otherwise, it would be bad to be beaten in the face instead of pretending to be forced.

"Little things."

Just check the monitoring. My friend assured Kong Wenhan.

Five minutes later, my friend came back.

"He didn't drive. The lady drove him here."

Hearing his friend's words, Kong Wenhan nodded.

It seems that this boy has no car, he should be a white face.

As soon as he was ready to go, he suddenly stopped, turned to his friend and said:

"brother, check it for me again. You ask the waiter here to think about what kind of food and wine he ordered before he came."

To be on the safe side, Kong Wenhan decided to investigate again.

Food and wine can also reflect a person's identity from the side.


The friend nodded.

I'll be back in ten minutes.

"He hasn't been here before. No one has seen him."

The staff of their restaurant hasn't changed for two or three years. Since no one has seen them, they must have never been here.

"Not even here?"

Kong Wenhan sneered scornfully. This boy is really a white face.

Not even here.

You know, this is one of the Best Western restaurants in Jiangzhou. Which rich person in Jiangzhou has never been here.

If Chu Chen knows, he is absolutely helpless. He doesn't like western food, so it's not his fault that he hasn't been here.

Finally, Kong Wenhan determined that Chu Chen was just a handsome little white face with no strength.

So Kong Wenhan walked towards Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui with a smile on his face.

It's time for him to force the little white face to step under his feet!

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