The ancient world is boundless.

However, with Buzhou Mountain as the center, it spreads out in all directions.

It is divided into the East, South, West, and North wildernesses.

Outside the four wildernesses, there is an endless vast land.

However, as you get farther away from Buzhou Mountain, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and your understanding of the Tao will become lower.

Except for some special places.

For example, the blood sea where the filthy blood of Pangu gathered after his death.

There are also the ruins of the North Sea, the Dragon Palace of the East Sea, the Fire Realm of the South, the Mysterious Sea of the North, and so on.

Of course, the most special place is the Heaven Beyond Heaven.

That place is either the Taoist temple of a saint or Hongjun's Purple Sky Palace.

"I came here to find a backer. Now I have found one, but I have also sacrificed my life."

Although the Northern Wilderness is far away from Mount Buzhou and is considered a remote place, all the people in the world are fighting for supremacy between witches and demons.

For no other reason.

The witches believed that Pangu opened up the entire wilderness and that this was the world of their father, so they could manage it on his behalf.

But the demons are different. They plunder the world, the strong prey on the weak, and everything they see can be obtained with their fists.

Now the second war between witches and demons is about to begin, and Wu Wudi happened to meet Dijiang's sight.

Who made Wu Wudi's newly formed tribe the strongest in the Northern Wilderness?

Although the vanguard brigade sounds good, it also has to bear corresponding responsibilities.

But now that Dijiang's mission has been issued, if you want to avoid it, you must go to the front line and fight....That is simply impossible.

The war between wizards and liches is related to the survival of the race.

This is a matter of prosperity and loss for all, unless Wu Wudi can reach a state of self-preservation.

For example, Hou Tu turned into the six reincarnations of hell and became an alternative saint.

But for Wu Wudi, this kind of ending of being trapped in one place is not something he has ever considered.

"Crisis also represents opportunity. Now the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu has ordered me to be the vanguard of the Northern Wasteland."

"Can it be understood that the entire witch tribe in the Northern Wilderness must obey my orders?"

A tribe of nearly 10,000 people read the novel I wrote, and the simultaneous harvest allowed me to rush to the Golden Witch realm. What if there are 100,000, 1 million, 10 million, or 100 billion witches?

You have to know that there are more than 100 billion witches walking in the prehistoric world.

Take the Northern Wilderness as an example. There are not 100 billion, but at least 10 trillion witches.

"Chai Zhi, Ni You, Wu Fan, Wu Kong, Chai Wan, Ni Huo!!!"

Now that we have made up our minds, we must prepare in advance.

""I am here."

Wu Wudi is the strongest, and after him are the six witches in the Xuanwu realm.

"The Ancestral Witch Mark has been obtained. Our Invincible Tribe will become the Northern Wilderness Vanguard and will begin preparing for war from today!"


The witches roared. They were warlike by nature.

When they heard that the war between witches and liches was coming, they were not afraid at all. Instead, they were excited.

At the same time, the tribes in various parts of the Northern Wilderness also received the order from the ancestor witch Dijiang.

The Dahan tribe

"What the hell is the Invincible Tribe?"

"Why did the Emperor Jiang Zuwu hand over the vanguard brigade to him? If he had to hand it over, it should be to our Dahan tribe."

"That is, if it really doesn't work, then Wanshan and Guihuo tribes will also work."

"After all, within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers, only our three tribes have a celestial witch."

Just now, there was a change in the altar, but it was an order from the ancestor witch Dijiang.

The war between witches and demons will begin soon, and all witches in the Northern Wilderness must obey the orders of Wu Wudi, the leader of the Wudi tribe.

"Everyone, this is the order of Emperor Jiang, we cannot disobey it!!"

Pangu is the belief of all witches, and the twelve witch ancestors are the gods of the witch clan.

"Who said we were going to disobey?"

"What's wrong with brothers fighting when they meet?"

Dahan spoke, and the witches' eyes lit up.

"Haha, the leader is the leader"

"If the opponent loses a fight, it will be too embarrassing to be the vanguard team."

"As expected of our leader, this method does not violate the order of the ancestor witch Dijiang, and can also make the other party retreat."

The witches below couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

It was because they were full of confidence in the strength of their leader Dahan.

The witch clan has hundreds of billions and billions of people, and they are distributed in the prehistoric land.

But the really powerful ones all went to Mount Buzhou.

Because there is Pangu Hall in Mount Buzhou, there is a blood pool inside, which is the place where the innate witch clan is nurtured.

And these capable acquired witches will also find a way to enter the Pangu blood pool for washing.

Even if they can't be washed, they can get endless benefits under the hands of the ancestor witch all year round.

And as a heavenly witch, Dahan is also considered a powerful heavenly witch among the witch clans in the Northern Wilderness.

"You are a little too arrogant. You want to challenge our leader with your limited strength!!"

Shu Xun appeared in the Dahan tribe quietly, and when he heard what they said before he appeared, he was furious.

"Hey, who is this guy? Why does he look so unfamiliar to me?"

"Who cares who he is? He actually dared to speak nonsense in front of our leader. Let's teach him a lesson first."

Shu Xun opened his mouth, but it aroused the dissatisfaction of the witches.

After all, this is the Great Cold Tribe. In their minds, Pangu the Father God is the first, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are the second, and the leader is the third.

Now someone dares to insult the leader, even if he is found to be a witch at the first time, he cannot be easily forgiven.

Gan Fan grinned and punched Shu Xun in the cheek.

He is the right-hand man of the Great Cold, and his strength is at the peak of the late stage of the Earth Witch.

With this punch, not to mention the witch, even a thousand-foot-high mountain can't bear it.


The void roared, and ripples appeared.

""Hey, where did it go?"

Gan was surprised. He threw this punch with anger.

It was fast and urgent.

Not to mention the same realm, even the leader Dahan would have to retreat.

But with such confidence, he didn't even touch the opponent's shadow.

""Gan Fan, behind, behind!!"

As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused, but those who are watching can see clearly.

The people watching around were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Just because the moment Gan Fan threw a punch, the opponent had already appeared behind Gan Fan.

When the roar sounded, if the opponent wanted to attack during this period, Gan Fan would have been dead by now.

So the witches present were all running around in a hurry.

"Behind, what behind?"

Gan was puzzled, because according to his perception, there was no movement behind.

"Hey, is this all your strength?"

Shu Xun sneered, and his black palm silently pressed on Gan Fan's back.


Feeling the terrifying power on his back, Gan Fan's dark face turned pale.

As a witch, and also Dahan's right-hand man, he was not afraid of death.

But it did not mean that he had no fear.

He was completely afraid of Shu Xun's mysterious ability.

"This brother is quite strong."

"But why do you have to bully the weak? Why don't we practice a few tricks together?"

Regardless of the reason, the Wu clan all love to protect their children.

Now that his men have been fooled, how can Dahan, as the leader, not stand up for him.

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