If the boy is a big shot or something, the deputy manager will hesitate.

But this boy is just a delivery man, riding a bicycle, which makes deputy manager Liu completely partial to Huo long, brother long.

What's more, it's not good for this boy to provoke anyone. If he provokes brother long, he can't blame him.

Who is Longge? They are gold card members here. They spend hundreds of thousands every year and have a fortune of nearly 100 million.

Soon, the deputy manager and three or four security guards found Chu Chen.

"Is that bike outside yours?"

Asked the deputy manager.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Come with us."

Hearing this, Chu Chen was very puzzled. Was his bicycle hit by someone again?

Chu Chen and Bai Lingling went out with the deputy manager to see what happened.

"Brother long, that's him."

After coming out, the deputy manager politely said to brother long.

"Damn, boy, this broken bike belongs to you. Get it for me quickly."

Seeing that the owner of this broken bicycle is actually a delivery man, brother long is even more angry.

A delivery man dares to fight him.

As the owner of the bar, brother long is full of the spirit of the world. He is usually called the boss. No matter where he goes, everyone smiles and respects him.

Brother long became arrogant day by day. Today, he was provoked by a delivery man.

Brother long can't bear it.

"What if I don't move?"

Chu Chen light answer.

If brother Long's attitude is better, Chu Chen will move the car. It doesn't matter.

But as soon as he comes up, brother Long's attitude makes Chu Chen unhappy.


Hear Chu Chen's words, no matter be long Ge, still deputy manager all froze.

How dare the boy say that.

"Yo, there's something interesting."

Brother long looks at Chu Chen with a funny smile on his face.

"Dare to talk to me like that, you are the first one."

"Why do we move?" Bai Lingling said angrily.

There are a lot of parking spaces here.


"Deputy manager Liu, tell him why?"

"The one in front of us is brother long, the owner of Zihuang bar, who is worth nearly 100 million. He is also a gold card member of our snow banquet."

Deputy manager Liu spoke.

"Do you hear me, boy? I'm a gold card member. How about you?" Brother long asked with disdain:

"what kind of member are you, VIP?"

"I'm not a member..." Chu Chen said.

Originally Chu Chen wanted to show his identity directly, saying that he was not a member, but he was the boss here.

But Chu Chen's last words haven't come out yet, elder brother long interrupts Chu Chen.

"Boy, you are not even a member. What do you pretend to be with me?"

"Poor hanging silk."

Brother Long's face is full of arrogance.

"Move the car for me and apologize to me."

"Yes, apologize to brother long." Vice manager Liu agreed.

At this time, more and more passers-by gathered around to watch the excitement.

Hear elder brother Long's words, looking at Chu Chen's take out uniform, they instantly understand.

"Why are you discriminating?"

"Yes, the takeaway boy has worked so hard. Why do you have to be so embarrassed? Just because you are a member here?"

"That's to say, who stipulates that we must park cars and bicycles in parking spaces? There are so many parking spaces here. Why do you stop here? "

"It's all the customers of the banquet in the snow. You can park the car. Why can't the takeout kid?"

Many onlookers hold injustice for Chu Chen and speak for him.

Hearing these comments, brother long sneered:

"just because I'm a member here, just because I'm worth more than 100 million, you poor pens are nothing!"

Hearing this, the onlookers were very angry, but looking at the tattoo on brother Long's arm and the Qi of the river, they dare to be angry.

"Deputy manager Liu, get rid of this boy. I don't want to see him again."

Longge ordered.

"Well... OK."

Deputy manager Liu thought for a moment and nodded.

"I think it's you who should be kicked out." Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"You still want to drive me out. Do you have that qualification? Why?" Brother long didn't pay attention to Chu Chen's words at all.

"I'm the boss here."

Just because I'm the boss here?

Everyone was confused.

Is this take out boy the boss of the banquet in the snow?

Oh, my God!

"Boy, who are you cheating on?""Just you, the boss of the banquet in the snow, do you deserve it?"

Brother long laughs and orders harshly.

"Even if you've been taking out for 100 years, you can't afford one percent of the banquet in the snow."

"Get out of here!"

Not only brother long, but also the onlookers didn't believe Chu Chen's words. They began to persuade Chu Chen to bear this tone.

"Don't be angry, little brother. This is the society now. Bear with it."

"Yes, little brother, the heroes don't have to suffer losses. Let's leave first."

Next to him, deputy manager Liu has some doubts. He seems to have heard some rumors before.

"Deputy manager Liu, don't you do it yet?" Brother long urged.

Hearing this, deputy manager Liu is not thinking much. He has no choice at this stage.

What's more, how could a delivery man be the mysterious rich man?

"You two get him out of here."

The guard nodded and went to Chu Chen.

"What's the matter?"

"What's the fuss?"

There was a voice of discontent.

A fat man came up.

He is Qiu Liangping, the general manager of xuezhongyan. Just now, in the office, he heard the noise outside.

Isn't that delaying their business?

So Qiu Liangping came out.

"Mr. Qiu?"

See the general manager out, deputy manager Liu quickly flatter the mouth.

This is his boss's boss.

"Mr. Qiu, this delivery boy is making trouble here. I'm going to have him driven out."

Deputy manager Liu came to Qiu Liangping's side, and the villains complained first.

"What did you say?"

Seeing Chu Chen and hearing vice manager Liu's words, Qiu Liangping was stunned.

"Mr. Qiu..."


Without waiting for deputy manager Liu to speak, Qiu Liangping slapped deputy manager Liu in the face.

"I think it's you who should be driven out!"

"What are you, dare to say that to President Chu?"

Qiu Liangping yelled at deputy manager Liu, furious in his heart.

How did his men raise such a rubbish idiot?

Actually to find their snow shadow catering group's second largest shareholder trouble!

He is just the general manager of a restaurant under the snow shadow group.

How could his subordinates provoke the president of Chu?

If you want to go by yourself, don't take him!


The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Qiu Liangping slapped deputy manager Liu five or six times in a row.

After the fight, Qiu Liangping quickly turned around and came to Chu Chen, respectfully said:

"Mr. Chu, you come here, let us shine here."

President Chu?

Looking at all this, the onlookers were shocked.

This delivery boy is really the boss here?!

As for elder brother long, who was still tough just now, he withered in an instant.

Are you kidding?

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