I tried five or six bank cards in a row, even WeChat, Alipay and so on.

The sales reply to Wei Hao was "insufficient balance".

Beside, Chu Chen and Bai Lingling did not leave.

Isn't it a pleasure to see a play?

When I heard that I had a discount, I went shopping crazily.

People are different.

"In this way, all the money in the card should be enough."

Finally, Wei Hao said with great pride.

"I have something else to do later. Don't delay me."

"That's it. You should hurry up." Meng also urged.

"I'm afraid you're holding us up."

Finally, even the manager of the store came out and said impatiently:

"all your money adds up to less than one fifth of the total."


Wei Hao was very puzzled. How could it be?

All the cards add up to 6.7 million.

"Are you kidding? My minimum card is 600000. Isn't that enough?"

Wei Hao questions the store manager.

"That is, are we the kind of waste without money?"

Meng Lexin agreed.

"600000, are you dreaming?" The store manager's eyes were cold.

"All the things you buy add up to 4.39 million. How can you make 600000?"

4.39 million?!

It's not right.

"How much is it after the discount?" Wei Hao asked in surprise.

Meng Lexin was also confused. Do these 30 things cost more than 40 million?

"Discount, what discount?"

"Who gives you a discount?"

The store manager and the salesmen are all confused. What's the discount?


Wei Hao was startled, pointed to Chu Chen and asked:

"a discount, don't you mean promotion?"

"Just now, I gave him a discount."

"Ha ha, that's a special discount for this gentleman. He is our 66666th customer. What are you

The shopkeeper gave a cold hum.

"Can you compare with others?"


Wei Hao and Meng Lexin were shocked.

"Can you afford it?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Come on, don't delay me."

Hearing this, Wei Hao lowered his head and answered in a low voice:

"I can't take it out."

Meng Lexin also felt extremely humiliated. Just now she said that they were not the kind of waste without money.

And now...

"I'll go!"

"I thought I met some big money, local tyrant?"

"It turned out to be a pair of poor pens with no money. Bah."

Just now, those customers who exclaimed that Wei Hao had money scolded one after another with disdain.

"No money, no money, you still buy so much?"

The store manager's face turned ugly.

"You're here on purpose, aren't you?"

"From today on, you are blacklisted by Hermes. Hermes will not receive you in the future."

The store manager said directly to Wei Hao.

"Also, I'd like to talk to the other luxury store managers about this, so that they can pay attention to it."

The store manager said to the next salesman.

In this way, not to mention Hermes, I'm afraid that all the luxury stores in Jiangzhou will turn Weihao and menglexin into black.

"It's you who are all special. After Bai Lingling rejected me, I was blind and found you."

Wei Hao felt that he had lost face and swore.


Hearing these words, Meng Lexin's heart suddenly rose to anger.

"You have been rejected by Bai Lingling before you tell me?"

It turns out that he is a spare tire, far less than bailing.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Meng Lexin became and started directly.

"How dare you hit me."

Wei Hao naturally won't tolerate Meng Lexin and slaps him.

"Break up."

"Break up."

"Help me get things to this address."

Write the address, Chu Chen said to the sales.

After a while, he was going to have dinner with Bai Lingling, but he didn't drive, so it was very inconvenient to take so many things with him.

So Chu Chen asked them to send things directly to their home.

"All right." The salesman responded with a smile.

At this time, several other customers in the shop noticed Chu Chen. Just now they only paid attention to Wei Hao. They didn't expect that the real local tyrant was here.

Looking at Chu Chen's luxury goods, several people sigh.

"Is it a luxury or a vegetable?""It's very casual to buy at least 20 or 30 pieces, big or small."

"Niubi, this is the real local tyrant."

Out of the Hermes shop, soon a middle-aged man in a suit, accompanied by his secretary, came to Chu Chen.

"Hello, Mr. Chu. I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

The middle-aged man is the boss of the mall.

Chu Chen was right.

And Chu Chen chat for a while, left a business card, middle-aged this just know interest of leave.

After that, Chu Chen and Bai Lingling leave the mall. Chu Chen checks with his mobile phone.

Nearest to here, there is only one decent restaurant, which is a branch of Xueying catering group.

Chu Chen rides a bike and takes Bai Lingling to the banquet in the snow.

Along the way, Chu Chen and Bai Lingling attracted countless audiences.

"That little brother is so handsome. I seem to be in love."

"This is the dream of love."

When they came to the banquet in the snow, there were not many people. Only a few cars were parked in such a big parking lot.

Chu Chen is too lazy to find other places to park. Anyway, he is the second largest shareholder of Xueying catering group.

Snow shadow catering also has a part of his own, in his own site to park a car, it doesn't matter.

What's more, there are so many parking spaces, and my bike is not in the way.

Stop, Chu Chen and Bai Lingling into the snow banquet.

Ten minutes later, an Audi came slowly.

"What's the matter? Why does a bicycle stop here?"

The owner of Audi was angry when he saw a bicycle parked in his favorite parking space.

This parking space is the most convenient to get in and out. It's the favorite place for Audi owners, but today a bicycle has been parked.

This is definitely a provocation to him!

When he stopped the car across the road, the Audi owner came down. He was a man in his thirties.

"It's special. Whose broken bike is it? Move it to me quickly."

Audi car owners yelled.

Seeing the situation here, several security guards came quickly.

"Brother long, here you are."

The guard spoke politely.

This Audi owner is not an ordinary person. He is the owner of a famous bar in the city. He is also a gold card VIP of the banquet in the snow.

"Call your deputy manager."

Brother long has a gloomy face.

A few minutes later, the deputy manager rushed out. After seeing brother long, the deputy manager asked what was wrong.

Longge is their gold card member. He spends hundreds of thousands of money here every year. He is an absolute big customer. He can't afford to offend.

Brother long said:

"who occupied my parking space, let him get out."

"OK, I'll check it right away."

Deputy manager mouth, quickly adjusted the video, see Chu Chen express uniform, deputy manager immediately with the popularity of rush to find Chu Chen.

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