Chu Chen is the shareholder of Lingyun capital, and Lingyun capital is the largest shareholder of Ren'ai hospital.

It's a small idea to invite an expert.

No trouble. Just a phone call?

Professor Cui and the students scoff at Chu Chen's words.

Ding Shaoyuan, in particular, sneered.

Are experts so easy to hire?

"Nowadays, people don't use their brains to brag and boast?" Ding Zhaoyuan sneered.

In order to invite Yan Shi, doctor Yan didn't know how much energy and money he spent.

In order to invite Yan Shi, Ding Zhaoyuan used all his connections and spent nearly 100000 to get a place.

This still depends on the face of foreign enterprises behind him. Without this background, even if we add more money, we may not be able to get Dr. Yan.

Now, a delivery boy, actually said to invite experts, a phone call thing?

Who believes that?

"Who are you talking about?"

"Keep your mouth clean."

"Brother Chen said that. It must be a piece of cake. You don't have to question it."

Several of Chu Chen's classmates immediately refuted.

"Ha ha, I think brother yuan is right. Are experts so good to invite?"

"A phone call, who does this boy think he is?"

Professor Cui's students also stand up one after another to speak for Ding Shaoyuan and confront Chu Chen's classmates.

"Xiaochen, don't bother so much."

Mr. Gao opened his mouth. Of course, he knew how complicated it was to invite experts, so he didn't want to add trouble to Chu Chen.

"It's all right, teacher."

Take out the mobile phone, Chu Chen dialed Zheng Yunfeng, the president of Ren'ai hospital.


When the telephone was dialed, Zheng Yunfeng's random voice came.

"I'm Chu Chen. I have something to ask you for help."

Chu Chen?

Isn't that the shareholder of Lingyun capital?

Zheng Yunfeng immediately got up in spirits and said, "Mr. Chu is very kind. Please don't invite me. As I said before, you can tell me something."

This is one of the major shareholders of Lingyun capital. He can't afford to offend.

"Well, one of my elders is going to have an operation and want to hire an expert."

"This? It's on me. "

Zheng Yunfeng patted his chest to guarantee.

I don't dare to say anything else, but in the medical field, especially in Jiangzhou medical field, he can be regarded as a big man. It's a small matter to invite an expert.

"Tell me the specific situation so that I can find the corresponding experts."

Chu Chen hands his mobile phone to his teacher's mother and asks her to introduce the teacher to Zheng Yunfeng.

A minute later, Chu Chen takes back his cell phone.

"Mr. Chu, I see. I'll contact you right away."

Zheng Yunfeng said.

"Please give me three minutes."

To find an expert for Mr. Chu, of course, we need the best one. Now the hottest surgical expert in Jiangzhou is Yan Shi.

Although the layman is very good at Yan Shi, the layman, especially the older generation, is a young man.

How can Yan Shi introduce him to Mr. Chu?

At this time, Zheng Yunfeng thought of a real expert.

Jin Yu, Jin Lao, a great man in Jiangzhou medical field.

However, it's a bit troublesome to ask him, so Zheng Yunfeng asked Chu Chen to give him three minutes.

"All right."

Hang up the phone, Chu Chen waiting for Zheng Yunfeng's reply.

"How's it going?" The teacher's mother couldn't help asking.

"He's looking for it. It'll take a while."

Chu Chen answers.

"Ha ha, it will take a little time?"

"If you are so perfunctory, you can believe it. It's too simple."

Ding Zhaoyuan opened his mouth and said that simplicity is good, but the worst is that he has no brain.

So obviously perfunctory, can't you hear it?

"That's right. Just one more call?"

"You're blowing the bull."

"It's ridiculous to say that now."

Professor Cui's students sneered scornfully.

But Chu Chen's several schoolmates want to refute, actually has nothing to say.

It really sounds perfunctory.

Three minutes later, Chu Chen's mobile phone rang.

"Mr. Chu, I've made arrangements for you. Can Mr. Jin do the operation himself in three days?"

Zheng Yunfeng asked.

In order to invite Mr. Jin, he worked hard.

"Jin Lao, three days later, you can."

Chu Chen nodded.

"Thank you this time."

"It's my pleasure to help Mr. Chu." Zheng Yunfeng replied.Hang up the phone, Chu Chen just told the teacher.

"Three days later, old Kim."

"All right."

Mr. Gao and his mother are very happy. With the help of experts, the risk of surgery will certainly be reduced.

"Mr. Jin?"

"Never heard of it?"

"Listen to the name, should be very old, can he still operate?"

Ding Zhaoyuan's side, several people have discussed.

None of them had heard of the old king.

"What kind of elder Jin, can he compare with Dr. Yan Shi and Dr. Yan?"

Ding Zhaoyuan also disdained to shake his head.

Just finished, Ding Zhaoyuan's mobile phone rang, a look, it was actually doctor Yan Shiyan, Ding Zhaoyuan immediately polite mouth.

"Hello, doctor Yan."

"Well, the operation will be cancelled in three days, and it will be done in five days. Mr. Jin will have the operation in three days. I'll go to work for him and observe and study."

After that, Dr. Yan hung up directly.

He didn't come to discuss with Ding Zhaoyuan at all. He just gave a notice.

Ding Zhaoyuan holding a mobile phone, Leng in situ.

What did Dr. Yan say just now?

Mr. Jin's operation, he wants to give Mr. Jin a hand, observe and learn?

Oh, my God!

This is the famous doctor Yan.

Even doctor Yan said that. How terrible is old Jin?

"Why, brother yuan?"

Someone patted Ding Zhaoyuan on the shoulder.

"Three days later, Dr. Yan was going to give a hand to Mr. Jin to observe and study, so the professor's operation was postponed to five days later."

Ding Zhaoyuan sighed and told the truth.

All of a sudden, people petrified.

Just now they said that Kim is always a little expert?

As a result, even Dr. Yan had to work for Mr. Jin to learn from him?

This is the real big expert.

At the moment, looking at Chu Chen, a sense of awe rose in everyone's heart.

It's amazing.

"Xiao Chu, why is it so easy for you to hire experts?" The teacher's mother was very puzzled.

"I'm a shareholder in yan'ai hospital." Chu Chen answers.

Benevolence hospital, it's a big hospital.

Chu Chen is actually a shareholder there?


Absolutely rich.

At the moment, people finally understand why Chu Chen can buy 330000 fruits casually, and invite a big expert by phone.

Looking at Chu Chen, Ding Zhaoyuan couldn't speak for a long time.

"Wicked rich man."

For a long time, Ding Zhaoyuan sighed.

It turns out that delivery is the evil taste of this rich man.

"Do you think rich people are happy?" Chu Chen asked.

Hearing this, people were stunned and didn't know how to answer.

Ding Zhaoyuan is suddenly realized, thought of his boss, this just began.

"Rich people are not happy either."

"They have meetings every day, work overtime every day, and often don't have time to rest."

"And we have to run all over the country, even all over the world, all kinds of business trips, and we can't accompany our families."

So this is the life of the rich?

For a moment, people are not so envious.

People also understand that this little brother is encouraging them not to be envious. The life of the rich is not good.

This little brother is a good man who returns good for bad.


Chu Chen gave a dry cough.

"I haven't finished what I said just now. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Chu Chen said to Ding Zhaoyuan: "do you think rich people are happy? Yes, very happy indeed, very happy! "

"You don't understand the happiness of money."


Hear here, Ding Zhaoyuan several people instant vomit blood!

Is there such a blow to people?!

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