Leaving the roses aside, sun Qiwei came over.


"What a coincidence, Miaomiao, do you live here?"

When sun Qiwei passed by Chu Chen and Xu Miaomiao, sun Qiwei said in surprise.

"Sun Qiwei?"

Xu Miaomiao was also very surprised. He didn't expect to meet a colleague here. He replied: "what a coincidence."

"I rent a house here."

"What building do you live in? When it's OK, we can drop in." Sun Weiqi spoke again.

"Building 12, room 602."


"It's fate. I live in building 12, but Room 601?" Sun Weiqi pretended to be shocked.


Xu Miaomiao was stunned.

How could such a coincidence happen?

Beside, Chu Chen looked at all this, and didn't open his mouth.

At the moment, Chu Chen has understood sun Weiqi's intention. There is no such a coincidence in the world.

"You rented 601?" Xu Miaomiao asked curiously.

"No, I bought Room 601."

Sun Weiqi looks like a light cloud.

"What, buy it?"

Xu Miaomiao was very surprised and bought Room 601?

The house price here is twenty or thirty thousand. If you buy it, it will cost at least two million.

"It's not only 601, I bought room 603 by the way. It's an investment."

Sun added.

For a moment, Xu Miaomiao was even more surprised.

Next to, a few passers-by accidentally heard here, have Leng in situ.


The young man bought two houses at one go?

Two houses, more than 4 million, right?

Listen to his tone, bought two houses, spent more than four million, did not care, sprinkle water in general.

"Local tyrant!"

"Four million is spent like this. I don't feel sorry at all, Niu Bi!"

"Local tyrant, let's be friends."

Several passers-by were filled with emotion and looked adored.

After a sneak glance at the passers-by, sun Qiwei was very proud to see the surprised eyes of the passers-by.

At this time, sun Weiqi turned to look at Chu Chen, with an order tone:

"you should be the security guard of Shengshi Washington. I'm a new owner. It's my first time to come here and take me to building 12."

Sun Qiwei deliberately belittles Chu Chen in front of Xu Miaomiao.

Sun Qiwei has to admit that Chu Chen is really more handsome than him, but he has money. Is this boy OK?

"Is he a security guard?"

"What a handsome security guard! When did our community have such a handsome security guard?"

"Little brother Bao'an, how much is your wechat?"

Several passers-by spoke one after another.

"Sorry, it's the owner, too." Chu Chen lightly answers sun Qiwei.


Sun Qiwei a Leng, did not expect Chu Chen is also the owner.

Looking at Chu Chen, sun Weiqi recalled.

He had heard before that Shengshi Huafu also has 30 or 40 square meters of small apartments, with a price of less than one million.

It seems that this boy should have bought such a small apartment.

He bought a 120 square meter large house with a total price of 2.5 million yuan and fine decoration.

And it's two sets.

Beside, hearing Chu Chen's words, Xu Miaomiao looks surprised.

This little brother also has a house here. That's great!

"Brother, how many houses have you bought?"

Sun Weiqi continued, unkindly asked.

"How many sets have you bought?"

"The local tyrant thinks the house is cabbage. He says he can buy it, and how many more?"

"Yes, it's great to buy one."

Around the passers-by in sun Weiqi finish, can not help discussing.

Hearing this, sun Weiqi showed a smile on his face. What he wanted was this effect.

Sun Weiqi thought that after he asked, Chu Chen would be very ashamed to say that he only bought one set.

But he bought two sets. In this way, a sharp contrast is formed.

Who is rich and handsome, who is poor pen, needless to say.

In sun Weiqi's subconscious, who is not buying a house?

Even he would not have bought two sets if it wasn't for his sister's sake.

Four million is not a lot for him. He lied to his father and said he wanted to invest in real estate, so he finally got the money from his father.

"How many sets?"

Hearing sun Weiqi's question, Chu Chen murmured, estimated it, and then answered faintly:"Not much, 300 sets."


Sun Weiqi nodded, subconsciously thought Chu Chen said is a set, so ready to continue to force.

But the next second, sun Weiqi responded with an incredible look and asked:

"how many units did you just say, three units, you bought three units?"

"Not three, 300."

Chu Chen corrected sun Weiqi's words.


Hearing this, sun Weiqi was stunned?

300 sets?

This kid bought 300 houses?

No way!

Even if they are rich, no one will buy 300 houses at a time?

Are you crazy?

Absolutely impossible!

Sun Weiqi didn't believe Chu Chen's words.

He thinks Chu Chen must be bragging.

"300... 300 sets?"

"He said he bought 300 houses?"

"My God, how could it be?"

A few passers-by were also confused and talked about the road one after another.

That's 300 houses. It's not 300 cabbages. Even if it's 300 cabbages, it costs a lot of money.

"You bought 300 houses, but I bought 3000 more?"

Sun Weiqi denounces Chu Chen loudly, a pair of rampant appearance.

He wants to expose Chu Chen.

This kid is a big liar!

he doesn't make a draft when he brags.

Sun Weiqi finished, Chu Chen has no time to speak.

A black Audi suddenly stopped.

Then, a middle-aged man in professional clothes came down.

"Mr. Chu, I didn't expect to see you in the community?"

After walking down, the middle-aged man looked at Chu Chen excitedly.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm wang Tianyu, the manager of Hengda Real estate. I'm going to send you the property certificate. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Hengda Real Estate?

Isn't that their developer?

After that, the middle-aged man turned around, opened the trunk of the car and took down two big sacks from it.

"Mr. Chu, all the property certificates of the houses are here."

Wang Tianyu said to Chu Chen.

People are silly to hear that.

Property certificate, isn't that property certificate?

Are these two big sacks real estate certificates?

I'll go!

For the first time in their life, did they see the real estate certificate in sacks?

And it's two big sacks.

What a luxury!

What the young man said just now is true.

He really bought 300 houses!

The moat is inhuman!

This is the real local tyrant.

They don't understand the world of local tyrants.

Are the houses bought in the hundreds?

The young man who just bought two houses is nothing compared with him.

Just two houses, rubbish!

What rubbish!

On one side, Xu Miaomiao was also stunned. Is it the first time for her to see a real estate certificate in a sack?

How many are these two sack house property certificates?

As for sun weiqi, who was arrogant just now, he was stunned!

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