Kong Wenhan went to Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui, deliberately pretending to meet by chance.

"Eh, Miss Yan?"

Stop in front of Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui, Kong Wenhan "surprised" mouth.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

After thinking for a while, Yan Luoshui remembered who Kong Wenhan was.

"Hello." Yan Luoshui's polite answer.

The next second, without waiting for Yan Luoshui or Chu Chen's consent, Kong Wenhan moved a seat directly from the next table and sat beside Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui.

"Long time no see, Miss Yan is more and more beautiful."

Sit down, Kong Wenhan said flatteringly.

After that, Kong Wenhan looked at Chu Chen and asked, "who is this Mr. Xiang, Miss Yan's subordinate?"

"No, he's my boyfriend, chuchen."

Yan Luoshui answers without thinking.

Hearing this, Kong Wenhan was stunned. He felt green all over. Before he could express himself, did goddess Yan become someone else's?


Holding back, Kong Wenhan said to Chu Chen:

"I don't know what Mr. Chu does?"

Kong Wenhan explored Chu Chen's identity for the last time just in case.

"It's nothing. It's dribbling."

It's dribbling, isn't it?

Hearing this, Kong Wenhan was completely relieved.

It turned out to be a little white face with no strength.

It's easy to say.

Kong Wenhan regained his self-confidence. What about becoming a boyfriend? Even if he got married, it's not impossible.

It's not the first time he has done such a thing.

"Kaididi is good. It's free. It's not as boring as I am. I have to sit in the office every day."

Kong Wenhan looks depressed:

"especially now, when I am promoted to financial director, I have a lot of work. The most irritating thing is that I work so hard, and after a year, my salary is only 1 million."

Kong Wenhan said while pretending to be angry.

He installed to force, next second should this Chu dust exclaim.

A million, for a starter, even if it's five years, you can't make it.

But to his surprise, after he finished speaking, Chu Chen also spoke:

"it's really poor."

"Cough, cough."

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Kong Wenhan suddenly felt a pain in his chest and coughed violently.

Really poor?

If he said it himself, he would keep a low profile. His annual salary of one million is indeed quite a lot.

But Didi's Chu Chen said that...

even a kaididi dare to mock him?

"By the way, you may not know. Recently, we European Italian financial company will be ready to go public."

Kong Wenhan said ostentatiously.

Hear here, even Yan Luoshui is eyebrow a pick, Europe Italy financial company is ready to go public?

"Eureka finance company?"

Chu Chen also murmured.

He seems to have some impression?

"What's the matter, Mr. Chu knows about our company?"

Seeing Chu Chen's expression, Kong Wenhan thought Chu Chen was shocked?

"Yunfan building?"

Suddenly, Chu Chen thought of it.

After getting the ownership of Yunfan building, there are more phone numbers on the mobile phone.

Among them, Zhong Xinghua, President of Ouyi financial company.

"Yes, it's Yunfan building."

Chu Chen actually knows his company, and Kong Wenhan is proud.

Having heard of their company, Chu Chen must know the strength of their company.

"We, Europe Italy financial company, have rented the whole two floors of Yunfan building, which is one of the best companies in Yunfan building."

"Tens of millions of dollars a year in rent alone."

Kong Wenhan continued to show off.

Hearing this, Chu Chen nodded.

As the owner of Yunfan building, how much money does Ouyi financial company pay each year? Can he not know?

When it comes to their company, Kong Wenhan becomes very proud.

"Not to mention Jiangzhou, even in Tiannan Province, our Ouyi financial company is also famous. In the last quarter, our net income was as high as 70 million."

"This listing, the market value of our company, at least 1.5 billion."

Kong Wenhan's blatant show off.

Chu Chen sat beside him and watched the opera.

"Speaking of our company, the most powerful one is Mr. Zhong Xinghua, Mr. Zhong."

"Starting from scratch, it took only ten years to build such a big company."

"Now, countless big people in Jiangzhou will try their best to please him."Kong Wenhan is very excited when he talks about President Zhong of his company.

Mr. Zhong is his idol. His goal in life is to become a big man like Mr. Zhong.

Yan Luoshui's mobile phone suddenly rings. Yan Luoshui goes out to answer the phone.

Only Chu Chen and Kong Wenhan were left, and Kong Wenhan's expression suddenly became gloomy.

"Here's 200000. Get out of Luoshui."

Looking around, Kong Wenhan said coldly.

When Kong Wenhan finished, Chu Chen didn't answer. He just looked at Kong Wenhan like a clown.

Kong Wenhan thinks that Chu Chen has little money, so he takes out a bank card.

"There are 300000 in it. Don't push any further."

Kong Wenhan stood up.

"For you, 300000 is already a sky high price."

"Leave yanluoshui, or I'll make you look good!"

"I tell you, Mr. Zhong of our company is very optimistic about me. In the future, I will be the vice president of Ouyi financial company, a real big man."

"If you offend me, I don't have to say what will happen."

Kong Wenhan is extremely arrogant.

At this time, a middle-aged man, who was not angry and arrogant, came down from the second floor. He was Zhong Xinghua, the president of Ouyi financial company.

Next to Zhong Xinghua, there are several other company managers, all of whom are rich people in Jiangzhou.

Today, Zhong Xinghua has a party with them.

As soon as he came down, Zhong Xinghua happened to see Chu dust not far away.

"Mr. Chu?"

Zhong Xinghua was stunned.

His contract to rent the fourth and fifth floors of Yunfan building is about to expire.

He wanted to talk to the new owner of Yunfan building before, but he didn't have a chance.

I didn't expect to meet this mysterious Mr. Chu by such a coincidence today.

The next second, Zhong Xinghua left his companion and walked quickly to Chu Chen.

See here, other several boss a Leng, incomparably surprised, old clock this is how, then followed past.

Kong Wenhan stood there arrogantly when he had just finished his fight with Chu.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure passing by him.

What about it?

Isn't this Mr. Zhong?

Before Kong Wenhan spoke, Zhong Xinghua took the lead in speaking.

However, Zhong Xinghua didn't speak to Kong Wenhan, but said to Chu Chen very flatteringly:

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I'm Zhong Xinghua, the president of Ouyi financial company."

"Just call me Lao Zhong."

"Hello, hello."

Chu Chen shakes hands with Zhong Xinghua.

Next to him, looking at the scene, Kong Wenhan directly lost his mind.


Just call me Lao Zhong?

Is this still the dignified boss of their company?!

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