Chapter 374

“Speaking of Cao Bao, since we all have the idea of ​​surrendering to the Heavenly Dao Sect, why don’t the people of the Heavenly Dao Sect come out to meet us?” Dou Rong also asked curiously.

“Don’t worry, these people in Heavenly Dao are just like this. Maybe they will come up. Anyway, just wait, but you have to be mentally prepared. Surrender is not that simple.” Cao Bao couldn’t help but remind. .

“Does it mean that you still have to swear allegiance to Dadao? To prevent betrayal, it is normal to do so.” Xu Gai frowned.

“Then you are too naive to think. When you got on this thief ship, the door of the ship was welded to death, and you can’t get off.” Dai Li said quietly on the side.

When Xu Gai and Dou Rong heard this, they were immediately embarrassed.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the room, the dark figure was obscured by the mist, and it was impossible to see the person’s appearance at all.

“Xu Gai, Dou Rong, this seat is here!”

Seeing the people coming, both Xu Gai and Dou Rong were shocked. After a little thought, they both faced Chu Feng and bowed and shouted: “Farewell to Heavenly Dao Sect Leader!”

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng took out a piece of Bai Juan in his hand very casually, and saw that it was densely written with this unknown number of lines.

“Read it, it’s a family after reading it!” Chu Feng said with a smile.

“Heavenly Dao Sect Leader, how does this Dao swear feel different from before.” Xu Gai and Dou Rong raised their heads in confusion.

“Don’t ask so much, just read it right, what’s you afraid of, did you read it all without seeing me!” Cao Bao urged on the side, but he was secretly refreshed.

After all, two people will suffer together with him, it’s so beautiful.

After looking at each other, the two finally started reading according to the words in their minds.

For about an hour, Xu Gai and Dou Rong looked dull.

I don’t know what happened…

“Well, let me tell you, this thief ship can’t get off, now it’s hard for you to die!” Dai Li smiled.

“My king, I am a pill refining teacher, do I need to provide it to the human race to teach the pill refining method?”

As Dai Li said, now that he has boarded this ship, Xu Gai has already made plans to follow, so he took the initiative to put forward the idea of ​​helping the human race develop.

“Xu Gai, you and Dou Rong will go back first and continue to be your secret agents. At this stage, the strength of the human race still needs to be developed, so you continue to go back to be your master. As for the harassment of the human race, keep your eyes open. Just look at it, and when the time is right, I will tell the big merchants to join in!”

Xu Gai and Dou Rong were bitter when they heard it.

I thought that after getting on this boat, I could finally relax, but I didn’t expect to have to wait for the human race to become stronger.


The last two men still bowed and agreed.

Seeing that the two agreed, Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

“very good!”

After speaking, Chu Feng’s figure disappeared in place.

After Chu Feng left, the four fell silent again.

“Don’t complain, Dashang becomes stronger, and you are also good, after all, we are now a force.” Cao Bao said when Chu Feng left.

Prehistoric, the edge of Hangu Pass.

A wretched figure was slowly deepening, behind him, followed by a tall, dull figure.

After reaching the depths of the Jiepai Pass, Lu Chen appeared a little nervous, because this place was Xu Gai’s territory, and the human races who came here in the past would definitely be brutally hit by Xu Gai.

But this time, Lu Chen was surprised to find that, except for the skirmishers, none of the powerful creatures appeared, which made Lu Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

After walking for about an hour again, watching the boundary appear, Lu Chen tears in his eyes.

If you don’t stay here, you have a place to stay!

Lu Chen, who walked out of the dense forest, faced the warm sunshine and moved forward with a relaxed pace. He felt that New Life was already beckoning him.

Goodbye, the golden rope, goodbye, the human races who regard me as the plague god, in the future, I will have friendship and love.

The dream of a bright future in his mind made Lu Chen’s face a bright smile.

Then he quickened his pace and planned to make some new friends first. After all, he had been alone for a long time, and he always felt lonely. It was time to chat with other human races.

At this time, the corpse worm on his body began to tremble constantly.

Lu Chen, who subconsciously took out the corpse worm, was surprised to find that the corpse worm was shaking quite violently.

However, this time Lu Chen didn’t locate it, and he wondered whether he should dig it or not.

The recent grave digging has allowed him to dig out a psychological shadow, for fear that it will be a seal again.

After struggling with his thoughts, Lu Chen finally decided to go and take a look.

So he started to release the corpse worm and followed forward.

When he came to a hillside with weeds, Lu Chen stopped: “This is it!”

Then he subconsciously took out the shovel and was about to dig, but he immediately became entangled.

“It’s not a seal again!”

I spoke for a while, the soul of death was burning, and the wickedness in the blood of plague broke out again.

I’ll just dig it, and I won’t dig if the situation is wrong! Well, it was so decided.

So Lu Chen took out two shovel, handed them to the corpse of Captain Da Zhou, and began to stand on the hillside and shovel down.

After about half an hour, Lu Chen dug a big pit and shoveled it down again, but suddenly he felt loose under his feet, and then his body fell suddenly and fell into the pit below.

Upon seeing the corpse of Xiao Wei Wei, Da Zhou, he also jumped in.

It was pitch black in the tomb below, Lu Chen quickly stood up, his eyes condensed slightly, and began to sweep around.

Suddenly discovered that this place seemed to be a prison, with ten cells inside, surrounded by countless runes outside, which seemed to prevent internal creatures from escaping.

This made Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this was not a tomb, and the body of the strong man who died here was definitely not a seal. You can dig it up now.

Walking forward along the dark passage, Lu Chen lay on the edge of the cell, trying to see what was there.

This first iron prison was just scattered with a pile of bones. The skeleton was huge, and it didn’t look like a humanoid creature. However, these bones were corroded by the years and couldn’t be used to refine corpses.

This made Lu Chen couldn’t help sighing and walked to the second prison.

The result was still like this, a pile of dead bones, and nothing of value existed at all. He tried to touch the metal railing of the cage, and suddenly the rusty metal powder fell down.

How many years has this place existed? Lu Chen showed horrified eyes.

Lu Chen couldn’t imagine how many years it had existed here to turn all the metal into scrap iron.

A seat supervisor inspected the past, and Lu Chen found that the creatures here were all dead bones, and there were no useful things at all. This made Lu Chen very regretful, thinking that he was going to return without success this time.

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