Where's the boss who was not angry?

Kong Wenhan looked at Zhong and talked with Chu Chen. He was completely stupid.

At this moment, Kong Wenhan's world outlook collapsed.

What's the matter?

This is the president of their company. He is worth one billion. How can he please a famous rich man in Jiangzhou?

The world is crazy.

Just came over, several other boss looking at Zhong Xinghua's appearance, is also a Leng.

What's the matter with Lao Zhong?

To please a young man?

"To introduce you, this is the new owner of Yunfan building, Mr. Chu Chen."

Looking at several old friends coming, Zhong Xinghua said.


The owner of Yunfan building?

Several managers were stunned.

Yunfan building is located in the financial center, with a special status and a value of more than 2 billion yuan.

This young man is the owner of Yunfan building?

It's incredible!

So young, so powerful.

A few managers are very emotional. They are really young and promising.

The background of Mr. Chu is unimaginable!

Hello, Mr. Chu. This is Lin Yunqing from Haidong trading company

"Hello, I'm..."

for a while, several managers also introduced themselves very politely, with a touch of flattering Chu Chen.

Mr. Chu is such a young and outstanding person with great strength.

Even if they are the boss, they should try their best to make friends.

Looking at Chu Chen talking with a group of big people, and these big people who are usually superior are all flattering Chu Chen at the moment, Kong Wenhan is completely stupid.

The owner of Yunfan building?

Is chuchen the owner of Yunfan mansion?

How is that possible?

That's Yunfan mansion. It's worth more than 2 billion yuan. I'm afraid the annual rent alone has exceeded 100 million yuan.

Is that Chu Chen's property?

You have so much money. What are you driving!

For a moment, Kong Wenhan roared wildly in his heart.

At the moment, he regretted it to the extreme.

Are you still satirizing others?

Isn't this a suicide?

So many big people are flattering Chu Chen, Chu Chen just a word, he is completely finished.


Kong Wenhan did not dare to roar in his heart.


Looking at several old friends chatting with Chu Chen, Zhong Xinghua noticed Kong Wenhan beside him.

"Keyhole, why are you here?"

Zhong Xinghua asked in surprise.

Kong Wenhan was so nervous that he didn't know how to answer.

He how also can't say, oneself is mocking Chu Chen?

In this case, regardless of the general manager Zhong, a general manager here can make him miserable.

"Oh, he's here to pay me back."

At this time, Chu Chen opened his mouth.

Chu Chen smiles and takes the bank card Kong Wenhan just put on the table and puts it into his pocket.

If you dare to write in front of yourself, you have to pay a price.

Watching Chu Chen take away his hard-earned money, Kong Wenhan's heart is bleeding!

Even if there were ten thousand disagreements in his heart, Kong Wenhan did not dare to say no at the moment.

Not only that, Kong Wenhan also laughed and nodded again and again:

"yes, yes, yes, I borrowed money from Mr. Chu. Today I'm here to pay him back."

Kong Wenhan's heart ached to the extreme.

Money, his money!

300000, 300000!

It took him two years to save 300000!

Before he was promoted to chief financial officer, his annual salary was only 250000. Excluding the living expenses, Kong Wenhan only saved 300000 in two years.

In fact, even if Chu Chen promised just now, Kong Wenhan would not give Chu Chen the money.

Will only tell Yan Luoshui things, said Chu Chen is a selfish villain.

"It's like this."

"Pay the money back, you can go."

Mr. Zhong waved his hand and disliked that Kong Wenhan was in the way here.



Kong Wenhan couldn't breathe because of his heartache.

But he can only turn around, extremely unwilling to leave.

This time, he not only failed to achieve his goal, but also paid 300000 yuan, offending Chu Chen.

I really lost my wife and lost my soldiers!

Although Chu Chen and Kong Wenhan said so, Zhong Xinghua is very good at judging people because he has been in business circles all the year round.

I don't know what happened to Kong Wenhan and Mr. Chu?

But Zhong Xinghua is sure that Mr. Chu doesn't like Kong Wenhan very much."When I get back, I'll fire him."

Zhong Xinghua thought in his heart that he could not offend Mr. Chu for a mere Kong Wenhan.

If Kong Wenhan knew what Zhong Xinghua thought, he might fall down with heartache and never wake up.

He not only lost money, but also lost his proud job. Everything was gone!

A few minutes later, Yan Luoshui came back from the outside, looking at several people beside Chu Chen, very surprised.

Chu Chen introduced Yan Luoshui and several managers.

Several people chat, and finally Chu Chen and Zhong Xinghua negotiate, and the two floors of Yunfan building will be rented to him.

On the way back, Yan Luoshui said excitedly:

"chuchen, thank you very much."

Just now, several CEOs and Yan Luoshui expressed their willingness to cooperate.

One of them has already talked with Yan Luoshui. He will sign the contract tomorrow. It's so easy to get a large order of tens of millions.

Yan Luoshui of course knows that it's because of Chu Chen. Those bosses are like this.

The Yan family is a rich family. The helmsman is Yan Luoshui's grandfather, but he has more than one son. Yan Luoshui has uncles and uncles, as well as many cousins and cousins.

In order to test the third generation and train the third generation of the Yan family to take the helm.

So Mr. Yan sent these grandsons and granddaughters to each branch, and Yan Luoshui was sent to Jiangzhou.

Every year, Mr. Yan would call these grandchildren back to inspect their achievements.

It is also stipulated that the one who has the best achievements and the fastest development in three years is the future third generation of Yan Family's helmsman.

Yan Luoshui's business ability is good, but because she is a daughter, and her father is addicted to research, she did not enter the Yan group, so Yan Luoshui does not have an advantage or even a disadvantage.

Now, because of Chu Chen, Yan Luoshui is likely to talk about a few big orders. When he goes back this year, he will surprise everyone.

What would happen if he made chuchen his real boyfriend?

Yan Luoshui couldn't help thinking about it.

Time flies, the next day, at home Chu Chen heard a familiar voice.


[punch in task release: go to upscale residential area of shengshihuafu to punch in. Task time: 6 hours]

[task reward: 5 residential buildings]


Chu Chen murmured in a low voice.

Shengshihuafu is a famous high-end residential district in Jiangzhou, with a house price of two or three thousand square meters.

Jiangzhou is not a big city. Apart from villas, the rooms in the financial center are extremely high, and the prices of other ordinary houses are more than 10000.

Shengshihuafu is expensive.

"Five residential buildings?"

"The system is really big this time!"

Chu Chen said with emotion.

This is five buildings, not five sets, but also in the high-end residential area!

Without the slightest hesitation, Chu Chen opened koniseg and went straight to Shengshi Washington.

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