This customer is a girl named Meng Lexin, who is also a student of Tiannan University and works in a club with Bai Lingling.

Some time ago, when she was running for vice president, she was defeated by Bai Lingling.

Meng Lexin hated Bai Lingling very much.

But no matter her appearance, study, or other, she is a little inferior to Bai Lingling, which makes Meng Lexin helpless.

"Bai Lingling actually found a delivery man to be her boyfriend?"

Looking at Chu Chen in a takeaway uniform next to Bai Lingling, Meng Lexin is very surprised.

"What's the matter, Lexin?"

The boy friend next to him asked.

"I see bailing Ling."

Along Meng Lexin's line of sight, the young man saw Bai Lingling.

When he noticed Chu Chen, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Meng Lexin's boyfriend, Wei Hao, is also a student of Tiannan University. He is the elder of Meng Lexin and Bai Lingling. Gao fushai is famous in the school.

In fact, before becoming Meng Lexin's boyfriend, Wei Hao chased Bai Lingling, but failed, so Wei Hao chased Meng Lexin.

Of course, Meng Lexin didn't know. She always thought Wei Hao only liked her.

Now, looking at Bai Lingling actually looking for a takeout brother as a boyfriend.

Wei Hao was very upset.

Such a contrast, isn't Bai Lingling hitting him in the face?

How can I say that I'm also a rich and handsome man, and the leader of the student union can't even compare with a simple takeout.

Chu Chen saw a good dress, just turned around.


it seems that I'm not as good as this delivery man.

Wei Hao looks at Chu Chen and his face changes slightly.

Of course, it's just beauty.

Wei Hao has to admit that Chu Chen is too handsome. He is far from... No, he is just a little bit worse than him.

In other aspects, I'm much better than this one.


"How handsome."

Seeing Chu Chen's face, Meng Lexin was shocked.

She finally understood why Bai Lingling would choose a takeaway as her boyfriend.

It's too handsome.

If it was her, I'm afraid she would be desperate...

No, Meng Lexin shook her head abruptly.

Isn't it just handsome?

Although his boyfriend is not as handsome as Bai Lingling's, he has money and family background.

Handsome, also in the university is more dazzling.

But when it comes to society, beauty is not as important as money.

This is better than my boyfriend.

Meng Lexin came over unkindly and took the initiative to say hello to Bai Lingling.

"Shopping with your boyfriend?"

Meng Lexin pointed out: "this is the exclusive store of Hermes. Are you sure you have come to the right place?"

"There is no Chinese sign outside. Let me remind you."

"A random thing here costs thousands, tens of thousands, and even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, if it's better."

"No trouble."

Bai Lingling feels Meng Lexin's strong malice.

"Ha ha."

Meng Lexin gave a sneer.

"You'd better go to those cheap shops and have a look."

"I'm afraid your boyfriend can't afford to buy anything here after working for a month."

"Unlike my boyfriend, he brings me here every two or three weeks to buy things, sometimes even two or three at a time?"

"This, this... This is all packed."

Chu Chen didn't pay attention to Meng Lexin. He just looked at them in the shop.

At this moment, Chu Chen had already asked him to pack five or six things.

Seeing this, Meng Lexin's face became very ugly.

"Honey, don't be angry."

Wei Hao also came over.

"You don't allow people to save some money. They've been saving hard for several years just to come here and buy it once."

"Let's make it home."

He was defeated in the hands of a takeout boy. Wei Hao was very upset and decided to find face.

"Honey, you can look around and buy whatever you like."

Meng Lexin jumped up.

"Ah Hao, it's very kind of you."

This time, Chu Chen goes shopping with Bai Lingling, and plans to buy some by the way.

"This... This..."

as long as Chu Chen thinks it's OK, he directly asks the waiter to pack it.

At this moment, Chu Chen has bought more than ten pieces.

Beside, watching Chu Chen buy Hermes, as if to buy vegetables in general casual.Meng Lexin and Wei Hao are confused.

What's the situation?

No, I can't lose.

So Meng Lexin also madly chose things. A few minutes later, he also chose 89.

Seeing this scene, although distressed, Wei Hao still gritted his teeth and didn't stop his girlfriend.

He must not lose to a delivery man!

In the end, Chu Chen chose more than 20 items of all sizes, plus a few that Bai Lingling was optimistic about, a total of 36 items.

"Check out."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Hearing this, Meng Lexin and Wei Hao, who are still choosing things, suddenly look up.

At the moment, looking at all kinds of packing luxury goods on the table, Meng Lexin and Wei Hao are stunned.

"So much, I'm afraid it will cost more than one million."

Meng Lexin was very surprised.

"I don't believe it. He has so much money."

Wei Hao gave a cold hum.

"Hello, sir. Today we offer you a discount. All things add up to 165200 yuan."


Hearing this, Bai Lingling was stunned.

Is it so cool to get a discount?

More than 1.6 million things, only one tenth as a result?!


Chu Chen paid, not too surprised.

He had guessed why.

The day before yesterday, when he attended the reception, he seemed to have a boss, the boss of the mall.

I've been in the mall for an hour or two, and the boss may know.

In order to please themselves, so do.

Watching Chu Chen pay, Meng Lexin and Wei Hao stay.

A discount?

Oh, my God!

When did Hermes get a discount!

It's crazy.

Only one tenth of the money!

No, we must seize the opportunity.

Thinking, Meng Lexin and Wei Hao are also crazy about shopping. They buy 30 pieces at a time, and they choose the most expensive one.

"Check out."

Wei Hao waved his hand and said nothing.

Anyway, if you give a discount, how much will it cost.

After a while, several more customers came in, looking at the countless things Wei Hao bought, they were all stunned.

"Such a local tyrant?"

"It's too rich to buy so much at one go, isn't it?"


Several customers couldn't help exclaiming.

Hearing this, Wei Hao straightened up with an arrogant smile on his face.

Meng Lexin also felt very proud.

The next second, the waiter came over and sent back the bank card Wei Hao had just handed over.

"No, sir. You don't have enough balance."


Wei Hao was stunned.

A few customers who flattered Wei Hao just now were stunned.

"Maybe it's the wrong card."

Approaching, Wei Hao changed another card...

"Sir, the balance is insufficient."

"The balance is still insufficient, sir."

"Sir, the balance is still insufficient."


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