Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, are standing there foolishly.

You and I on the tree and under the tree.

At the moment, this sentence can best describe everyone's mood.

Take out boy?

Drive super to deliver delivery?

For a moment, their world view was overturned.

The world is crazy.

Is this the evil taste of the rich?

In the crowd, the elder brother just now was the most shocked.

He thought of the thing that he just asked Chu Chen to send several orders.

Before that, he also said that Chu Chen couldn't do it as a passer-by. He had to work harder.

Now, at last, he understood.

Why did Chu Chen only send one order?

It doesn't matter if you drive a super car and give away a few orders. Maybe you don't even have enough money for gas.

The gap between people is really too big.

My brother cried.

The first day passed quickly.

[task progress: experience delivery for 5 days (15)]

the next day, Chu Chen didn't drive. He thought it was too high-profile to drive super run, so he needed to keep a low profile, so he rode his night bike.

In front of Yuetan garden, security guard Xiao Liu is on duty.

As a security guard in Yuetan garden, his salary is even higher than that of some white-collar workers. Of course, he is also very demanding.

Xiao Liu stood there straight.

At this time, a delivery boy is coming slowly.

Seeing this, Xiao Liu turns around and blocks the delivery boy.

"Hello, please put the takeout here. Yuetan garden doesn't allow takeout staff to enter."

Xiao Liu spoke according to the regulations.

For the safety of Yuetan Garden owners, Yuetan garden does not allow people of unknown origin to enter.

All the express, take out and so on are put here.

Of course, they can't let the owners of the villa come to pick it up in person. It's usually delivered by the security guards.


This delivery boy is obviously coming to Yuetan garden for the first time. He doesn't know the rules.

He also wanted to go in and see what the villa looked like?

"All right."

The delivery boy nods helplessly and leaves the delivery to the security guard.

At this time, a pretty guy in a takeaway uniform came slowly on his bicycle.

See this scene, whether it is security Liu, or take away brother are confused.

In the eyes of the two people, Chu Chen rode away on his bicycle.


seeing this, the takeout boy was instantly angry.

"Why can he get in and I can't?"

"It's all takeout, because he's more handsome than me, I don't agree!"

In this world, money is omnipotent, but beauty is not!

Looking at the Chu dust far away for a long time, security Xiao Liu was determined.

Yes, it was Mr. Chu who passed just now.

"I'll explain to you why he got in."

Xiao Liu slowly turned his head and looked at the delivery boy:

"first, he is indeed more handsome than you, and he is not a little bit more handsome, but a lot more handsome."

"Second, he is the owner here, so he is free to go in and out."

After listening, the takeout boy was stiff and speechless for a long time.

Don't mention the little brother outside, even Xiao Liu's heart can't be calm for a long time.

I don't understand. I don't understand.

It's a rich man. His behavior is so stylish!

"He's... He's the... Owner here?"

Looking at Chu dust natural and unrestrained figure, take out little brother voice trembles to say.


Two people again muddle force.

"I'll go. It's awesome."

Take out little brother extremely admire said.

The next second, the takeaway boy "full of blood resurrection", and high morale.

"From now on, he will be my idol."

"I will work as hard as he does, and one day I will buy a villa of my own."

What's more, he is a little better than idol?

He's riding a motorcycle, but idol is just a bicycle.

After that, the delivery boy left by bike.

Looking at the delivery brother who left, Liu sighed and didn't hit him.

He thinks it's better for young people to have dreams.

Although doomed to fail to achieve, but at least in a dream, or very comfortable.

Having worked as a security guard here for a long time, Xiao Liu knows a little about the owners.

Although he didn't know the specific identity of Chu Chen, he heard that Mr. Chu was the boss of a large group.

Delivery, may be Mr. Chu idle boring, just experience life.The delivery boy thinks too much.

"It's a rich man."

Xiao Liu sighed:

"Mr. Chu is so handsome and rich that he is still experiencing life."

"Admiration, admiration."

Want to rely on delivery to buy a villa, this is really a "grand" plan?

At the moment, a pretty guy on a bicycle sneezes.

Chu Chen didn't know that so many things had happened after he left.

If he knew, he would cry out that he was wronged.

He has been very low-key, in order to low-key, do not show off, he did not drive super run, just riding a bicycle of more than 4 million.

Unexpectedly let others shocked, Chu Chen said very innocent.

It's so hard to be yourself.


[task progress: experience delivery for 5 days (25)]

at about 3 p.m., Chu Chen took a look at the system and was surprised to find that the delivery task of this day had been completed.

Chu Chen calculated for a while, and he worked for about five hours.

Five hours a day is the end of the day.

"I'll go, system. I love you so much."

"The system is awesome."

"The system is powerful."

Chu Chen does not grudge licking... Bah, praising the system.

The system is really good for him.

Others work eight hours a day, which is very short.

Once said, it will definitely cause the envy and jealousy of countless people.

But when I get here, I only work five hours a day.

It's too easy.

Sure enough, he is handsome. Even the system will take care of him.

Chu Chen roughly calculated, and even he was surprised.

"Xilan international hotel is worth 3.5 billion yuan. If you experience five days as a takeaway, you can get a lot of benefits."

"So I make 700 million yuan a day, five hours a day, and more than 100 million yuan an hour?"

It's more than 100 million in an hour, and it's an ox pen.

"system, I'd like to do more such tasks in the future. I like to deliver delivery."

Chu Chen said from the heart.

"Lingling, where are you? I've finished my affair. Now I'm going to find you."

Chu Chen sends voice to Bai Lingling.

Bai Lingling also went back to Jiangzhou for a few days and asked him to have dinner. Chu Chen didn't know that he only needed to work 5 hours a day to complete the task.

So I made an appointment with Bai Lingling to see you in the evening.

"You are shopping. OK, see you later."

Knowing the location of Bai Lingling, Chu Chen doesn't want to go back to change his clothes, so he rides his bicycle to the place where Bai Lingling is.

When they meet, Bai Lingling hasn't finished shopping, so Chu Chen goes shopping with Bai Lingling.

When Chu Chen and Bai Lingling are shopping in the Hermes store, a customer in the store accidentally sees them.

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