After seeing Chu Chen, the man in suit handed Chu Chen two exquisite gift boxes.


Just look at the gift box, you know it's absolutely valuable!

People stare at the two gift boxes in Chu Chen's hands, and they are curious to the extreme. What rare fruits are in them.


Professor Cui and Ding Zhaoyuan were very surprised.

Can a delivery man afford such a valuable thing?

Looking at the packaging alone, they guessed that the contents were at least ten thousand.

"Mr. Chu, are the Zengcheng Gualv litchi and Roman Ruby grapes calculated together with your previous order or separately?"

The man in suit asked politely.



Hearing the man in the suit, everyone in the ward was stunned.

Such an expensive gift box, which put litchi and grapes, these two very common fruits?

In their imagination, there should be precious fruits that they have never heard of.

But they were disappointed.

"Well, I thought it was something good?" Ding Zhaoyuan spoke scornfully.

Isn't it just some litchi and grapes?

No matter how powerful it is, it's just like your own super white strawberry.

Also made such a luxury packing box, what kind of packing?

"Lao Gao, you are a student with some interesting ideas."

"A little grape and litchi, even so packaged?"

Professor Cui spoke sarcastically.

"The money goes with it."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"OK, the total price is 330000 this time. The total price of the 10 strings of Roman Ruby grapes you ordered before is 710000, and the total price is 1.04 million. Manager Li said that you are our distinguished guest, and you can charge a total of 1 million."

"Well, help me to thank manager Li." Chu Chen nodded.

After that, the man in suit left.

Chu Chen turns around with two gift boxes and is surprised to find that everyone in the room is looking at him. No, to be more precise, it's the gift box in his hand. His expression is dull.

The total price this time is 330000?

That is to say, the fruit in these two gift boxes is worth 330000?

How is that possible?

330000 lychees and grapes?

I'm afraid it's not made of gold, and it's decorated with diamonds, right?

Professor Cui and Ding Zhaoyuan, in particular, have an incredible look. They don't believe that litchi and grapes are so expensive.

"Teacher, this is the fruit I brought you. Have a taste."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"Little Chu, open it and let's have a look?" At this time, the teacher's mother sitting there could not help but speak.


With that, Chu Chen opened two gift boxes, one containing two strings of Roman Ruby grapes, and the other containing more than 60 Zengcheng green lychees.

They really look much better than ordinary grapes and litchi, but they are not 330000 in any way, which is comparable to a good car.

"Xiao Chu, are these fruits really three hundred and thirty thousand?" Asked the teacher's mother.


Chu Chen nodded, Rome Ruby grapes needless to say, imported more than 70000.

This Zengcheng hanging green litchi, more than 60, worth nearly 190000, one is equivalent to two or three thousand.

Actually, it's cheap.

The most expensive green Lichee in Zengcheng, 550000 yuan!

Yes, one, not one jin!

Last time, mom and dad said that grapes taste good, so once back in Jiangzhou, Chu Chen specially asked someone to order, that is, manager Li.

Knowing that the teacher was ill, Chu Chen called manager Li and asked if there was any suitable fruit?

Because this kind of expensive fruit is too rare, manager Li transferred it from other places overnight and sent it here directly.

"It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. The main reason is that they taste good, especially the Roman Ruby grapes."

Chu Chen opened his mouth, Zengcheng hanging green litchi Chu Chen has not tasted, but hongma Ruby grape is really delicious.

Hearing Chu Chen's words, all the people on the scene took out their mobile phones. After checking, they were all stunned.


What Chu Chen said is actually true!

"I'll go!"

"Brother Chen, I'm a bull!"

"If you eat some fruit, you'll get the money for a good car. It's really powerful!"

Chu Chen's classmates completely believe that the rumor is true.

Chu Chen is really rich and handsome!

They are very proud.

With Chu Chen to support them, they don't have to be angry with Professor Cui.

Brother Chen, I'm a bull!

"Thank you, little Chu." The teacher's mother was very excited.

From the gift box, the teacher's mother took out five Zengcheng green lychees and five Roman Ruby grapes and went to Professor Cui."Professor Cui, just now you invited Lao Gao to eat white strawberries. Now, I also invite you to taste the fruits brought by Lao Gao's students."

"It's not expensive. It's only 330000."

"If there are few fruits, I'll give you five. Don't mind."

The teacher's mother said to Professor Cui with a smile on her face!

She felt extremely humiliated just now, but she was helpless and indignant.

Now, Chu Chen is here, and they have a chance to turn over.

So the teacher's mother "returned" what Professor Cui and Ding Zhaoyuan had just said to them.

They only gave three or four, and it was one.

Did you give them five or two?

Not only the teacher's mother, but also the others were elated.

As for Professor Cui and Ding Zhaoyuan, they were even more stunned.

Just checked the information, these two kinds of fruits are really such a sky high price!

A delivery man, a hand is 330000?

Are you kidding them?

Is it better to make money on delivery than to be a supervisor?

Ding Zhaoyuan thought.

Professor Cui is looking at the grapes and litchi in a daze, the expression is extremely complex, green for a while.

This time, it's Professor Cui's turn.

Professor Cui here, besides Ding Zhaoyuan, there are several students. Because Ding Zhaoyuan is so excellent, they look like green leaves.

"I remember, brother yuan, did you find a very good expert for the professor?"

In order to pull back a game, a boy talked.

For the sake of Professor Cui, Ding Zhaoyuan went out of his way to find a top expert for surgery.

"Of course."

Hearing this, Ding Zhaoyuan's eyes brightened.

Even if delivery is making money, who can I know?

But I'm the director of a foreign enterprise, and I've known a lot of big people over time.

Their strong network of contacts, network, is definitely not a rich takeout can be compared.

"This time, for the sake of my teacher, I tried my best to find a lot of important people, and finally helped my teacher contact the most famous surgical expert in Jiangzhou, Dr. Yan Shi."

Ding Zhaoyuan shows off.

"Brother yuan, he's a cow. Is he actually doctor Yan?"

"That's not for ordinary people."

His mother's face changed slightly.

"What's the matter, ma'am?" Chu Chen wondered.

"Well, the one who will operate on Mr. Gao in a few days is an inexperienced young doctor. I'm afraid that something will go wrong."

Originally, Professor Gao and Professor Cui were all operated by the same doctor, but Professor Cui found an expert.

"Well, leave it to me." Chu Chen opens his mouth.


The teacher's mother was a little embarrassed.

"No trouble, just a phone call."

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