Two sacks of house property certificate?

Is it real estate certificate, not waste paper?

If it wasn't wang Tianyu, the manager of Hengda Real estate, who killed sun Qiwei, who didn't believe it, the two sacks contained the house property certificate.

Sun Qiwei's jaw dropped by surprise.

At this moment, sun Qiwei's mind a blank, only the two sacks of real estate certificate.

This is the real local tyrant, the top rich and handsome?

Compared with him, I'm afraid Gao Fu Shuai is not a fake.

Why don't you take out these two bags of house property certificates earlier?

Two to 300?

Isn't he just a joke?

A man with only two houses, to ridicule a man with 300 houses!

After that, he did not underestimate anyone.

Who would have thought that a rich man would buy 300 houses instead of buying those luxury villas worth hundreds of millions?

This hobby...

"little brother is not only handsome and rich, but also so low-key. It's perfect."

"That is, people have 300 houses, but they don't show off. On the contrary, they are extremely low-key. Unlike some people, they only have two houses, but they are arrogant here."

"Yes, young people are too low-key. No wonder they are so handsome and rich. They should not be like some people."

Looking at Chu Chen, several passers-by couldn't help discussing the way.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Passers by's words, like a sharp arrow after another, stabbed directly into sun Weiqi's heart.

You wall grass!

Originally shocked by Chu Chen, sun Weiqi was already in great pain.

As a result, these passers-by are still adding fuel to the fire.

Sun Weiqi thinks that there is no love in the whole world!

"I'm going."

Deeply hit, sun Weiqi said, out of his wits.

"Mr. Chu, these house property certificates?"

Wang Tianyu asked.

"Manager Wang, my car is parked in front of the residential area. Just help me to get it there."

Chu Chen answers.

"OK, I'll go first."

Manager Wang said, put the two sacks of real estate certificate into the car again, and drove to the front of the community.

After Chu Chen and Xu Miaomiao said a few words, they also turned and went towards the gate of the community.


On the way to Tongze, Wan manyun, a female reporter, is interviewing with the photographer.

This time, Wan manyun received a notice from the leader that the content of tomorrow evening's interview program is hard-working workers at the bottom of the society.

Along the way, Wan manyun interviewed a lot of people.

There are takeout boys, express boys and so on.

Although Wan manyun, a money worshiper, looked down on these workers at the bottom, he pretended to be sympathetic in the interview.

"I go out to work at five in the morning and go home at eleven in the evening. Sometimes I'm too busy to eat."

"There are two children in my family. The old man is in poor health. He is often hospitalized. The cost of living is too high. I can only try my best to deliver delivery and earn more money, but I still get bad reviews every day."

When most of the bottom workers were interviewed, they were very impressed.

Sometimes, Wang manyun even tried his best to squeeze out a tear or two.

"Hello, what's your occupation?"

From the entrance of Tongze Road, Wang manyun has been interviewing here.

Wang manyun met a passer-by, so he stretched out the microphone.

"I'm didi driver."

The man in his thirties replied that it was not easy to refuse an interview with a beautiful reporter.

"How much money do you make a month?"

"Ten thousand a month." The man replied honestly.

"It's OK for me, enough for life."

More than 10000?

At this point, he had the face to say it was ok...

hearing the man's reply, Wang manyun felt extremely contemptuous.

More than ten thousand, even buy a few cosmetics are not enough, this man actually have the face to say OK?

Though disdained, Wang manyun continued to interview with a smile on his face:

"do you have a house?"

"Yes, in Yimin community, I just paid off the loan a few days ago." The man some complacent say.

He was only 34 years old and paid off hundreds of thousands of loans, which made many of his colleagues envy him.

And the disdainful expression on Wang manyun's face flashed.

Yimin community, isn't that a very rubbish community?

It's eighteen thousand miles away from the city. It's just in the countryside. The house price seems to be less than ten thousand.

Let her live for free, she won't go.

This man is a little proud.Sure enough, they are the workers at the bottom and only deserve to be the people at the bottom.

"Last question, do you have any trouble?"

Wan manyun asked the last question as he pressed his dislike.

The man sighed and replied:

"Oh, too much, life pressure, children's tuition, I work during the day and do didi part-time at night. I work 14 hours a day and I've worked very hard, and my wife still calls me a loser."

"It's not easy."

Pretending to wipe the corner of the eye with no tears, Wan manyun said.

"All right."

After the interview, Wan manyun regained his haughty look.

looked at the man who was far away. Wan man Yun couldn't help but Tucao:

, "you just make complaints about your wife. I think you can marry your daughter-in-law."

"I feel sad for your wife. If you kill me, I won't marry a trash like you."

Wan manyun is more determined to marry into a rich family.

"Let's go. It's almost ready to hand in."

Wan manyun said a word and was ready to leave.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that in the distance, a very handsome little brother was coming out of Shengshi Washington.

"How handsome."

Wan manyun said with emotion that there are some flower maniacs.

"Wait a minute. Let's interview him."

To the photographer, Wan manyun went to Chu Chen.

Of course, Wan manyun's purpose is not to interview Chu Chen, to see that Chu Chen is so handsome, and he still comes out of Shengshi Washington.

Wan manyun guesses that Chu Chen must be Gao fushai, so she wants to ask all kinds of information about Chu Chen in the name of interview.

If she's satisfied, she's going to be a jerk.

"Little brother, wait a minute."

Wan manyun said to Chu Chen.

"You are so handsome, little brother. Can I interview you with some questions?"

Wan manyun asked with a smile.

So praise him, Chu Chen is not good to refuse.


"Little brother, what do you do?"

Wan manyun asked curiously.

"Well... Driver Didi."

Chu Chen answers.


Hearing this, Wan manyun frowned.

In her heart, Chu Chen should be the top of the company. Unexpectedly, this little brother is also a didi driver.

Because of the last didi driver, Wan manyun disliked didi driver to the extreme.

Is this little brother a waste?

Just a little more handsome?

No, I have to ask myself to confirm his identity.

"Little brother, do you live in Shengshi Washington?"

Wan manyun asked again with a smile.

"No, I don't live in Washington." Chu Chen shook his head.

Wanman cloud lost hope, the smile on his face completely disappeared.

It's really a waste, just a little handsome.

"Do you have any trouble?"

This time, Wan manyun's attitude has changed 180 degrees. He doesn't call him little brother, he just calls you, and he is very proud.

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