Chapter 373

After a while, everything returned to silence.

Then a huge shock wave swept around, all exposed objects were cut at high speed by the rolled small stones, and countless human races were not immune to being killed in the ravaged gravel bombs.

Except for the Kuafu clan, the human clan and Yuan Qingjun were instantly defeated, and the two forces died at the same time.

The howling shock wave swept across again…

When the storm dissipated, Xing Tian lay on the ground dying, and dense cracks appeared on his body.

“It’s over, you are a strong man, like our Witch Clan, but… you provoke the Heavenly Dao Sect, so… you have to die!” Mo Li said, raising the mahogany stick again.

Xing Tian opened his weak eyes and looked at Mo Li with a look full of unwillingness.

Once, he was the strongest genius in the history of the Xingtian clan!

At the moment before Death, Xing Tian had a sense of sentiment.

The world is huge, and sure enough there are many geniuses stronger than me.

Slowly closing his eyes, when the peach stick was about to hit him, Xing Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and then grabbed Yuan Qing’s place.

The Xingtian Bone Axe in the sky suddenly slid down, enshrouding Yuan Qing who was still in surprise, and then quickly slid towards the boundless four seas.

Mo Li was startled and wanted to stop him, but it was too late at this time.

Looking at the Xingtian Bone Axe that disappeared at the end, Mo Li felt angry because he felt that he had not fulfilled the Heavenly Dao Sect’s order to kill all the invaders.

Accompanied by his roar, the peach stick fell suddenly!

At the moment Death came, all Xing Tian had in his eyes was relief.

He has been too tired in this life, he has given up everything for the sake of the people, it is time to take a rest.

With the golden light, everything was torn apart by the light…

“Xiaoqing, you are my Xingtian’s apprentice. Even if you are a member of the Xingtian clan, you are the only one left in the Xingtian clan. Don’t fight for anything anymore. Stay alive and promise me!”

Yuan Qing, who was in the middle of the infinite Fa Hua, gritted his teeth, listening to Xing Tian’s last words left to him.

This master once gave up freedom for the people of his tribe, and this time gave up his life for him, which made Yuan Qing’s heart full of hatred and guilt.

“Master, I, Yuan Qing, swear here that this enmity will be avenged! May your undead rest in peace!” Yuan Qing’s eyes flashed with resentment, looking at the direction of Hangu Pass.

Boundless everywhere.

Xing Tian Bone Axe galloped from a distance, and then suddenly shot into the water, continuously diving downward.

The invasion of Hangu Pass made Yuan Qing lose everything. He knew that he couldn’t stand up again with his own power.

Such a deep hatred made Yuan Qing completely mad, so he had a crazy idea, and this was the only way to make him rise again.

Xing Tian’s Bone Axe shuttles continuously under the water…

Soon, a huge statue appeared in his sight.

Around, weird magic circle, condensed here.

With a trace of hatred in Yuan Qing’s eyes, he raised Xing Tian’s bone axe high and faced the huge statue with an axe.

In an instant, countless sounds like the howling of ghosts suddenly sounded.

When Yuan Qing’s feet touched the seal, countless voices rang in his mind.

Jiejie’s weird smile, hoarse roar, sad cry…

“Xing Tian… death… death… Xing Tian death…”

“Humph!” Yuan Qing snorted coldly, drove all the voices out of her mind, and then lowered her body to look at the seal and said, “Do you want to come out? Molihai!”

Yuan Qing’s words fell, and the murderous aura that was still spreading around disappeared, and a skeleton face slowly formed at the seal: “Xingtian…death!”

“I am not Xing Tian, ​​I just ask if you want to come out. If you don’t want to come out, I think Xing Tian will live forever and suppress you here!”

When negotiating with this grievance that had been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years, Yuan Qing would naturally not say that Xing Tian was already dead, otherwise he was afraid that these grievances would riot and crazily attack the seal.

There is no Xing Tian, ​​and Yuan Qing knows this in his heart that he can never resist the injustice soul of 300,000 heavenly soldiers and generals.

“Who are you…can you let us…come out.” One would cry, another would be angry, another would wailing, the voice under the seal was constantly changing.

“I can let you out, but what can you give me?”

“I can…give you to die…” A sharp laugh came from below, making Yuan Qing’s face pale.

“It looks like you never want to come out!” Yuan Qing snorted coldly.

“What do you want… You seem to be longing for the power of the dead… I feel it!”

“Yes, let me command your 300,000 dead souls, I will take them to kill, take them to devour all lives!”

“It’s a good condition… I like it… But do you really dare?”

After Molihai’s voice fell, a deadly Medicine Pill slowly emerged from the seal.

“Do you dare… Jie Jie Jie… You might really die after eating!”

Yuan Qing glanced at Medicine Pill, reached out and took it in his hand.

Suddenly the death breath began to surround his hands, his arms instantly turned black, and the strange power continuously penetrated into his body, destroying his body functions.

“If I can give me the strength I want, I will let you out!” Yuan Qing resolutely swallowed Medicine Pill into his mouth.


Death aura spread all over Yuan Qing’s body in an instant, his eyes gradually turned into black as Xing Tian, ​​a black air current flowed in and out of his body, Yuan Qing began to roar in pain.

“Hahaha…Enjoy the last moment of your life…” Looking at Yuan Qing who was howling in pain, the voice below laughed wildly.

After this battle, the human race once again felt the insignificance of its own power.

In the face of the power that destroys the world, no matter how large they are, they still can’t compete with it.

But this battle also brought huge gains to the human race.

A large number of Death’s Yuan Qingjun soldiers brought countless demon crystals to them.

After the war, the human races consumed a lot of demon crystals to Ascension their own strength, and the overall strength of the human race forces ascension once again.


At this time, Cao Baoling is in the treasure pavilion.

Cao Bao, Dai Li, Xu Gai, and Dou Rong stared at each other, and none of them spoke.

“Cao Bao, I didn’t expect you to become so weak!” The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and Xu Gai said at this time.

“I said why your cloak looks so familiar!” Cao Bao didn’t answer directly, but looked at Xu Gai’s form and fell into contemplation.

“Cough…” Xu Gai couldn’t help but cough, the corners of his mouth were bitter and his face was embarrassed.

After all, he sneaked into Hangu Pass at the beginning, thinking that Cao Bao was still that terrifying powerhouse, and this embarrassing thing happened.

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